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Scenic landscapes and cultural experiences for cyclists.

Cycling routes from Szatymaz

Szatymaz, located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary, offers an enjoyable cycling experience with its flat to gently rolling terrain. Road and gravel cyclists can traverse quiet country roads while admiring the region's picturesque landscapes. While Szatymaz doesn't have any famous cycling-related spots or renowned climbs, it provides a pleasant environment for both leisurely rides and exploring the local culture. Visitors can also engage in other tourist activities, such as visiting museums or enjoying traditional Hungarian cuisine.

Experience the scenic beauty of Hódmezővásárhely and Algyő

101 km
57 m

If you're looking for a road cycling adventure with breathtaking views, this route is perfect for you. Starting in Szatymaz, you'll embark on a scenic journey through the picturesque countryside of Dél-Alföld. One of the highlights of this route is Hódmezővásárhely, a charming town known for its cultural heritage and historic architecture. Take a moment to explore the town and visit its iconic landmarks. As you continue your journey, you'll pass by Algyő, a peaceful village with a tranquil atmosphere. Enjoy the serene surroundings and take in the beauty of the Hungarian countryside. With a distance of 101 km and a moderate difficulty level, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a challenge.

Discover the historical landmarks and natural beauty of Szegedi vasúti híd újszegedi hídfő

106 km
42 m

This challenging road cycling route will take you from Szatymaz to the stunning Szegedi vasúti híd újszegedi hídfő. Along the way, you'll encounter diverse landscapes, historical sites, and moderate climbs. The route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a memorable adventure.

Embark on a scenic journey to discover the rural beauty of Sándorfalva

129 km
39 m

This road cycling route takes you from Szatymaz through various small towns and villages before reaching the idyllic Sándorfalva. Along the route, you'll be treated to stunning views of the countryside and moderate climbs. It's a great option for well-trained amateur cyclists looking to explore the region.

Cycling through scenic landscapes to reach the peaceful village of Klárafalva

82 km
34 m

This road cycling route takes you from the vibrant town of Szatymaz to the picturesque village of Klárafalva. Along the way, you'll enjoy breathtaking scenery and a moderate ascent. The route is suited for well-trained amateur cyclists.

Experience the thrill of gravel cycling as you explore the charming village of Balástya

65 km
37 m

This gravel cycling route takes you from Szatymaz along scenic paths and remote countryside before arriving at Balástya. The route provides a thrilling adventure, suitable for experienced cyclists and gravel biking enthusiasts. You'll tackle mild climbs and discover the serene beauty of the region.

Embark on a cycling journey through the scenic landscapes of Szentes

142 km
13 m

This long road cycling route takes you on a scenic journey through the beautiful landscapes of Szentes. Starting in Szatymaz, you'll pass by Sándorfalva, a picturesque village known for its tranquil atmosphere. Take a break and appreciate the beauty of this hidden gem. Continuing your ride, you'll reach Baks, a village with a rich history and architectural heritage. Explore the charming streets and learn about the local traditions. As you approach Szentes, you'll be greeted by the majestic Tege Halom, a hill with historical significance. Enjoy the stunning views before making your way back to Szatymaz. With a distance of 142 km, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a challenge.

Embark on a lengthy adventure through multiple countries and varied landscapes

136 km
56 m

This road cycling route will take you on an epic cross-border journey starting from Szatymaz and passing through Klárafalva, Podlokanj in Slovenia, and ending in Đala in Serbia. With a total distance of 136 km and challenging climbs, this route is only recommended for experienced cyclists who seek to push their limits and explore different cultures along the way. The landscapes will vary significantly as you cycle through flat Hungarian plains, Slovenian hills, and Serbian countryside.

Explore the charming town of Balástya and pass by the impressive Pallavicini Castle

46 km
7 m

This cycling route begins in Szatymaz and takes you through the beautiful countryside of Dél-Alföld. You'll have the opportunity to visit Balástya, a historic town known for its unique architecture and cultural heritage. Along the way, you'll also pass by the Pallavicini Castle, a magnificent building with a rich history. The route has a relatively low difficulty level, making it suitable for amateur cyclists with some training. With a compact distance of 46 km, this route is perfect for a half-day adventure.

Discover the countryside and experience the unique charm of Kiskundorozsma

30 km
6 m

If you're looking for an adventure off the beaten path, this gravel route is perfect for you. Starting in Szatymaz, you'll have the opportunity to explore the scenic countryside and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. One of the highlights of this route is Kiskundorozsma, a small village with a rich cultural heritage. Take some time to explore the charming streets and learn about the local traditions. With a compact distance of 30 km and low elevation gain, this route is suitable for beginner gravel riders. Prepare for a thrilling and refreshing gravel adventure in and around Szatymaz.

Discover unique attractions and natural beauty on this gravel adventure

104 km
27 m

If you're looking for an off-road adventure with diverse attractions, this gravel route is perfect for you. Starting in Szatymaz, you'll pass by Sándorfalva, a picturesque village with a tranquil atmosphere. Take some time to explore the charming streets and immerse yourself in the local culture. Another highlight of this route is Deszk, a small village known for its traditional architecture and warm hospitality. Interact with the locals and learn about their way of life. As you approach Ђала, you'll be surrounded by stunning natural beauty, including picturesque landscapes and lush vegetation. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings before making your way back to Szatymaz. With a distance of 104 km, this route is suitable for experienced gravel riders.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Sándorfalva

Agricultural landscapes and leisure rides

Image of Zsombó

Tranquil cycling experience amidst peaceful countryside views.

Image of Balástya

Enjoyable cycling experience amidst agricultural landscapes.

Image of Algyő

Cycling through serene landscapes in Algyő, Hungary.

Image of Szeged

Experience the charm and diversity of Szeged on a cycling adventure

Image of Zákányszék

Calm countryside cycling in Zákányszék

Nearby regions:

Image of Panonska Hrvatska
Panonska Hrvatska

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Image of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
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