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Le Thoronet, France - A Cyclist's Dream in Provence

Cycling routes from Le Thoronet

Le Thoronet in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France is a cyclist's dream come true. Located in the heart of Provence, this region offers stunning scenery and a variety of cycling routes. From flat coastal roads dotted with vineyards to challenging climbs leading to breathtaking viewpoints, Le Thoronet has it all. Cyclists can visit famous landmarks such as the iconic Mont Ventoux and explore charming villages along the way. With its sunny climate and cyclist-friendly infrastructure, Le Thoronet is a must-visit destination for cycling enthusiasts.

Discover the picturesque village of Tourtour and its surroundings

90 km
1223 m

This road cycling route takes you on a scenic journey through the rolling hills and picturesque villages surrounding Tourtour. With a total distance of 90 km and an ascent of 1223 meters, this route offers a challenging but rewarding experience. Along the way, you will pass through the historic town of Beaumont, known for its charming old town and beautiful views. As you continue, you will reach Entrecasteaux, a village with a medieval castle and cobbled streets. Other highlights of the route include Salernes, known for its terracotta tiles, and the panoramic viewpoint at Table d'orientation.

Discover hidden gems, including Château des Pontevès and Colle Tortue, on this scenic gravel ride.

45 km
926 m

This gravel cycling route takes you off the beaten path to explore lesser-known attractions and natural wonders. With a total distance of 45 km and an ascent of 926 m, it is suitable for intermediate gravel riders. Highlights include Le Recoux, a hidden gem with its picturesque houses and lavender fields, Le Luc with its charming streets and cafes, Château des Pontevès, which offers a glimpse into history, and Colle Tortue, a challenging climb with fantastic views. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the Provencal countryside and discover the hidden treasures of the region.

Explore the stunning Thoronet Abbey and pedal through the charming villages of Cotignac and Entrecasteaux.

77 km
1011 m

This road cycling route combines historical attractions with stunning landscapes. With a total distance of 77 km and an ascent of 1011 m, it provides a moderate challenge. Highlights include a visit to the famous Thoronet Abbey, known for its impressive Romanesque architecture, the picturesque village of Cotignac with its cliffs and caves, and the charming village of Entrecasteaux with its beautiful Renaissance castle. Experience the rich history, enjoy breathtaking views, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature on this memorable ride.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure and conquer the challenging Colle Dure.

78 km
1356 m

This gravel cycling route offers a thrilling adventure through rugged terrain and scenic landscapes. With a total distance of 78 km and an ascent of 1356 m, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. The highlights include the scenic spot of La Colette, which offers sweeping views of the surrounding area, the picturesque village of Le Plan-de-la-Tour known for its charming streets and traditional houses, and the challenging Colle Dure, which will test your climbing skills. Get ready for a unique and exhilarating journey amidst nature's beauty.

Visit the medieval village of Montfort-sur-Argens and its surroundings

54 km
467 m

This road cycling route takes you on a scenic tour of the picturesque village of Montfort-sur-Argens and its surroundings. With a distance of 54 km and an ascent of 467 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. The highlight of the route is the Menhir de Champduy, a prehistoric standing stone that dates back thousands of years. Take a moment to marvel at this ancient monument. Along the way, you will also pass through the charming town of Beaumont, known for its stunning views and medieval streets. Other highlights of the route include Les Têtes, a scenic spot with panoramic views, and the town of Le Val, with its historic center and quaint streets.

Explore the beautiful abbey of Thoronet and its surroundings

85 km
1095 m

This road cycling route takes you through the picturesque countryside surrounding Thoronet. With a distance of 85 km and an ascent of 1095 meters, this route is perfect for cyclists looking for a moderate challenge. The highlight of the route is the renowned Abbaye du Thoronet, a Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Take some time to explore its beautiful architecture and tranquil surroundings. Along the way, you will also pass through the village of Correns, known for its organic vineyards and charming streets. Other highlights of the route include Barjols, with its historic fountains, and Sillans-la-Cascade, famous for its impressive waterfall.

Discover the medieval charm of Lorgues and conquer the challenging Collet de Michoune.

67 km
869 m

This road cycling route takes you through the picturesque villages of Lorgues, Draguignan, and Vidauban. With a total distance of 67 km and an ascent of 869 m, this ride is suitable for experienced cyclists. The highlights of this route include the quaint town of Lorgues with its narrow streets and historic buildings, the challenging Collet de Michoune climb with breathtaking views, and the stunning col de l'Ange.

Embark on an off-road expedition through scenic countryside

63 km
937 m

This gravel cycling route takes you on an adventurous journey through the rugged countryside of Provence. With a distance of 63 km and an ascent of 937 meters, this route offers a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. Along the way, you will pass through the charming town of Lorgues, where you can take a break and explore its medieval streets. As you continue, you will reach the Collet de Michoune, a challenging climb that rewards you with breathtaking panoramic views. Other highlights of the route include Les Arcs, known for its medieval old town, and the scenic Cascade de l'Aille, where you can cool off and admire the beautiful waterfall.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure and conquer the challenging Bari du Vieux Cannet.

102 km
2215 m

This ultimate gravel adventure takes you through rugged terrain and picturesque landscapes. With a total distance of 102 km and an ascent of 2215 m, it is a challenging route for experienced gravel riders. Highlights include Bari du Vieux Cannet, a remote spot with stunning views of the surrounding mountains, the historic village of Le Vieux Cannet with its preserved medieval architecture, the dramatic Roches Blanches cliffs, the peaceful village of Haute-Suane surrounded by nature, and the beautiful town of Le Cannet-des-Maures nestled amid vineyards. Experience the raw beauty of Haute-Suane and test your limits on this unforgettable ride.

Explore the scenic hills and charming towns of Provence

77 km
1074 m

The Route des Collines de Provence takes you on a picturesque journey through the rolling hills and medieval villages of Provence. With a total distance of 77 km and an ascent of 1074 meters, this road cycling route offers a challenging but rewarding experience. Along the way, you will pass through the historic town of Lorgues, known for its charming old town and traditional Provençal market. As you continue, you will reach the Collet de Michoune, a challenging climb that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Other highlights of the route include the Chapelle de la Trinité, a beautiful ruined chapel, and the town of Vidauban, known for its vineyards and wineries.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Le Luc
Le Luc

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Image of Lorgues

Cycling paradise amidst vineyards and charming streets.

Image of Le Cannet-des-Maures
Le Cannet-des-Maures

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Image of Taradeau

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Image of Carcès

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Image of Vidauban

Cycling Paradise in Provence

Image of Flassans-sur-Issole

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Image of Flayosc

Cycling paradise amidst the beauty of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

Image of Salernes

Discover the tranquility and beauty of cycling in Salernes

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