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Cycling adventure with a touch of history in Outokumpu

Cycling routes from Outokumpu

Outokumpu is a town located in Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi, Finland. It provides an enjoyable cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The town offers a mix of flat and hilly terrain, making it suitable for different cycling preferences. Cyclists can explore the Outokumpu Mining Park, a popular attraction that showcases the town's history. Additionally, Outokumpu is known for its mountain biking trails in the surrounding forests. Overall, Outokumpu is a great locality for cyclists seeking diverse cycling routes.

Embark on an adventurous gravel ride to Viinijärvi and Alavi

59 km
166 m

The Outokumpu Gravel Adventure is a thrilling journey that covers 59 km of stunning gravel roads near Outokumpu. This off-road cycling route includes an ascent of 166 m, promising a challenging experience for gravel enthusiasts. Explore the beauty of Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi with highlights like Viinijärvi and Alavi.

Embark on a scenic road trip to Liperi

72 km
187 m

This road cycling route leads you from Outokumpu to the captivating town of Liperi. With a distance of 72 kilometers and an ascent of 187 meters, it's a moderate challenge suitable for experienced cyclists. As you pedal along, make sure to stop by Partalanmäki, a hill offering stunning panoramic views at the 71-kilometer mark. Another highlight is Käsämä, a village with a rich cultural heritage.

Explore the scenic roads of Sotkuma

72 km
228 m

Take a road cycling journey through the scenic landscapes of Sotkuma. Covering a distance of 72 kilometers with an elevation gain of 228 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for cyclists. Sotkuma is famous for its beautiful nature and picturesque villages that you'll encounter along the way. Be sure to stop by Sotkuma to experience its serene ambiance.

Experience the adventurous gravel roads near Outokumpu

59 km
151 m

This route takes you on a thrilling gravel ride near Outokumpu. With a total distance of 59 kilometers and an elevation gain of 151 meters, it offers a good challenge for gravel enthusiasts. The picturesque highlight along the route is Viinijärvi keskustaajama, located at the 43-kilometer mark. It's a charming village that's worth exploring.

Conquer the challenging roads of Liperi

123 km
716 m

This road cycling route from Outokumpu to Liperi presents a demanding challenge for cyclists. With a distance of 123 kilometers and an elevation gain of 716 meters, it's suitable for well-trained, experienced riders. Along the way, you'll admire the scenic beauty of the landscape and pass through the charming village of Käsämä. The starting point, Outokumpu, is known for its rich mining heritage and offers a fascinating cultural experience.

Embark on an exhilarating road journey to Polvijärvi

169 km
649 m

This road cycling route offers an exhilarating challenge for experienced riders. With a distance of 169 kilometers and an elevation gain of 649 meters, it demands strength and endurance. As you conquer the route, make sure to visit Polvijärvi, a scenic town nestled amidst stunning nature. Käsämä, another highlight along the way, offers a charming village experience. Starting in Outokumpu, you'll have the chance to uncover the town's mining history and immerse yourself in its natural beauty.

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