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Peaceful rides amidst Finnish countryside.

Cycling routes from Nokia

Nokia, located in the Länsi-Suomi region of Finland, presents enjoyable experiences for road and gravel cyclists. The locality offers pleasant cycling routes that traverse the Finnish countryside, providing riders with peaceful rides amidst picturesque scenery. Nokia does not specifically stand out for any famous cycling spots or climbs but remains a favorable destination for cyclists seeking a peaceful and scenic ride. With its enjoyable routes and cyclist-friendly environment, Nokia earns a rank of 3 in terms of its suitability for cycling.

Embark on a legendary road cycling tour through Nokia and Vammala

103 km
515 m

Embark on a challenging road cycling tour through the iconic towns of Nokia and Vammala. Covering a distance of 103 kilometers and featuring an elevation gain of 515 meters, this route is a true test of endurance and showcases the beauty of the Finnish countryside.


Nokia Loop

Explore the beautiful surroundings of Nokia on this gravel cycling route.

67 km
441 m

The Nokia Loop is a 67-kilometer gravel cycling route that takes you through the picturesque landscapes surrounding Nokia. With a total ascent of 441 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for well-trained amateur cyclists. Experience the tranquility of Lintutorni, a bird-watching tower, and enjoy the scenic views from Salminvuori and Takunvuori. Make a stop at Siuro, a charming village known for its historic bridge. The route concludes with a memorable ride through Nokia.

Experience the rugged and off-road beauty of Nokia and its surrounding areas.

78 km
412 m

Take on this challenging gravel route that offers breathtaking scenery, varied terrain, and unique highlights along the way. This adventure is perfect for experienced cyclists seeking an adrenaline-pumping ride in the picturesque landscapes of Länsi-Suomi, Finland.

Escape the city and immerse yourself in the rural charm of Nokia on this gravel cycling route.

77 km
487 m

Experience the tranquility of nature on the Rural Retreat, a 77-kilometer gravel cycling route that takes you through the scenic countryside near Nokia. With a total ascent of 487 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for avid cyclists seeking a peaceful getaway. Explore Rämsöö, a small village known for its idyllic landscapes and traditional Finnish charm. Admire the beauty of Sarkola, a quaint village with traditional wooden houses and picturesque surroundings. Conclude your journey with a ride through the charming streets of Nokia.

Embark on a road cycling adventure through Lintutorni and Metsäkylä

62 km
346 m

Enjoy a delightful road cycling adventure through the enchanting landscapes of Lintutorni and Metsäkylä. With a distance of 62 kilometers and an elevation gain of 346 meters, this route offers a mix of scenic country roads and cultural highlights.

Uncover the beauty of Siuro and Lintutorni on this scenic gravel loop

79 km
521 m

Experience the natural beauty of Siuro and Lintutorni on this scenic gravel loop. Covering a distance of 79 kilometers and featuring an elevation gain of 521 meters, this route offers a challenging adventure for gravel enthusiasts.

Ride through the scenic beauty of Sarpatti and Tottijärvi

84 km
353 m

Embark on a challenging gravel ride that takes you through the stunning landscapes of Sarpatti and Tottijärvi. With a total distance of 84 kilometers and an ascent of 353 meters, this route offers a mix of gravel paths and scenic roads.

Explore the hidden gems of Siuro and Lintutorni on this gravel adventure

80 km
505 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure that takes you through Siuro and Lintutorni. With a total distance of 80 kilometers and an ascent of 505 meters, this route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for gravel riders.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure through the stunning scenery near Nokia.

130 km
635 m

The Nokia Road Adventure is a 130-kilometer road cycling route that takes you on a thrilling journey through the diverse landscapes near Nokia. With a challenging ascent of 635 meters, this route is recommended for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy the breathtaking views from Naulonvuori, a hill known for its panoramic vistas. Cycle along the shores of Tottijärvi, a beautiful lake surrounded by lush greenery. Experience the serenity of Narva, a small village with traditional Finnish charm. Ride through the picturesque landscapes of Houhajärvi and Salonsaari. Conclude your adventure with a visit to Tyyttikivi, a unique rock formation. The journey ends in Nokia, a city renowned for its technological and natural attractions.

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes near Nokia.

84 km
495 m

The Scenic Adventure is an 84-kilometer road cycling route that takes you on a thrilling journey through the picturesque landscapes near Nokia. With a challenging ascent of 495 meters, this route is recommended for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking an unforgettable experience. Enjoy the stunning views from Naulonvuori, a hill known for its panoramic vistas. Cycle along the shores of Tottijärvi, a beautiful lake surrounded by lush greenery. Discover the beauty of Rämsöö, a small village with idyllic charm. Marvel at the enchanting Salonsaari, an island known for its peaceful nature and scenic views. Pass by Häijää, a small town with historic landmarks and beautiful countryside. The adventure concludes with a ride through Nokia, a city renowned for its technological and natural attractions.

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