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Scenic cycling paths and rich history in Jokioinen, Finland.

Cycling routes from Jokioinen

Jokioinen is a small town located in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland. It is a popular destination for both road and gravel cyclists due to its well-maintained cycling paths and scenic countryside. Cyclists can enjoy riding through rolling hills, passing by picturesque villages, and exploring the surrounding nature. Jokioinen is also home to the Finnish Railway Museum, which is a must-visit for history buffs. While it doesn't have any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, Jokioinen provides a pleasant and enjoyable cycling experience for enthusiasts of all levels.

Embark on an exciting road cycling adventure through the scenic landscapes of Jokioinen.

85 km
480 m

This road cycling adventure takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Jokioinen and its surroundings. Enjoy the thrill of cycling through picturesque villages and rolling hills. Discover the charm of Vaulammi's traditional Finnish architecture and experience the peacefulness of the countryside. Make a stop in Karhula and admire its stunning nature and serene atmosphere. Don't forget to visit Ypäjä, known for its horse breeding traditions and the Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association. This route offers a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents, providing a rewarding and exhilarating cycling experience.

Experience the beauty of Etelä-Suomi on this scenic road cycling route.

55 km
362 m

This road cycling route takes you through the scenic countryside of Etelä-Suomi. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere as you pass by the towns of Ypäjä, Humppila, and Minkiö. The route offers a mix of flat stretches and gentle climbs, making it suitable for cyclists of all levels. Take in the breathtaking views of rolling hills, lush forests, and charming rural landscapes. Visit Ypäjä, known for its horse breeding traditions, and explore Minkiö, the home of the Finnish Museum Railway.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through Jokioien's scenic surroundings.

47 km
319 m

This gravel cycling route offers a thrilling off-road experience through the rugged terrain near Jokioinen. Ride through picturesque forests, cross streams, and conquer challenging gravel sections. The route takes you to the serene village of Kuhala, where you can enjoy the idyllic countryside views. Climb up to Kiljamon torni, a tower offering panoramic views of the surrounding nature, and make a stop at Torro, a charming hamlet known for its traditional Finnish architecture.

Experience the picturesque beauty and charming villages of Etelä-Suomi on this 107 km road cycling route.

107 km
638 m

The Jokioinen Century is a scenic road cycling route that takes you through the stunning landscapes of Etelä-Suomi. The route covers a distance of 107 km and includes several highlights along the way. With a total ascent of 638 m, it offers a challenging but rewarding experience for well-trained amateur cyclists. Throughout the route, you will pass through the charming village of Vaulammi, known for its idyllic surroundings and traditional Finnish architecture. Make a stop here to admire the traditional houses and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Another highlight of the route is the town of Koski Tl, located approximately 35 km into the ride. Koski Tl is famous for its pristine nature and beautiful lakes. Take a break and immerse yourself in the serene surroundings before continuing your journey. As you pedal further, you will reach Pesänsuo, a nature reserve with stunning hiking trails and diverse wildlife. This highlight is located at the 57 km mark and is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the region. Loimaa, at the 69 km mark, is another noteworthy stop along the route. This vibrant town offers plenty of cultural attractions and is known for its lively atmosphere. Explore the local shops, cafes, and museums before continuing your journey. One of the major highlights of the Jokioinen Century is Minkiö, located at the 99 km mark. Minkiö is home to the famous Jokioinen Museum Railway, which offers nostalgic train rides through the beautiful Finnish countryside. Take a ride on the preserved steam locomotive and experience the charm of a bygone era. The last highlight on the route is Elonkierto, situated at the 106 km mark. Elonkierto is a nature reserve known for its diverse flora and fauna. The highlight offers scenic hiking trails and breathtaking views. Take some time to explore the area and appreciate the natural wonders. Overall, the Jokioinen Century is a challenging but rewarding cycling route that showcases the beauty and charm of Etelä-Suomi. With its picturesque landscapes and cultural attractions, this route is perfect for cyclists looking for a memorable adventure.

