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Exploring Arctic landscapes in Sodankylä.

Cycling routes from Sodankylae

Sodankylä is a locality in Finland, located in the region of Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi. For road and gravel cyclists, Sodankylä offers numerous opportunities to explore its natural beauty. The roads are generally in good condition, although some paths can be quite challenging due to the hilly terrain. Cyclists can immerse themselves in the Arctic landscapes, with stunning views of forests and lakes. Sodankylä is also a gateway to the famous Rovaniemi-Sodankylä section of the EuroVelo 7 cycling route.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Pyhäjärvi

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Image of Kemijärvi

Embracing the Arctic wilderness and epic cycling trails of Kemijärvi in Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi, Finland.

Nearby regions:

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Image of Mellersta Norrland
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