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Cyclist's dream destination in Vorarlberg, Austria.

Cycling routes from Bartholomaeberg

Bartholomäberg, located in Vorarlberg, Austria, is a cyclist's dream destination. The area offers breathtaking alpine landscapes, challenging climbs, and well-maintained roads for road and gravel cyclists. Cyclists can ride amidst towering mountains, pass crystal-clear lakes, and take in panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. Notable cycling-related spots nearby include the legendary Silvretta Hochalpenstraße and the Montafon Valley. Bartholomäberg is a must-visit destination for cyclists looking for unparalleled natural beauty and epic climbs.

A scenic cycling route from Bürs to Bludenz with breathtaking views

30 km
603 m

The Bürs-Bludenz Loop is a picturesque cycling route that takes you from the quaint village of Bürs to the historic town of Bludenz. The route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and passes through charming countryside. With a total distance of 30 kilometers, this intermediate-level route is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists. The ascent of 603 meters adds a challenging element to the ride, making it a rewarding and satisfying experience. Along the way, you'll encounter several highlights, including the charming town of Bludenz and a scenic viewpoint with two benches where you can pause to take in the magnificent vistas. Overall, the Bürs-Bludenz Loop offers a fantastic cycling experience in the beautiful region of Vorarlberg.

0.2 km NE of Glän, gravel route

49 km
1886 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the charming rural landscapes of Vorarlberg. This route showcases the region's natural beauty and offers an exhilarating off-road cycling experience.

7.6 km SE of Silbertal, road route

179 km
5460 m

Embark on a challenging alpine pass tour that will push your cycling limits. This route takes you through breathtaking landscapes, scenic mountain passes, and picturesque villages.

Journey through the majestic Alpine scenery of Vorarlberg

143 km
4080 m

Embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes of Vorarlberg. This route takes you from Bartholomäberg to beautiful Silbertal and picturesque Klösterle, before heading to the challenging Schnauzlberg ascent. As you reach Arlberg, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment. Pedal through the charming villages of St. Anton am Arlberg and Strengen, and conquer the Zintlkopf climb. The route continues to the lively town of Ischgl and tranquil Galtür. Prepare for a thrilling ride on the winding roads of Bielerhöhe and enjoy the pristine beauty of Gaschurn. Look out for the Frohe Aussicht viewpoint and end your journey in the enchanting town of Schruns.

0.1 km S of Landschrofen-Känzili, road route

54 km
1176 m

Experience the best of Vorarlberg's landscapes and culture as you cycle through Schruns and beyond. This route offers a diverse mix of scenic views, charming villages, and challenging climbs.

9.3 km SE of Vandans, road route

143 km
4402 m

Embark on the ultimate alpine adventure through some of Vorarlberg's most iconic landscapes. This challenging route takes you to Bludenz, Fontanella, and beyond, offering breathtaking views and plenty of climbing.

3.3 km ESE of Landschrofen-Känzili, road route

73 km
1892 m

Uncover the hidden gems of Vorarlberg as you explore lesser-known villages and picturesque landscapes. This route takes you off the beaten path and offers a unique cycling experience.

A thrilling gravel route with breathtaking panoramas of Vorarlberg’s mountainous landscapes

92 km
4047 m

Embark on this 92 km gravel adventure that will take you through some of the most stunning landscapes in Vorarlberg. With a challenging ascent of 4047 m, this route is recommended for experienced gravel riders seeking jaw-dropping vistas and thrilling descents. From picturesque villages to alpine meadows, this ride offers a bit of everything for outdoor enthusiasts.

Traverse Vorarlberg's alpine terrain on this challenging gravel cycling expedition

128 km
4951 m

Prepare to be amazed by the beauty of Vorarlberg on this 128 km gravel journey. With a staggering ascent of 4951 m, this route is designed for experienced gravel riders craving a demanding adventure amidst untouched alpine landscapes. From quaint villages to high mountain passes, this expedition showcases the region's natural treasures at every turn.

An epic gravel cycling journey through Vorarlberg's stunning alpine landscapes

111 km
3378 m

This challenging 111 km gravel route takes cyclists through the breathtaking scenery of Vorarlberg. With a total ascent of 3378 m, the route offers a splendid challenge for experienced gravel riders. The mixture of mountainous terrain, picturesque villages, and stunning alpine peaks makes it a perfect choice for adventure lovers.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Schruns

Conquer epic mountain climbs and admire spectacular alpine landscapes in Schruns.

Image of Tschagguns

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking Alpine landscapes of Tschagguns on your bike.

Image of Vandans

Conquer the Montafon region's thrilling mountain roads and breathtaking views in Vandans.

Image of Bludenz

Cycling Paradise amidst Vorarlberg Mountains

Image of Bürs

Alpine Cycling Paradise in Vorarlberg

Image of Nüziders

Cycling Paradise in Vorarlberg, Austria

Image of Ludesch

Conquer the Austrian Alps in Ludesch.

Image of Thüringen

Cycling amidst alpine beauty in Vorarlberg

Image of Bludesch

Stunning alpine landscapes and legendary mountain climbs.

Nearby regions:

Image of Tirol

Conquering iconic climbs in the breathtaking alpine scenery of Tirol.

Image of Ostschweiz

Cycling in the Swiss cycling paradise of Ostschweiz

Image of Zentralschweiz

Cycling Paradise in the Heart of Switzerland

Image of Freiburg

Scenic rides and cycling culture await in Freiburg.

Image of Tübingen

Vibrant town and scenic cycling routes.

Image of Schwaben

Picturesque countryside and diverse cycling routes make Schwaben a must-visit for cyclists.

Image of Lombardia

Conquering legendary climbs in Lombardia

Image of Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen

Conquering legendary Dolomite mountain passes and embracing the dual cultures of Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen.

Image of Liechtenstein

Hidden gem with beautiful alpine scenery and diverse cycling routes.
