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Unforgettable cycling in the heart of Belgium.

Cycling routes from Couvin

Nestled in the Prov. Namur region of Belgium, Couvin offers a great cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The locality boasts a network of well-maintained roads and scenic landscapes that make cycling enjoyable. Cyclists also have the opportunity to challenge themselves with the famous climbs in the Ardennes region, such as La Redoute. With its cyclist-friendly amenities and stunning natural surroundings, Couvin is a must-visit location for cyclists seeking a memorable riding experience.

Embark on a road cycling journey to Presgaux, Regniowez, Antheny, Jeantes, Landouzy-la-Cour, Anor, Momignies, Lompret, Point de vue Camp Romain, and Boussu-en-Fagne.

129 km
1202 m

As an experienced cyclist, get ready for the ultimate road adventure through some of the most epic destinations near Couvin. Begin your journey at Presgaux, a charming village nestled amidst rolling hills, before conquering the challenging terrain towards hidden gems like Regniowez and Antheny. Enjoy the picturesque landscapes as you pedal through Jeantes and Landouzy-la-Cour, revealing breathtaking views at every turn. Immerse yourself in history at Anor, visit the quaint village of Momignies, and experience the tranquility of Lompret. Along the way, make sure to stop at the iconic Point de vue Camp Romain and soak in the stunning vistas before reaching the delightful Boussu-en-Fagne. This epic route is not for the faint-hearted, but the thrilling challenges and magnificent highlights make it an unforgettable cycling adventure.

A scenic gravel ride through Brûly, Cul-des-Sarts, and Pesche.

33 km
396 m

This distinctive route takes you through the charming Belgian countryside, passing through small villages, forests, and rolling hills. While the gravel terrain can be challenging at times, the stunning views and peaceful surroundings make it worth the effort. As you pedal through Brûly, Cul-des-Sarts, and Pesche, take a moment to appreciate the unique architecture and historical landmarks along the way. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, this route offers a delightful mix of scenery and adventure.

Explore the charming landscapes from Couvin to Rocroi

62 km
1087 m

This 62km gravel route takes you through the picturesque towns of Oignies-en-Thiérache, Roche des Mintch, and Revin. The highlight of the route is the Table d'orientation, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Rocroi, with its fortified walls and rich history, is a perfect destination to end this scenic cycling adventure.

Unearth the hidden wonders of Rièzes, Forge-Philippe, Baileux, and Pesche.

59 km
680 m

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure to some of the lesser-known gems near Couvin. From the enchanting forests of Rièzes to the historic ruins of Forge-Philippe and Baileux, this route offers a perfect blend of nature and culture. As you ride through Pesche, take a detour to explore its charming streets and experience the warm hospitality of the locals. While the terrain may be challenging at times, the incredible landscapes and unique highlights make it all worthwhile. Prepare to be amazed by the beauty and tranquility that await you along this unforgettable journey.

Discover the rugged beauty of the Ardennes on this thrilling gravel cycling route near Couvin.

62 km
755 m

Embark on an epic journey through picturesque Belgian landscapes, where rolling hills meet dense forests and charming villages. This route offers a perfect balance of challenge, stunning scenery, and cultural highlights.

Embark on a challenging 115km road cycling adventure through the Ardennes region

115 km
1515 m

This road cycling route covers 115km and lets you discover the hidden gems of Gué-d'Hossus, Table d'orientation, Haudrecy, Fagnon, Thin-le-Moutier, Aubigny-les-Pothées, Girondelle, Regniowez, and Presgaux. From scenic viewpoints and charming villages to tough climbs and peaceful countryside, this route guarantees a memorable cycling experience in the Ardennes. The tour culminates with a visit to the historical town of Rocroi.

Experience the beauty of Cerfontaine, Walcourt, Morialmé, Vodecée, Roly, and Tienne du Lion.

78 km
934 m

Get ready to be enchanted by the scenic beauty of the Belgian countryside as you pedal through charming villages and rolling hills. This road route takes you on a journey through picturesque landscapes, including the idyllic Cerfontaine, the historic town of Walcourt, the picturesque village of Morialmé, and the tranquil surroundings of Vodecée. Encounter breathtaking views and enjoy the peaceful ambiance as you cycle through Roly and Tienne du Lion, immersing yourself in the charm and beauty of the region. With moderate challenging sections and stunning highlights along the way, this route offers a delightful cycling experience for riders of all levels.

Experience the scenic beauty of the Meuse Valley on this 69km road cycling route

69 km
727 m

This road cycling route stretches across 69km and showcases the beauty of Tienne du Lion, Mariembourg, Romerée, Pointe Est du Fort de Charlemont, Ham-sur-Meuse, Vireux-Molhain, and Oignies-en-Thiérache. As you cycle along the peaceful Meuse River, immerse yourself in breathtaking landscapes and fascinating historical sites. The charming town of Oignies-en-Thiérache, with its picturesque architecture and tranquil ambiance, adds an extra touch of allure to this satisfying cycling tour.

A thrilling road ascent to Aublain, Solre-Saint-Géry, Lobbes, Montigny-le-Tilleul, Chastrès, Philippeville, Roly, and Boussu-en-Fagne.

125 km
1387 m

For experienced cyclists seeking an exhilarating challenge, this road route offers an unforgettable adventure filled with steep climbs and breathtaking descents. Ascend to picturesque hilltop destinations such as Aublain, Solre-Saint-Géry, Lobbes, Montigny-le-Tilleul, Chastrès, Philippeville, Roly, and Boussu-en-Fagne, revealing panoramic views of the sweeping countryside. While the route is demanding, the sense of accomplishment and the stunning vistas along the way make it truly epic. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the region as you conquer each challenging climb and savor the satisfaction of conquering this legendary ride.

Discover historical wonders on this 45km gravel cycling route

45 km
693 m

This 45km gravel cycling route leads riders through the picturesque Gué-d'Hossus, Table d'orientation, and Rocroi. Along the way, cyclists will encounter historical landmarks and remarkable natural beauty. With its well-preserved fortifications and architectural wonders, Rocroi serves as the highlight of this adventure. Prepare to be transported back in time as you explore the medieval charm and rich heritage of this captivating town.

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Image of Nismes

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Image of Mariembourg

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Image of Chimay

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Image of Rocroi

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Image of Cerfontaine

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Image of Revin

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Image of Froidchapelle

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