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Exploring the flat landscapes

Cycling routes from Kerekegyhaza

Kerekegyháza is a locality located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. From the point of view of a road and gravel cyclist, Kerekegyháza may not offer exceptional cycling opportunities. The area features mostly flat terrain and the roads can be average in condition. While Kerekegyháza itself may not have any famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs, it serves as a convenient base to explore the surrounding countryside, which offers relatively easy and pleasant rides. Overall, Kerekegyháza ranks as a 2 in terms of cycling from a cyclist's perspective.

Explore the charming countryside of Dél-Alföld on this road cycling route from Kerekegyháza to Kunadacs.

90 km
36 m

This road cycling route takes you through picturesque towns and villages of Dél-Alföld, offering beautiful landscapes and cultural experiences along the way. With a total ascent of 36 meters and a distance of 90 kilometers, it is suitable for well-trained amateurs. The route starts in Kerekegyháza and passes through highlights such as Szabadszállás, Szalkszentmárton, Kunszentmiklós, and Kunadacs.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure starting from Kerekegyháza and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Dél-Alföld.

57 km
21 m

This gravel cycling route offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural highlights. With a total ascent of 21 meters and a distance of 57 kilometers, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Starting from Kerekegyháza, you will pass through some fascinating spots like Szarkás and Jakabszállás.

Experience the scenic beauty of the Hungarian plains on this road cycling route from Kerekegyháza to Ladánybene.

119 km
61 m

This 119-km road cycling route takes you through several picturesque towns and villages in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. The route features a total ascent of 61 meters and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. With its smooth roads and gentle slopes, it is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists.

Cycle from Hetényegyháza to Kerekegyháza and admire the beautiful landscapes and charming towns along the way.

38 km
13 m

This 38-km road cycling route offers a leisurely cycling experience with a total ascent of 13 meters. The route takes you through peaceful countryside, charming villages, and scenic beauty. Perfect for a relaxing day trip or a casual cycle for cyclists of all levels.

Experience the gravel adventure of a lifetime through the picturesque landscapes of Dél-Alföld.

65 km
27 m

This gravel cycling route highlights the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Dél-Alföld region. With a total ascent of 27 meters and a distance of 65 kilometers, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Starting from Kerekegyháza, you will pass through highlights like Kadafalva and Jakabszállás, offering a diverse range of experiences along the way.

Experience the scenic beauty of Dél-Alföld on this gravel cycling loop starting from Kerekegyháza.

33 km
13 m

This gravel cycling route offers a shorter but equally rewarding experience of the Dél-Alföld region. With a total ascent of 13 meters and a distance of 33 kilometers, it is suitable for beginners. Starting from Kerekegyháza, you will pass through attractions like Szarkás and Ballószög, showcasing the natural and cultural diversity of the area.

Experience the thrill of gravel cycling on this adventurous route from Felsőlajos.

53 km
47 m

This 53-km gravel cycling route offers a challenging terrain with a total ascent of 47 meters. The route takes you through stunning landscapes, rural areas, and scenic countryside. Ideal for adventurous cyclists looking to explore the hidden gems of the Dél-Alföld region.

Enjoy a scenic road cycling experience from Kerekegyháza to Fülöpszállás, cycling through beautiful landscapes and historic villages.

123 km
88 m

This 123-km road cycling route takes you through the unique beauty of the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. With a total ascent of 88 meters, the route showcases stunning landscapes, charming towns, and rich historical heritage. Ideal for well-trained amateur cyclists looking for a combination of beautiful scenery and cultural exploration.

Escape to the peaceful countryside on this gravel cycling route starting from Kerekegyháza.

51 km
46 m

This gravel cycling route offers a scenic escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. With a total ascent of 46 meters and a distance of 51 kilometers, it is suitable for intermediate gravel riders. Starting from Kerekegyháza, you will pass through highlights such as Selyem halom and Izsák, providing a mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions.

Embark on an adventurous road cycling journey from Ladánybene to Lajosmizse, passing through picturesque towns and scenic landscapes.

128 km
134 m

This 128-km road cycling route offers a challenging terrain with a total ascent of 134 meters. The route takes you through beautiful countryside, charming villages, and historic sites. Experience the beauty of the Dél-Alföld region while enjoying a thrilling cycling adventure.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Ballószög

Exploring the rural landscapes of Ballószög on both road and gravel bikes.

Image of Lajosmizse

Leisure cycling and equestrian culture in a peaceful town

Image of Kecskemét

A cycling-friendly town with scenic countryside routes.

Image of Szabadszállás

Cycling and thermal spa in the Dél-Alföld region

Image of Orgovány

Exploring the rural landscapes of Orgovány by bike.

Nearby regions:

Image of Panonska Hrvatska
Panonska Hrvatska

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