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Diverse cycling opportunities in Észak-Magyarország, Hungary

Cycling routes from Heves

Heves, located in Észak-Magyarország, Hungary, offers a plethora of cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists. The region features a mix of challenging climbs and flat terrains, catering to both experienced and recreational cyclists. The area boasts well-marked cycling routes, allowing cyclists to explore the beautiful landscapes at their own pace. Situated nearby is Kekesteto, the highest peak in Hungary, which is a popular destination for cyclists seeking a legendary climb. Overall, Heves is a cyclist-friendly locality with diverse terrain and stunning natural beauty.

Venture on an exciting gravel adventure through Jászszentandrás

78 km
27 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure through Jászszentandrás. This 78 km route offers a mix of off-road trails and scenic landscapes. Enjoy an ascent of 27 meters and discover the hidden gems of the region.

A gravel cycling route featuring the peaceful villages of Jászapáti and Jászszentandrás.

51 km
28 m

Explore the peaceful countryside near Heves on this gravel cycling route featuring the charming villages of Jászapáti and Jászszentandrás. With a distance of 51km and an ascent of 28m, this route is suitable for gravel enthusiasts and cyclists looking for a leisurely ride. Starting in Heves, the route takes you through Jászkisér, where you can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and scenic surroundings. Continue on to Jászapáti, known for its traditional Hungarian architecture, before reaching Jászszentandrás, a small village with a welcoming community. The highlight of the route is Reményik-kúria, a historic building that offers a glimpse into Hungary's past. This off-the-beaten-path route showcases the beauty of rural Hungary and is a perfect escape from the city.

Experience the scenic landscapes of Hevesvezekény on this road cycling adventure

63 km
19 m

Embark on a thrilling cycling experience in Hevesvezekény. This 63 km route offers breathtaking scenery and tranquil surroundings. Challenge yourself with a moderate ascent of 19 meters and immerse yourself in the beauty of the region.

Explore the beautiful landscapes and charming villages on this gravel cycling route.

60 km
20 m

Embark on a scenic gravel cycling adventure that showcases the beautiful landscapes and charming villages near Heves. With a distance of 60km and an ascent of 20m, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Start your journey in Heves and cycle through Átány, a peaceful village with idyllic surroundings. Continue to Tiszanána, known for its traditional Hungarian lifestyle and beautiful nature. The route then takes you through Kisköre, where you can enjoy picturesque views of the Tisza River. Visit Tarnaszentmiklós, a village with a rich history, before returning to Heves. This route offers a perfect balance of natural beauty and cultural discoveries, making it a memorable cycling experience.

Enjoy a peaceful gravel cycling route through scenic Hungarian landscapes.

62 km
19 m

Escape into the Hungarian countryside with this tranquil gravel cycling route that takes you through scenic landscapes and charming villages. With a distance of 62km and an ascent of 19m, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Starting in Heves, the route first guides you through Jászszentandrás, a small village known for its peaceful environment and picturesque views. Continue to Tarnaörs, where you can take in the beauty of the surrounding nature, before reaching Nagyfüged, a remote village with a tranquil atmosphere. The journey continues through Boconád, a picturesque village with traditional Hungarian architecture, and ends at Reményik-kúria, where you can explore Hungary's rich history. This route is perfect for those seeking a calm and serene cycling experience.

Embark on a thrilling journey through Detk and its surroundings

140 km
1031 m

Get ready for an exhilarating cycling adventure on the Detk route. This road cycling route covers a distance of 140 km with a challenging ascent of 1031 meters. Experience the thrill of conquering the climbs and enjoy breathtaking views along the way.

Cycle through picturesque landscapes and discover the charm of Pély

119 km
33 m

Embark on a captivating cycling journey through the scenic landscapes of Heves. The Pély route takes you on a 119 km adventure, with an ascent of 33 meters. This road cycling experience offers a mix of tranquility and natural beauty.

Discover the beauty of Kömlő and its surroundings on this road cycling route

70 km
28 m

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure in Kömlő. The 70 km route offers breathtaking views and a moderate ascent of 28 meters. Explore the charm of the region and enjoy the picturesque landscapes along the way.

A scenic road cycling route with cultural highlights in Jászapáti and Jászberény.

88 km
33 m

This road cycling route starting near Heves takes you through picturesque villages and showcases some interesting cultural highlights in Jászapáti and Jászberény. With a distance of 88km and an ascent of 33m, this route is suitable for cyclists of all skill levels. Starting in Heves, you'll pass through Jászapáti and Jászberény, where you can explore their historical buildings and local traditions. The route then continues through Jászdózsa and Boconád before reaching Reményik-kúria, where you can admire the beautiful architecture and learn about Hungary's rich history. This route offers a combination of beautiful landscapes and cultural discoveries.

A challenging road cycling route through picturesque Hungarian villages and beautiful landscapes.

140 km
529 m

This round-trip cycling route starting near Heves offers a challenging adventure through picturesque Hungarian villages and beautiful landscapes. With a distance of 140km and an ascent of 529m, this road cycling route is designed for well-trained amateurs. The route takes you through the scenic villages of Jászapáti, Jászdózsa, Atkár, Ecséd, and Kecske-kő, before reaching the town of Gyöngyös. From there, you'll ascend the majestic Pipis-hegy and continue through Ludas, Boconád, and Reményik-kúria. The route showcases the diverse beauty of the region, including rolling hills, charming villages, and stunning views.

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