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Cycling-friendly town with historic charm in Ferrara

Cycling routes from Ferrara

Ferrara is a town located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. As a cyclist, Ferrara offers a bike-friendly environment with well-developed cycling infrastructure. The town is known for its flat terrain, making it ideal for leisurely rides and city exploration. Cyclists can enjoy pedaling along the picturesque canals and historic streets, soaking in the cultural sights and atmosphere. Ferrara is also the starting point for the renowned Destra Po cycling path, which follows the Po River and offers breathtaking views. With its cycling-friendly nature and rich cultural heritage, Ferrara is a must-visit destination for cyclists and tourists alike.

Explore Ferrara's hidden gems and historic landmarks in this road cycling adventure

148 km
127 m

Get ready for a captivating cycling journey through Ferrara's hidden gems and historic landmarks. This road route covers a distance of 148 km with an ascent of 127 meters, offering a moderate challenge suitable for experienced amateur cyclists. Discover the magic of Ferrara as you explore the bustling Torre della Fossa, admire the beauty of Garisenda Tower, and immerse yourself in the history of Villa Terracini. The epicness of this route is rated as 4 out of 5.

Immerse yourself in the rustic charm and scenic landscapes around Ferrara

62 km
46 m

Embark on a cycling adventure through Ferrara's rustic countryside, where you'll discover charming villages, scenic landscapes, and historical sites. With a distance of 62 km and an ascent of 46 meters, this road route offers a pleasant ride suitable for intermediate cyclists. Explore the fascinating Ex Caserma Pastrengo, admire the beauty of Tortiola, and visit the enchanting Chiesa del Rosario. The epicness of this route is rated as 2 out of 5.

Embark on a challenging road cycling route from Ferrara to Rubizzano, passing through fascinating landmarks such as Torre della Fossa and Palazzo delle Poste Centrali.

97 km
55 m

This road cycling route covers a distance of 97 kilometers, with an ascent of 55 meters. It takes you through scenic countryside and charming townships, offering a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents. Experience the impressive Torre della Fossa and discover the historical richness of Riccardina. Take a break in Bentivoglio, a traditional village with beautiful architecture, before continuing your ride to Rubizzano. Finally, return to Ferrara and end your journey at the majestic Palazzo delle Poste Centrali.

Cycle through the charming villages of Massumatico and Sant'Agostino, before immersing yourself in the history of Palazzo delle Poste Centrali.

70 km
54 m

This road cycling route covers 70 kilometers and includes an ascent of 54 meters. It takes you through idyllic villages and scenic countryside, offering a peaceful and enjoyable ride. Make sure to explore the picturesque village of Massumatico and the historic town of Sant'Agostino, known for its architectural heritage. Finally, end your journey in Ferrara by visiting the grand Palazzo delle Poste Centrali, a symbol of the city's postal service history.

Discover the historic bike route from Ferrara to Bondeno, passing through Caserma Pastrengo and Palazzo delle Poste Centrali.

61 km
29 m

This road cycling route takes you on a journey through the picturesque landscapes of Emilia-Romagna. With a total distance of 61 kilometers and only 29 meters of ascent, it is suitable for cyclists of all levels. The route features highlights such as the former military barracks of Caserma Pastrengo and the iconic Palazzo delle Poste Centrali.

Explore the scenic gravel route from Ferrara to Malborghetto di Boara, passing through unique landmarks such as Delizia Estense del Belriguardo.

65 km
13 m

This gravel route offers a thrilling adventure through enchanting landscapes, covering a distance of 65 kilometers with a relatively flat terrain and an ascent of 13 meters. Immerse yourself in nature as you pass through the charming villages of Baura, Denore, and Medelana. Marvel at the majestic Delizia Estense del Belriguardo, a historic residence that once served as a hunting lodge for the Este family. Continue your ride to discover the picturesque village of Aguscello before reaching the final destination of Malborghetto di Boara.

Embark on a historical and cultural tour of Ferrara's surrounding towns and landmarks

57 km
28 m

Discover the historical and cultural riches of Ferrara's surrounding towns and landmarks on this road cycling route. Covering a distance of 57 km with an ascent of only 28 meters, this route provides an enjoyable ride suitable for amateur cyclists. Explore the intriguing Ex Caserma Pastrengo, experience the charm of Sant'Agostino, and marvel at Palazzo delle Poste Centrali. The epicness of this route is rated as 2 out of 5.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the picturesque countryside near Ferrara

51 km
25 m

If you're looking for a thrilling off-road experience, this gravel route is perfect for you. With a distance of 51 km and a modest ascent of 25 meters, it offers a moderate challenge suitable for amateur cyclists. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Ferrara's countryside as you ride through this scenic route. The epicness of this route is rated as 2 out of 5.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure from Ferrara to Stienta, exploring Palazzo dell'Aeronautica and Salara along the way.

84 km
55 m

This gravel route offers a challenging yet rewarding cycling experience, covering a distance of 84 kilometers with an ascent of 55 meters. It takes you through some of Emilia-Romagna's hidden gems, including the impressive Palazzo dell'Aeronautica and the charming village of Salara. With its diverse terrain and scenic landscapes, this route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts.

Cycle through historic Ferrara to see the stunning Palazzo dell'Aeronautica

100 km
75 m

Experience the rich history of Ferrara as you ride to the impressive Palazzo dell'Aeronautica. This road route covers a distance of 100 km with a manageable ascent of 75 meters. It is suitable for well-trained amateurs with moderate difficulty. The route offers a mix of urban and countryside scenery, providing a delightful cycling experience. The epicness of this route is rated as 3 out of 5.

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