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Enjoy a peaceful ride through idyllic countryside in Handorf, Lüneburg, Germany.

Cycling routes from Handorf

Handorf, located in Lüneburg, Germany, offers a peaceful cycling experience with its flat and well-maintained roads. Although not particularly known for famous cycling-related spots, Handorf provides a great atmosphere for leisurely rides and exploration of the surrounding countryside. Cyclists can enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the area while cycling through picturesque fields and farmland. With its relaxed ambiance and easy cycling routes, Handorf is a pleasant destination for cyclists of all levels.

A challenging route with panoramic views and cultural landmarks

126 km
426 m

Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as you tackle the Berg und Hügel Loop. Spanning 126 kilometers and featuring an ascent of 426 meters, this road cycling route is perfect for those seeking a challenge. Brace yourself for scenic stretches of road, intense climbs, and exhilarating descents.

Cycle through history as you visit the Scharnebeck Ship Lift and Hohnstorf.

66 km
119 m

Embark on an immersive gravel cycling journey tracing the route near Handorf, covering a distance of 66km and an ascent of 119 meters. This adventure is best suited for cyclists seeking a moderate challenge combined with historical exploration. Explore the fascinating Scharnebeck Ship Lift, a marvel of engineering that connects different water levels and witnessed by millions each year. Capture stunning vistas from the lower viewpoint of the ship lift, and further ahead, Hohnstorf awaits with its charming town center and traditional German charm. Immerse yourself in the historic ambiance as you pedal through the delightful streets of Handorf.


Wittorf Loop

Experience the charming village of Wittorf

66 km
161 m

The Wittorf Loop is a 66 km road cycling route that starts near Handorf and takes you through a picturesque landscape. With a total ascent of 161 meters, it's a relatively easy route suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The highlight of this route is Wittorf, a charming village located 3 km from the starting point. Explore its historical architecture and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Other highlights include Hohnstorf, Neetze, Barendorf, and Lüneburg.

Discover the idyllic village of Drennhausen

95 km
215 m

The Drennhausen Tour is a 95 km road cycling route that starts near Handorf. With a total ascent of 215 meters, it's a relatively easy route suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The highlight of this route is Drennhausen, a charming village located 17 km from the starting point. Enjoy the tranquility and admire its traditional architecture. Other highlights include Storchennest, Glinde, Schwarzenbek, Haferberg, Geesthacht, and Eichholz.

Embark on a gravel adventure in Wulfsen

74 km
236 m

The Wulfsen Gravel Ride is a 74 km gravel cycling route that starts near Handorf. With a total ascent of 236 meters, it's a moderate route suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The route takes you through diverse landscapes, including forests, meadows, and picturesque villages. One of the highlights is Wulfsen, a small village located 21 km from the starting point. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and explore the surrounding nature. Other highlights include Seevetal, Die Hallonen, Winsen (Luhe), and Oldershausen.

Embark on an adventure through Tütenberg

88 km
417 m

The Tütenberg Adventure is an 88 km road cycling route that starts near Handorf. With a total ascent of 417 meters, it's a moderate route suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The route takes you through diverse landscapes and offers stunning views along the way. One of the highlights is Tütenberg, a small village located 12 km from the starting point. Discover its idyllic charm and enjoy panoramic vistas. Other highlights include Amelinghausen, Egestorf, Krähen Berg, Winsen (Luhe), and Rottorf.

Embark on an epic gravel journey showcasing the beauty of Artlenburg and Geesthacht.

74 km
237 m

Unleash your sense of adventure with this 74km gravel route starting near Handorf. With significant terrain variation and an ascent of 237 meters, this challenge is best suited for seasoned cyclists. Traverse the picturesque countryside, passing through charming towns such as Storchennest and Schwarzenbek. Marvel at the industrial heritage of Geesthacht as you cycle by its landmarks. Prepare for your well-deserved highlight in Artlenburg, a historical town known for its majestic castle and charming streets. This epic route encapsulates the diverse beauty of the region, promising an unforgettable experience for intrepid cyclists.

Explore the scenic landscapes of Pattensen

41 km
78 m

The Pattensen Gravel Loop is a 41 km gravel cycling route that starts near Handorf. With a total ascent of 78 meters, it's a relatively easy route suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The highlight of this route is Pattensen, a small village located 19 km from the starting point. Immerse yourself in the peaceful rural atmosphere and enjoy the scenic beauty. Other highlights include Rehmen-Berg, Winsen (Luhe), and Oldershausen.

Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure encompassing Haferberg and Lauenburg/Elbe.

61 km
170 m

Take on this scenic road route starting near Handorf and explore the captivating towns of Haferberg and Lauenburg/Elbe. The 61km journey encompasses a challenging ascent of 170 meters, best suited for well-trained amateurs. Experience the exhilaration as you conquer the rolling hills and enjoy breathtaking views along the way. Be sure to make a pit stop at Haferberg, a charming village known for its sprawling fields of oats and barley. Carry on, as the route takes you to Lauenburg/Elbe, a historic town rich in cultural heritage, where you can admire the arresting architecture and panoramic vistas.

Conquer the challenging route to Hamberg and witness the stunning views from Illmer Berg.

74 km
302 m

Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure starting near Handorf, covering a distance of 74km and an ascent of 302 meters. This demanding journey is tailored for well-trained amateurs looking for an exhilarating challenge. As you conquer extensive climbs in the realm of Oldendorf (Luhe) and Soderstorf, your efforts will be rewarded with breathtaking landscapes along the way. Pause at Illmer Berg, offering awe-inspiring panoramas and a moment of serenity. Conclude the expedition with a visit to Handorf, where you can savor traditional German delicacies and immerse yourself in its tranquil surroundings.

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