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Zemmer: Unlock the South Eifel's cycling paradise, journey through picturesque landscapes.

Cycling routes from Zemmer

Zemmer is a locality situated in Trier, Germany. As a road and gravel cyclist, you'll find a variety of cycling routes in and around Zemmer. The area offers a mix of flat stretches and challenging hills, catering to different skill levels. Zemmer is renowned for its beautiful countryside, featuring winding roads that lead through charming villages and picturesque landscapes. Located nearby is the famous Südeifel region, which provides numerous opportunities for challenging rides. Cyclists can conquer the well-known Schwarzer Mann climb or enjoy scenic routes along the Moselle River. With its diverse terrain and stunning scenery, Zemmer offers a memorable cycling experience.

Experience the rich history and natural beauty of the Trier region.

117 km
1832 m

This road cycling route combines scenic landscapes with historical landmarks. From Hosten, a quiet village surrounded by forested hills, to Goldberg, a hilltop with ruins of an ancient castle, you'll discover the diverse heritage of the area. Gerolstein is known for its picturesque river, while Manderscheid features two impressive medieval castles.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through the scenic Eifel region.

99 km
1922 m

This gravel route takes you through dense forests, rolling hills, and quaint villages. Vogelskopf, a scenic viewpoint, provides stunning panoramic views over the Eifel landscape, while Newel is known for its historic castle ruins.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Eifel region as you pedal through quaint villages and soak in picturesque landscapes.

114 km
1673 m

Embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure through the Eifel region, brimming with captivating history and stunning natural beauty. This round-trip route offers a perfect blend of challenging ascents, scenic countryside, and idyllic villages, making it an ideal choice for experienced cyclists seeking a memorable journey. Featuring a total ascent of 1673 meters over a distance of 114 kilometers, this route promises both physical exertion and unparalleled rewards. Traverse through highlights such as Beilingen, Gindorf, Meisburg, Daun, Firmerich, Oberscheidweiler, Auf der Eich, Altricher Alte Eiche, Esch, Heldenberg, and Zemmer, each offering its own unique charm and allure.

An enjoyable gravel cycling route with beautiful countryside and charming villages near Trier.

44 km
514 m

This 44-kilometer gravel cycling route starting from Zemmer takes you through scenic countryside and charming villages near Trier. With moderate ascent and a mix of rolling hills and flat sections, it is suitable for riders of various skill levels. The route showcases the beauty of Röder and Esch hills, offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Riders will have the chance to explore the peaceful village of Heckenmünster and enjoy the tranquility of the Föhren forest. This route is recommended for those who seek a relaxed cycling adventure with beautiful rural views.

A thrilling gravel biking route with a legendary climb up Mehringer Berg.

52 km
1093 m

Conquer the challenges of Mehringer Berg with this 52-kilometer gravel biking route starting from Zemmer. The route offers unique cycling opportunities with stunning views from Heidweiler and Röder hills while passing through idyllic villages like Esch and Mehringer Berg. Experience the thrill of ascending Backofen's legendary climbs and enjoy picturesque landscapes with vineyards along the way. Mehringer Berg, the ultimate highlight, presents an epic climb rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views. This route is recommended for experienced gravel riders who seek challenging adventures and legendary cycling spots.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey to the picturesque village of Dudeldorf.

27 km
446 m

Discover the beauty of the Trier region on this road cycling tour. The route leads you through picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and historical landmarks. With a distance of 27 kilometers and a moderate elevation gain of 446 meters, this ride is suitable for cyclists of various skill levels. Along the way, you'll pass through Sonnenberg, a quaint village engulfed in natural beauty, and Speicher, known for its idyllic lake. The highlight of this tour is Dudeldorf, a well-preserved medieval village full of narrow streets, historic houses, and a magnificent castle. Immerse yourself in the rich history and architectural charm of Dudeldorf before heading back to Trier.

A scenic gravel route passing through idyllic villages and offering panoramic views along the way.

51 km
952 m

Embark on a 51-kilometer gravel adventure from Zemmer to Pfaffenberg, passing through idyllic countryside and charming villages. This route offers moderate ascent and takes you through the scenic Heldenberg and Vogtel hills, with panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Discover the historic village of Ehrang and enjoy the picturesque views from the Zoonenberg hill. Pfaffenberg, the final destination, is a renowned cycling spot with challenging climbs and scenic beauty. Suitable for intermediate riders, this route is perfect for those who seek a mix of nature, tranquility, and thrilling cycling experiences.

An adventurous road biking route with a climb up Vogelskopf and stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

129 km
2165 m

This road route starting from Zemmer takes you through the picturesque countryside of Trier. It offers a thrilling experience with a challenging climb up Vogelskopf and rewards you with breathtaking views from the top. The route covers a distance of 129 kilometers and includes significant ascent. It is recommended for experienced riders who enjoy a tough challenge.

A scenic gravel biking route through vineyards and rural landscapes near Trier.

80 km
1505 m

This gravel route starting from Zemmer takes you on a scenic journey through the vineyards and rural landscapes near Trier. With a distance of 80 kilometers and moderate ascent, it is suitable for gravel enthusiasts looking for a mix of nature and cultural experiences. The route offers picturesque views of the Angelberg and Knopf hills, as well as a stop at the historical city of Trier. It is a rewarding adventure for riders of intermediate skill level.

Explore the beautiful Eifel region on this adventurous off-road gravel ride.

36 km
887 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the stunning Eifel region. This route offers a mix of challenging terrain, scenic landscapes, and historical attractions. You'll experience the thrill of cycling through forested trails, conquer the ascent of Mehringer Berg, and enjoy panoramic views from Heldenberg. The route covers a total distance of 36 kilometers with a moderate elevation gain of 887 meters. With its unique highlights and diverse challenges, this gravel ride promises an exciting experience for adventure-seeking cyclists.

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Image of Speicher

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Image of Föhren

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Image of Kordel

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Image of Kenn

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