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Discover a cyclist's paradise in Naantali.

Cycling routes from Naantali

Naantali, situated in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland, offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The town's scenic coastal roads, coupled with its charming architecture and historical sites, make for an enjoyable and visually appealing ride. Naantali is also known for its proximity to the Moomin World theme park, making it an ideal destination for families with young cyclists. For road cyclists seeking a challenge, nearby Kultaranta Road provides an opportunity for testing their climbing skills. In summary, Naantali is a must-visit locality offering a variety of cycling routes and tourist attractions.

Embark on an exhilarating road cycling journey through the beautiful landscapes near Naantali, passing by the famous Artukainen district and varied scenic views.

50 km
414 m

This route offers a thrilling cycling adventure through some of the most stunning landscapes near Naantali. Starting from Naantali, cyclists will pass by Rajakallio, an area known for its unique rock formations. The highlight of the route is reaching Vartiovuori, a hill offering breathtaking panoramas of Turku. Cyclists can also appreciate the beauty of the Vartiovuori Observatory, which provides amazing vistas of the surrounding nature. Riding further, you'll encounter the Artukainen district, famous for its sports facilities and lush green spaces. With moderate difficulty and many highlights along the way, this route is perfect for experienced amateurs seeking a memorable cycling experience in Finland.

Embark on an epic road cycling journey that leads you from Masku to the ancient site of Koroinen, visiting scenic viewpoints and historical landmarks along the way.

127 km
817 m

This route combines nature and history as cyclists explore the scenic landscapes between Masku and Koroinen. Starting in Masku, riders will encounter beautiful rural scenes before reaching Eskolanvuori, a hill known for its stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The journey continues to Lähteenmäki, an elevated area with historical significance. As you pedal eastward, you'll pass by Prusin Linnasmäki, where you'll find remnants of ancient fortifications. The highlight of the route is reaching Koroinen, an archaeological site that was once a major trading center during medieval times. With challenging climbs and notable landmarks, this route promises an epic adventure for seasoned cyclists.

Discover the scenic countryside surrounding Naantali on this road cycling loop.

78 km
452 m

Take a leisurely ride through the scenic countryside surrounding Naantali on this road cycling loop. With 78 km distance and 452 meters of ascent, this route provides a moderate level of difficulty suitable for well-trained amateurs. It is rated 3 out of 5 for difficulty and 2 out of 5 for epicness. Highlights along the route include Mynämäki, known for its traditional wooden houses, and Naantali, home to the famous Naantali Old Town.

Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure through the rugged backcountry near Naantali.

149 km
1000 m

This route offers a thrilling road cycling experience through the scenic backcountry near Naantali. With 149 km distance and 1000 meters of ascent, this is a challenging route suitable for well-trained amateurs. The difficulty level is rated 4 out of 5. The route takes you through various highlights such as the Optisen lennättimen muistomerkki and Liedonperä.

Embark on a thrilling road cycling route that takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Mannuistenvuori with its hilltop viewpoints and rural charm.

84 km
216 m

This route offers a unique opportunity to explore the countryside beauty of Mannuistenvuori and its surroundings. Starting near Naantali, cyclists can enjoy the peaceful roads that wind through endless forests and open fields. The highlight of the ride is reaching Mannuistenvuori, a hill known for its breathtaking views of the surrounding area. In addition to natural beauty, cyclists will also pass through small villages like Kaukurla and Antikkala, where they can appreciate the rural charm and local hospitality. With moderate difficulty and epicness, this route is suited for seasoned amateurs looking for a memorable adventure in the Finnish countryside.

Embark on an exciting road cycling adventure from Raisio to Turku, exploring unique sights and embracing the urban and natural landscapes along the way.

58 km
485 m

This captivating cycling route combines the excitement of city exploration with serene natural surroundings. Starting in Raisio, a delightful suburb, cyclists will soon pass by Rajakallio, featuring striking rock formations from ancient volcanic activity. Continuing the journey, Linnavuori offers a chance to marvel at the beautiful landscape while embarking on the ascent. Cycling through Littoinen, cyclists can enjoy the calming views next to Lake Pyhäjärvi before reaching Turku, Finland's oldest city. Turku beckons with its historical attractions such as the historic Turku Cathedral and mind-provoking Kakolanmäki, a former prison area transformed into a cultural hub. This route is perfect for cyclists seeking a sense of adventure fused with charming city exploration.

Experience the breathtaking seaside sceneries of Merimasku and Naantali on this road cycling route.

88 km
288 m

This road cycling route offers breathtaking seaside sceneries as you cycle through Merimasku and Naantali. With 88 km distance and 288 meters of ascent, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. It provides a moderate level of difficulty, rated 2 out of 5. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Valaskallio and Mannuistenvuori, offering stunning views of the Baltic Sea.

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure through the rolling hills around Turku.

109 km
816 m

This road cycling route takes you through the rolling hills and peaceful countryside surrounding Turku. With 109 km distance and 816 meters of ascent, this route offers a moderate level of difficulty. It is suitable for well-trained amateurs and gets a rating of 3 out of 5 for difficulty and 3 out of 5 for epicness. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Raisio, Piikkiö, and the iconic Turku Castle.

Experience the charming city of Naantali before embarking on a scenic road cycling route that takes you through picturesque villages and ends in the vibrant city of Turku.

78 km
509 m

This route offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural landmarks, and urban exploration. Beginning in Naantali, known for its idyllic old town and the famous Moomin World, you'll cycle through Merttelä and Vahto, where you can enjoy the peaceful countryside scenes. The highlight of the route is reaching Turku, the former capital of Finland, with its rich history and stunning architecture. As you pedal your way through Turku, make sure to stop by Vartiovuori, a hill offering panoramic views of the city, and the iconic Turku Castle. This route is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for a diverse and enjoyable cycling experience.

Explore the charming coastal villages around Naantali on this road cycling route.

88 km
450 m

This route takes you through picturesque coastal villages near Naantali. You'll be greeted by beautiful sea views and have opportunities to visit local attractions such as Merimasku and Askainen. The overall distance is 88 km with 450 meters of ascent. The route is suitable for well-trained amateurs and offers a moderate level of difficulty. It is rated 3 out of 5 for difficulty and 3 out of 5 for epicness.

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