Picturesque gravel loop through Latovainio village

48 km
289 m

Latovainio Loop is a scenic gravel route that takes you through the charming Latovainio village. With a total distance of 48 kilometers and an elevation gain of 289 meters, this route is suitable for both experienced and amateur cyclists. The loop showcases the natural beauty of the area and offers a peaceful cycling experience. The route is relatively easy and perfect for riders looking for a relaxed and enjoyable ride. The highlights of the route include Forssa, a vibrant town with rich culture and history, and Jokioinen, known for its historic railway museum.

Explore the countryside of Etelä-Suomi on this scenic road cycling loop.

89 km
484 m

This road cycling route takes you through the picturesque towns and villages of Ypäjä, Loimaa, Köyliönkylä, and Humppila. Experience the tranquility of the Finnish countryside as you cycle past rolling hills and idyllic landscapes. The route offers a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents, providing a diverse and exciting ride for cyclists of all levels. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, quaint villages, and abundant nature along the way.

Pleasurable gravel ride around Jänhijoki village

55 km
346 m

The Jänhijoki Gravel Ride is a delightful cycling route covering 55 kilometers with an elevation gain of 346 meters. This scenic gravel ride takes you through the tranquil surrounds of Jänhijoki village, offering an enjoyable cycling experience. The village is known for its pristine nature and picturesque landscapes, perfect for nature enthusiasts and cyclists alike. Along the route, you'll encounter Parkkiaro, a charming village with interesting historical sites, and Jokioinen, home to a renowned railway museum that showcases Finland's rich railway heritage. The Jänhijoki Gravel Ride is suitable for cyclists of various skill levels, making it a great choice for an enjoyable day trip.

Immerse in the serene beauty of Etelä-Suomi's countryside on this road cycling route.

69 km
400 m

Experience the tranquility of the Finnish countryside on this road cycling route near Jokioinen. With a total distance of 69 kilometers and an ascent of 400 meters, the route takes you through picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and dense forests. Enjoy the fresh air and stunning views as you pedal through the fields and forests of Etelä-Suomi.

Scenic road circuit through Humppila and Nuutajärvi

76 km
442 m

The Humppila-Nuutajärvi Circuit is a captivating road route spanning 76 kilometers with an elevation gain of 442 meters. This challenging route offers dynamic terrain with scenic countryside views. Both Humppila and Nuutajärvi have their unique attractions. Humppila is known for its beautiful church and charming old town, while Nuutajärvi boasts a renowned glassblowing village. Cyclists will also get to experience the breathtaking landscapes of Matku and Jänhijoki along the route. This circuit is ideal for experienced cyclists seeking an adventurous journey.

Take on the challenge of this demanding road cycling route with challenging climbs and rewarding descents.

101 km
700 m

Prepare for a truly challenging road cycling experience on this route through Jokioinen and its surroundings. The route features a mixture of demanding climbs, thrilling descents, and scenic stretches. Cycle through picturesque villages, pass by historic landmarks, and immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of Etelä-Suomi. Visit Vaulammi, a charming village known for its traditional Finnish architecture. Explore Somero, a lively town with a rich cultural heritage, and admire the beauty of Kuusjoki's landscapes. The highlight of the route is the town of Koski Tl, famous for its beautiful old wooden houses. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Ypäjä, known for its horse breeding traditions and the Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Forssa

Biking through the charming landscapes of Forssa

Image of Ypäjä

A Cyclist's Paradise in Ypäjä

Image of Tammela

Cycling through the rural landscapes of Tammela.

Image of Humppila

Cycling through the peaceful Finnish countryside in Humppila.

Image of Loimaa

Tranquil cycling routes through rolling farmlands and scenic villages.

Image of Koski Tl
Koski Tl

Tranquil cycling in the natural beauty of Etelä-Suomi.

Image of Urjala

Cycling amidst Finland's serene landscapes in Urjala

Image of Kärkölä

Scenic cycling in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland.

Image of Kuusjoki

Scenic countryside cycling in peaceful Kuusjoki.

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