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Indulge in the tranquility of Saleux as you pedal through its picturesque surroundings.

Cycling routes from Saleux

Saleux, located in the Picardie region of France, offers an appealing destination for road and gravel cyclists. The locality is surrounded by lush greenery and gentle rolling hills, contributing to a pleasant and rewarding cycling experience. While Saleux may not have any famous cycling-related spots or renowned climbs, it provides a serene environment to enjoy peaceful rides in the French countryside. Cyclists can explore the scenic routes that wind through charming villages and breathtaking landscapes. Saleux is an excellent choice for riders seeking tranquility and stunning vistas.

Experience the beauty of Amiens and explore the surrounding gravel routes

83 km
564 m

This gravel route takes you on a memorable journey from Amiens to Saleux. Enjoy picturesque views of the city of Amiens before cycling through the scenic landscapes of Rubempré and Warloy-Baillon. The route offers an epic gravel adventure with a total ascent of 564 meters over a distance of 83 kilometers. Expect challenging terrain combined with awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Embark on a scenic road cycling expedition through the charming towns near Saleux

74 km
466 m

This road cycling route takes you through some of the most picturesque towns near Saleux. Begin your journey in Bacouel-sur-Selle, pedal through the scenic landscapes of Courcelles-sous-Thoix and Poix-de-Picardie, take in the natural beauty of Pissy, and end your ride in Saleux. The route offers a great mix of challenging climbs and peaceful surroundings, making it an ideal choice for road cycling enthusiasts. The total ascent of 466 meters over a distance of 74 kilometers provides a satisfying challenge for well-trained amateurs.

Challenge yourself with this road cycling route featuring hills and visits to historic villages.

113 km
950 m

This road cycling route is designed for those seeking a challenge and the chance to explore historic villages. Start in Saleux and conquer the Mont Bar, a notorious hill climb that will put your skills to the test. Frémontiers and Guizancourt feature historic architecture and offer a glimpse into the region's rich heritage. Hescamps showcases beautiful medieval buildings, while Aumale provides panoramic views from its vantage point. Beaucamps-le-Vieux and Belloy-Saint-Léonard are picturesque villages filled with quaint shops and friendly locals. Fourdrinoy offers charming streets and traditional houses, charming visitors at every turn. Conclude your journey in Saleux, feeling accomplished and fulfilled.

A scenic gravel route through the picturesque towns and countryside near Saleux

59 km
519 m

This gravel route takes you through a variety of beautiful landscapes near Saleux. You will pass through charming towns such as Salouël, Cottenchy, Chirmont, and Oresmaux, each offering their own unique highlights. The route provides a great mix of challenging terrain and tranquil surroundings, making it a fantastic option for gravel enthusiasts. The total ascent of 519 meters over a distance of 59 kilometers offers a moderately challenging experience for well-trained amateurs.

An adventurous gravel route exploring the scenic towns near Saleux.

49 km
404 m

This gravel route takes you through some of the most beautiful towns near Saleux. Explore the historic streets of Bacouel-sur-Selle, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in Frémontiers, marvel at the beautiful surroundings of Revelles, and take a break in Clairy-Saulchoix. The total ascent of 404 meters over a distance of 49 kilometers offers a moderately challenging experience for well-trained amateurs. This route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking to discover the hidden gems of the Picardie region.

Get ready for gravel adventures and explore tranquil villages along this scenic route.

52 km
292 m

Embark on a gravel journey through scenic landscapes and peaceful villages on this captivating route. Starting in Longueau, you'll discover the natural beauty of the area before reaching Hangard, with its serene atmosphere and delightful village charm. Hailles impresses with its traditional houses and captivating fields, while Salouël makes for a perfect finish to your gravel adventure. Reflect on the tranquility and beauty of the villages of Picardie as you conclude your journey.

Embark on a gravel adventure through picturesque rural landscapes in Picardie.

40 km
296 m

Explore the rural beauty of Picardie on this gravel cycling route that takes you through picturesque landscapes. Starting in Salouël, you'll ride through Cottenchy, where you can appreciate the untouched beauty of the countryside. Estrées-sur-Noye boasts quaint houses and a peaceful ambiance. Mont Robert offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, making it a perfect spot to rest and take in the natural beauty. Conclude your adventure back in Salouël, feeling invigorated by the tranquility of the rural landscapes.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure through the scenic Picardie region

73 km
556 m

This road cycling route takes you through the stunning landscapes of the Picardie region. Begin your journey in the charming town of Essertaux, pedal through the picturesque Croissy-sur-Celle, explore the historic Thoix, and take in the natural beauty of Pissy. The total ascent of 556 meters over a distance of 73 kilometers provides a challenging experience for well-trained amateurs. This route offers a perfect mix of scenic beauty and cultural exploration.

Explore the picturesque villages and historical sites along this road cycling route.

72 km
578 m

This scenic route takes you through charming villages and past historic sites in the Picardie region of France. You'll pedal through beautiful countryside, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and stunning landscapes. The highlights of this route include Salouël, known for its beautiful gardens, Poulainville, with its picturesque church, and Corbie, famous for its abbey and medieval architecture. Gentelles and Fouencamps offer breathtaking views, while Sains-en-Amiénois is a quaint village with friendly locals. Finish the route in Vers-sur-Selle, a small town with a rich history.

Discover the charming villages of Saint-Sauflieu and Francastel on this scenic road cycling loop from Saleux.

102 km
711 m

This 102 km road cycling route takes you through picturesque countryside, quaint villages, and beautiful landscapes near Saleux. The ride starts in Saleux and heads towards Saint-Sauflieu, a small village known for its historic church and tranquil atmosphere. From there, the route continues to Hallivillers, a charming hamlet surrounded by rolling hills and green fields. The highlight of the ride is the village of Francastel, with its traditional houses and stunning views of the countryside. Make sure to stop by Dargies, a quaint village with a picturesque medieval church, before heading back to Saleux.

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Image of Salouël

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Image of Pont-de-Metz

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Image of Amiens

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Image of Rivery

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Image of Camon

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Image of Ailly-sur-Somme

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Image of Longueau

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Image of Boves

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Image of Conty

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