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Cycling adventures in the heart of Lüneburg

Cycling routes from Rullstorf

Rullstorf in Lüneburg, Germany is a cyclist's dream destination. With its rolling hills and picturesque countryside, the locality offers a mix of road and gravel routes for all levels of cyclists. The region boasts several well-known climbs, such as the Wietzendorfer Berg and the Wendlohöhe, which provide stunning views and exhilarating descents. Rullstorf is a cycling-friendly locality, with bike-friendly accommodations, repair shops, and rental services available. Whether you're seeking a leisurely ride or a challenging ascent, Rullstorf has something to offer every cyclist.

Exploring the charming town of Lüdersburg

42 km
118 m

The Lüdersburg Loop is a scenic road cycling route starting near Rullstorf. With a total distance of 42 kilometers and an ascent of 118 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for cyclists. The highlight of this route is Lüdersburg, a picturesque town known for its splendid half-timbered houses and lush green landscapes. Cyclists can enjoy the beautiful views as they ride through the tranquil countryside. Overall, the Lüdersburg Loop is a pleasant ride that combines nature, history, and a touch of nostalgia.

A scenic route through the Elbtalaue biosphere reserve

71 km
277 m

The Elbtalaue Loop is a picturesque route that takes you through the beautiful Elbtalaue biosphere reserve. With a total distance of 71 kilometers and an elevation gain of 277 meters, this route is perfect for intermediate cyclists.

Discover the historic town of Lauenburg on two wheels

56 km
196 m

The Lauenburg Explorer is a road cycling route starting near Rullstorf. Covering a distance of 56 kilometers and with an ascent of 196 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for cyclists with a historical twist. The highlight of this route is Lauenburg/Elbe, a town steeped in history and culture. As you pedal through its cobbled streets and explore its medieval castle, you'll be transported back in time. The Lauenburg Explorer is a scenic ride that combines history, architecture, and natural beauty, providing a memorable cycling experience for all.

Conquer the thrilling Timeloberg on gravel roads

63 km
340 m

The Timeloberg Gravel Adventure is a challenging gravel cycling route starting near Rullstorf. Covering a distance of 63 kilometers and with an ascent of 340 meters, this route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts seeking a thrilling ride. The highlight of this route is Timeloberg, a steep hill that requires determination and strength to conquer. As you climb Timeloberg, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. This route combines the thrill of gravel riding with the serenity of nature, making it a memorable cycling experience.

Embark on an exhilarating road cycling journey near Rullstorf, showcasing the region's diverse landscapes and captivating landmarks.

77 km
385 m

Prepare for a thrilling road cycling experience near Rullstorf, which covers a total distance of 77km and boasts an ascent of 385 meters. Suitable for avid cyclists, this route will take you on a memorable adventure through picturesque routes. Take in the magnificent views from Rehr-Berg, traverse the charming village of Reinstorf, and soak in the ambiance of Bruchtorf. Embrace the beauty of Natendorf before continuing your journey through the captivating countryside. Ascend Timeloberg and enjoy the splendid vistas it has to offer. Complete your adventure by returning to Rullstorf.

Embark on the ultimate road cycling challenge near Rullstorf, conquering magnificent landmarks and breathtaking viewpoints.

124 km
713 m

Gear up for the ultimate road cycling challenge near Rullstorf, covering a demanding distance of 124km with an ascent of 713 meters. This exhilarating route is perfect for experienced cyclists seeking an unforgettable adventure. Kick-off your journey in the serene surrounds of Rullstorf. Ascend the Aussichtsturm am Biosphaerium Elbtalaue and admire the breathtaking view it offers. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Göhrde, encounter the enchantment of Groß Wittfeitzen, and discover the unique charm of Oetzen. Cycle through Römstedt, embracing its captivating landscapes, before reaching your final highlight, Rehr-Berg. Don't miss a visit to nearby Reinstorf to complete your incredible cycling experience.

Cycle through the captivating landscapes of Bardowick

24 km
133 m

The Bardowick Loop is a scenic gravel cycling route starting near Rullstorf. With a distance of 24 kilometers and an ascent of 133 meters, this route offers a shorter but captivating adventure for gravel enthusiasts. The highlight of this route is Bardowick, a village known for its charming atmosphere and rustic beauty. As you pedal through its idyllic landscapes and pass by the magnificent Bardowick Church, you'll be immersed in the serenity of this rural gem. The Bardowick Loop is a delightful ride that showcases the beauty of the region, making it a perfect choice for a leisurely gravel adventure.

Embark on a leisurely gravel cycling journey near Rullstorf, exploring charming villages and scenic viewpoints.

24 km
65 m

Embark on a leisurely gravel cycling journey near Rullstorf, spanning a total distance of 24km with a gentle ascent of 65 meters. Perfect for those seeking a relaxed cycling experience, this route showcases the enchanting landscapes and picturesque villages that surround Rullstorf. Start and finish your adventure in the idyllic scenery of Rullstorf itself. Discover the delightful panoramic views from the lower viewpoint of the Schiffshebewerk Scharnebeck, explore the charming village of Lüdersburg, and enjoy the serenity of the countryside. Unwind as you savor the tranquility and natural beauty of the area.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure from Rullstorf, uncovering outstanding landscapes and captivating landmarks.

120 km
466 m

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure from Rullstorf, covering a challenging distance of 120km and an ascent of 466 meters. This route is ideal for experienced and well-trained cyclists seeking an extraordinary journey. Explore the historic village of Hohnstorf, marvel at the beauty of rural Kollow, and soak in the stunning views from Windberg. Traverse the captivating Langenlehsten and indulge in the picturesque scenery of Boizenburg/Elbe. Discover the hidden gem of Elwkieker and be mesmerized by the tranquility of Hittbergen. Conclude your adventure in Lüdersburg, where you can appreciate its charming ambiance and idyllic surroundings.

Explore the historic Kalkberg and surrounding countryside

64 km
169 m

The Kalkberg Loop is a 64-kilometer cycling route that takes you through the scenic countryside near Rullstorf. With an ascent of 169 meters, this route is suitable for beginner to intermediate cyclists. Highlights along the route include the picturesque village of Rullstorf and the historic Kalkberg. Overall, the Kalkberg Loop offers a pleasant cycling experience with beautiful landscapes and cultural landmarks.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Scharnebeck

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Image of Adendorf

Cycling haven in Lüneburg.

Image of Barendorf

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Image of Lüneburg

Discover a cyclist's heaven with scenic routes and historic charm.

Image of Wendisch Evern
Wendisch Evern

Tranquil cycling escape in Lüneburg, Germany.

Image of Bardowick

Exploring scenic routes and epic climbs in Bardowick, Germany.

Image of Artlenburg

Road and gravel cycling bliss in Lüneburg.

Image of Barum

Experience the beauty of the Lüneburg region while cycling the captivating routes in Barum.

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