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Cycling adventures in Rapla, Estonia

Cycling routes from Rapla

Rapla is a small town located in Estonia. It offers a variety of cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by scenic landscapes and countryside, providing a peaceful environment for cycling. Rapla is also home to the Rapla Rally, an annual cycling event that attracts participants from all over Estonia. With its cycling-friendly accommodations and routes, Rapla is a great destination for cyclists looking to explore the Estonian countryside.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the scenic trails of Keava Forest and discover Rapla's natural beauty.

72 km
130 m

The Keava Forest Explorer is a thrilling gravel cycling route that takes you through the scenic landscapes of Keava Forest in the outskirts of Rapla. With a total distance of 72 km and an ascent of 130 m, it offers a moderately challenging ride for gravel bike enthusiasts. Along the route, you'll encounter peaceful forests, tranquil lakes, and charming countryside villages. Highlights include Valtu Village with its traditional wooden architecture, Paluküla Hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding area, and Keava Castle ruins, which provide a glimpse into the region's medieval history. The Keava Forest Explorer guarantees an unforgettable gravel cycling experience immersed in nature's splendor.

Discover the beautiful Estonian countryside on this cycling route from Kehtna to Raikküla

51 km
98 m

Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the Estonian countryside on this road cycling route from Kehtna to Raikküla. Explore the charming village of Kehtna and admire its traditional architecture, or stop by Purku to see its historic landmarks. With only 98 meters of ascent, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels.


Varbola Loop

Explore the historic Varbola Castle and enjoy a scenic ride through Rapla's countryside.

97 km
257 m

The Varbola Loop is a picturesque round-trip cycling route that takes you through the beautiful countryside near Rapla. The highlight of this route is Varbola Castle, a historic fortress dating back to the 13th century. As you cycle through the peaceful roads, you'll enjoy stunning views of rolling hills and charming rural landscapes. With a total distance of 97 km and an ascent of 257 m, it offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateur cyclists. Overall, the Varbola Loop provides a delightful combination of history, natural beauty, and cycling adventure.

Experience the idyllic Estonian countryside on this scenic road cycling route.

104 km
214 m

The Countryside Beauty Ride is a captivating round-trip cycling route that allows you to experience the serene and picturesque Estonian countryside near Rapla. With a total distance of 104 km and an ascent of 214 m, it offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateur riders. Along the way, you'll pass through enchanting landscapes, quaint villages, and green meadows. Highlights of this route include Tuhala Witch's Well, an enchanting spring known for its mystical properties, and Ojasoo Nature Reserve, a serene forest area perfect for rejuvenating breaks. The Countryside Beauty Ride provides a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and cycling adventure.

Cycle from Juuru toKeava and explore the countryside of Rapla

60 km
94 m

Experience the beauty of the Rapla countryside on this moderate road cycling route from Juuru to Keava. Enjoy the scenic landscapes and peaceful atmosphere as you pedal along the route. Stop at the historic village of Keava and learn about its rich history and cultural heritage. With only 94 meters of ascent, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels.

Explore the historic Varbola Stronghold and the picturesque village of Alu

55 km
120 m

Cycle through the scenic countryside of Rapla and discover the ancient Varbola Stronghold, a medieval fortress that dates back to the 13th century. Admire the beautiful landscapes and charming village of Alu along the way. The route offers a moderate challenge with 120 meters of ascent, making it suitable for intermediate cyclists.

Experience the beauty of Juuru and Kirna on this scenic road cycling route

144 km
252 m

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure from Juuru to Kirna, passing through charming countryside and picturesque landscapes. Enjoy stunning views of Viraksaare and Käru along the way, and take in the beautiful Estonian countryside. The route is moderate in difficulty, with 252 meters of ascent, making it suitable for experienced cyclists.

Embark on an adventurous road cycling journey from Aurutraktor to Vaopere

150 km
228 m

Challenge yourself with this epic road cycling route from Aurutraktor to Vaopere. Enjoy the stunning natural landscapes and picturesque villages along the way. Visit the historic Raasiku Manor and explore its charming gardens, or take a break at one of the cafes in Jüri. With 228 meters of ascent, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling adventure.

Experience the diverse landscapes surrounding Rapla on this challenging road cycling route.

94 km
159 m

The Rapla Escapade is a challenging road cycling route that takes you on a scenic journey through the diverse landscapes surrounding Rapla. With a total distance of 94 km and an ascent of 159 m, it offers a moderate to difficult challenge for well-trained amateur riders. Along the way, you'll encounter rolling hills, quaint villages, and stunning countryside vistas. Highlights include the mesmerizing Aurora Tractor monument, Kata Village with its traditional wooden houses, and Vaopere Manor known for its beautiful architecture and surroundings. The Rapla Escapade promises an exhilarating cycling adventure filled with captivating views and cultural landmarks.

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure exploring the hidden gems of Rapla's outskirts.

39 km
73 m

The Rapla Gravel Explorer is a thrilling round-trip cycling route that takes you off-road to discover Rapla's hidden treasures. With a total distance of 39 km and an ascent of 73 m, it offers a relatively easy ride suitable for gravel bike enthusiasts of all levels. Along the route, you'll encounter scenic landscapes, picturesque villages, and peaceful forests. Highlights include Kehtna Village, known for its charming wooden houses, Raikküla Manor, and the tranquil countryside surrounding Rapla. Whether you're an experienced gravel cyclist or a beginner looking for a new adventure, the Rapla Gravel Explorer will satisfy your craving for a memorable off-road experience.

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Cycling through the serene Estonian countryside in Jüri.

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