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Scenic rides and relaxing thermal baths in Porretta Terme

Cycling routes from Porretta Terme

Porretta Terme is a picturesque town located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers a variety of scenic routes and challenging climbs in the surrounding countryside. One famous cycling-related spot nearby is the Apenna Trail, known for its breathtaking views and thrilling descents. Porretta Terme is also well-known for its thermal baths, making it an ideal destination for cyclists looking to relax and rejuvenate after a long ride. Overall, the town offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and cycling opportunities.

Uncover the hidden gems of Emilia-Romagna on this road cycling route

96 km
3086 m

The Hidden Gems Road Cycling route is a 96-kilometer adventure with an ascent of 3086 meters. Discover the lesser-known attractions of Emilia-Romagna as you pass through charming towns and picturesque landscapes. Highlights of the route include Castel di Casio, Serra dello Zanchetto, and Montepiano, each offering unique cultural experiences. Challenge yourself on the challenging Passo della Torricella and soak in the tranquility of Poggio Roncomannaio. End your journey with the awe-inspiring views from Pavana. This route is suitable for experienced road cyclists looking to uncover the hidden gems of this beautiful region.

Embark on a short yet exciting gravel adventure to Borgo Capanne near Porretta Terme

21 km
974 m

The Borgo Capanne Adventure is a thrilling gravel route that allows you to explore the scenic countryside near Porretta Terme in a short distance. With a total length of 21 km and an ascent of 974 m, this route is perfect for a quick biking escapade. The highlights of this adventure include Poggio di Borgo Capanne, Monte Tresca, and Castello Manservisi. Enjoy the rugged terrains and picturesque views along the way.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure to Scarperia from Porretta Terme

141 km
3991 m

The Scarperia Epic is a challenging road cycling route for experienced cyclists seeking an epic adventure. With a total distance of 141 km and an ascent of 3991 m, this route will push your limits and reward you with breathtaking sceneries. The highlights of this epic journey include Ponte di Verzuno, Sasso di Vigo, Poggio Castello, Baragazza, Passo della Futa, Via Flaminia Militare, Scarperia, Poggio Bonriposo, Barberino di Mugello, Poggio delle Prata, La Villa, Poggio Roncomannaio, Sasso Nero, and Ponte della Venturina. These highlights offer stunning viewpoints, historical landmarks, and cultural attractions.

Breathtaking Scenery and Challenging Climbs

85 km
2835 m

This gravel route starting near Porretta Terme offers a unique and adventurous cycling experience. With a total ascent of 2835 meters and a distance of 85 kilometers, this route is suited for well-trained amateur cyclists. Throughout the journey, you will encounter stunning highlights such as Sasso Nero, Lentula, Poggio la Zucca, La Dogana, Monte Acuto, Abbazia di San Salvatore a Fontana Taona, Lastregado, and Ponte della Venturina. Whether you are a cycling enthusiast or someone who enjoys beautiful landscapes, this route guarantees an unforgettable ride.

Experience the stunning Ponte di Verzuno on this road cycling route near Porretta Terme

77 km
2120 m

The Verzuno Loop is a road cycling route that offers magnificent views and a thrilling biking experience. With a total distance of 77 km and an ascent of 2120 m, this route is suitable for intermediate to advanced cyclists. The highlight of this loop is the Ponte di Verzuno, a beautiful bridge that spans across a river and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Other notable highlights include Sasso di Vigo, Lagaro, Poggio Civitella, Suviana, and Sasso Nero.

A challenging road cycling route with notable highlights

133 km
2946 m

The Giro di Porretta offers a diverse and challenging road cycling experience near Porretta Terme. With a total ascent of 2,946 meters and a distance of 133 kilometers, this route is designed for experienced cyclists looking for a tough ride. Cyclists will encounter picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and impressive climbs throughout the journey. The route showcases the beauty of Emilia-Romagna and provides a thrilling adventure for cycling enthusiasts.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure through scenic landscapes

110 km
4229 m

The Gravel Adventure is a 110-kilometer cycling route with an ascent of 4229 meters, perfect for gravel enthusiasts. The route takes you through remote and scenic landscapes, offering a true off-road adventure. Highlights include the picturesque town of Granaglione, the challenging Passo di Monte Oppio, and the breathtaking Doganaccia mountain. This route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for an exhilarating off-road experience.

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure across rugged terrains near Porretta Terme

156 km
3687 m

The Rocco Loop is an epic road cycling route for advanced cyclists seeking a challenging adventure. With a total distance of 156 km and an ascent of 3687 m, this route takes you through breathtaking sceneries and tests your endurance levels. Highlights of this route include Rocchetta Mattei, Pioppe di Salvaro, Monte Caprara, Monte Adone, Brento, Monte Lupo, Savazza, Passo della Raticosa, Pietramala, Passo della Futa, Roncobilaccio, Monte Gatta, Sasso Nero, and Ponte della Venturina. These highlights offer unique cultural attractions and rewarding viewpoints along the journey.

Embark on a challenging mountainous road adventure

108 km
3111 m

The Mountainous Road Adventure is a 108-kilometer route with an ascent of 3111 meters, ideal for cyclists seeking a challenging and scenic road ride. Discover the beauty of Porretta Terme and its famous hot springs before venturing into the hilly countryside. Highlights of the route include Sasso di Vigo, Monte Amato, and Passo della Futa, renowned for its stunning views. Experience the charming Castel dell'Alpi and test your endurance on the demanding Passo Turchino. Complete your adventure with the spectacular views from the summit of Monte Gatta. This route is recommended for experienced road cyclists looking for a thrilling and physically demanding ride.

Enjoy a challenging ride with stunning views of Monte della Croce

91 km
2538 m

The Monte della Croce Loop is a 91-kilometer road cycling route starting near Porretta Terme. With an ascent of 2538 meters, this route provides a challenging ride for experienced cyclists. The highlight of the route is the climb up Monte della Croce which offers breathtaking panoramic views. Additionally, you'll pass through picturesque towns such as Lizzano in Belvedere and Camatta. This route is suitable for cyclists looking for a rewarding and scenic ride.

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