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Serene cycling through picturesque countryside in Münster, Germany.

Cycling routes from Ostbevern

Ostbevern, situated in Münster, Germany, is a cyclist's paradise. The locality offers a network of well-paved cycling paths that traverse through beautiful countryside, forests, and charming towns. Cyclists can enjoy the peaceful surroundings as they ride along the winding routes. While Ostbevern may not have any world-famous climbs or cycling spots, its serene environment and cyclist-friendly amenities make it an ideal destination for both road and gravel cyclists. There are also several notable attractions and landmarks that cyclists can explore during their visit.

Embark on a challenging cycling adventure to Mittelberg

76 km
424 m

The Mittelberg Challenge is a challenging road cycling route starting near Ostbevern. Spanning 76 kilometers and featuring a hefty ascent of 424 meters, this route is designed for experienced riders seeking a test of their endurance and climbing skills. From scenic countryside vistas to picturesque towns, this route offers a bit of everything. The Mittelberg Challenge is suitable for road bikes and is sure to provide a sense of accomplishment upon completion.

Discover the beauty of Ostbevern and its surroundings

107 km
562 m

Experience the beauty of the Ostbevern Discovery route, a 107-kilometer cycling adventure starting near Ostbevern. With an ascent of 562 meters, this road cycling route is designed for experienced riders seeking a challenge. The route takes you through stunning landscapes and introduces you to charming towns along the way. From Bad Iburg to Milte, every highlight of this route will leave a lasting impression.

Challenge yourself with elevation changes and enjoy the panoramic views

81 km
406 m

Venture into a more challenging road cycling route, taking you across hills, valleys, and vibrant villages. With its moderate to high difficulty level, this route is designed for experienced cyclists seeking a physically demanding and visually rewarding adventure. Capture breathtaking panoramic views and experience the rich cycling heritage of the Münsterland region.

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of Münsterland

98 km
261 m

Embark on a journey through the enchanting Münsterland region, renowned for its stunning natural beauty dotted with historical gems. This road cycling route offers a captivating mix of idyllic countryside, charming towns, and notable landmarks. Suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a scenic adventure, the route combines moderate difficulty with serene highlights along the way.

An exciting loop starting near Ostbevern

46 km
96 m

The Ostbevern Loop is a scenic cycling route that starts near Ostbevern. It offers beautiful views of the countryside and takes you through charming villages along the way. With a distance of 46 kilometers and a manageable ascent of 96 meters, it is suitable for experienced amateurs and recreational riders. The route is ideal for road bikes.

Embark on a scenic cycling adventure through Münsterland's picturesque landscapes

65 km
436 m

This round-trip cycling route offers a delightful journey through the enchanting region of Münsterland, known for its idyllic scenery, charming villages, and rich history. Traverse through quaint towns and rolling countryside, exploring the region's cultural and natural highlights along the way. The route presents a mix of well-paved roads and off-road trails, perfect for both road and gravel bikes. Whether you seek a thrilling challenge or a scenic escape, this route caters to cyclists of various skill levels and interests.

Delve into the historical town of Glandorf and its scenic surroundings

57 km
124 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure that leads you through the picturesque countryside around Ostbevern and beyond, showcasing the beauty of the Glandorf region. With moderate difficulty and notable highlights, this route promises an enjoyable outdoor experience suitable for intermediate cyclists. Explore the charming town of Glandorf and immerse yourself in its historical heritage.

Discover the enchanting town of Warendorf and its surrounding countryside

52 km
81 m

Experience the cultural richness of Warendorf and take a scenic journey through the surrounding landscapes. This road cycling route is suitable for moderately trained cyclists looking for a rewarding ride with captivating highlights. The route includes idyllic stretches through Warendorf's charming old town and picturesque countryside.

A thrilling ride through scenic landscapes and charming towns

83 km
152 m

Embark on a unique cycling adventure starting from Ostbevern and explore the beautiful Münsterland region. This round-trip route offers a mix of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and picturesque towns. With its moderate difficulty level and pleasant highlights along the way, the route is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for an enjoyable cycling experience.

Embark on a gravel adventure through Münster

52 km
117 m

The Gravel Adventure route is perfect for those seeking an off-road adventure near Ostbevern. Stretching over 52 kilometers with an ascent of 117 meters, this route is well-suited for gravel bikes. From Telgte to Gelmer, you'll navigate through various terrains and experience the joy of riding on less-traveled paths. Explore unique countryside landscapes and discover the hidden gems of Münster.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Telgte

Experience cycling paradise in Telgte and immerse yourself in a vibrant cycling culture!

Image of Glandorf

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Image of Ladbergen

Ladbergen: Embrace tranquility on two wheels and conquer the iconic Ankum steep climb.

Image of Everswinkel

Exploring the picturesque countryside of Everswinkel

Image of Warendorf

Cultural Hub for Cyclists in Münster

Image of Sassenberg

Cycling amidst the tranquility of rural Germany.

Image of Lienen

Venture into the scenic landscapes of Lienen, Germany, on your next cycling adventure.

Image of Lengerich

Leisurely rides through Münster's serene countryside.

Image of Münster

Discover the cycling-friendly city of Münster and its surrounding beauty.

Nearby regions:

Image of Hannover

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Image of Weser-Ems

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Image of Limburg (NL)
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