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Explore the historical sites and enjoy a leisurely bike ride in San Polo dei Cavalieri.

Cycling routes from San Polo dei Cavalieri

San Polo dei Cavalieri is a small locality located in the Lazio region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, San Polo dei Cavalieri offers limited options for road and gravel cycling. The area lacks significant climbs or challenging routes for enthusiasts. However, if you prefer quieter and less crowded areas for recreational cycling, San Polo dei Cavalieri may be worth considering. The town itself has historical sites and is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, making it an appealing place for tourists.

Cycle through picturesque landscapes and explore the historic town of Rocca Canterano.

69 km
1362 m

Embark on a 69-kilometer road cycling journey filled with natural beauty and historical significance. Enjoy the smooth roads while exploring the hidden gem of San Polo dei Cavalieri. Pass through Colle Ottani and take in breathtaking views from the Belvedere viewpoint. Cycle through the quaint village of Agosta before reaching the Medieval fortress of Rocca Canterano. Marvel at the panoramic views from Rocca Canterano and continue your adventure to Rocca Canterano for a truly enriching experience.

Cycle through breathtaking landscapes and conquer the challenging climb to Castel Madama.

89 km
1993 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure that will push your limits as you conquer a total ascent of 1993 meters over 89 kilometers. Experience the beauty of the Italian countryside while riding through tiny hamlets and picturesque towns. Don't miss Castel Madama, a medieval fortress with stunning views from atop its hill. Enroute, enjoy the scenic beauty of Costa di Collemare and Palestrina's archaeological wonders. End your journey in Tivoli, where you can explore its charming streets and magnificent gardens.

Embark on a thrilling gravel escape through the scenic landscapes near San Polo dei Cavalieri.

31 km
858 m

Unleash your adventurous spirit and discover the hidden beauty of Lazio's gravel roads on this exhilarating cycling route. With a manageable ascent of 858m and a distance of 31km, this gravel escape is perfect for cyclists seeking a mix of challenge and serenity. Starting near San Polo dei Cavalieri, conquer the climbs to Colle Ottani, Vicovaro, Colle Stefano, and finally Castello Cesi. Immerse yourself in the untouched nature and fascinating history that await you along the way.

Embark on a gravel biking adventure exploring the beautiful landscapes and tiny villages.

76 km
1613 m

This 76-kilometer gravel route offers an exciting mix of natural beauty and cultural immersion. Challenge yourself with a total ascent of 1613 meters while exploring the unspoiled countryside. Make sure to stop in the charming village of Vicovaro with its quaint houses and friendly locals. Take a moment to enjoy the stunning views from the Belvedere viewpoint. As you pedal through the serene landscapes towards Costa di Collemare, you'll find yourself transported to a different era.

Embark on a challenging climbing adventure and reach the heights of Marco Simone.

133 km
1948 m

Take on the challenge of this 133-kilometer road biking route with a daunting total ascent of 1948 meters. Push your limits as you conquer the demanding climb up Monte Catillo, and enjoy panoramic views from Tivoli. Discover the stunning Rocca di Papa and scale the heights of Monte Cavo for an unforgettable experience. Pedal through the charming towns of Genzano di Roma and Cinecittà, known for their cultural richness. Finally, reach Marco Simone and witness the renowned golf course and its scenic backdrop.

Discover the beautiful countryside of Lazio on this challenging road cycling route.

93 km
1814 m

Experience the rolling hills and picturesque landscapes of Lazio on this challenging road cycling route. With an ascent of 1814m and a distance of 93km, this loop promises to test and reward cyclists of all levels. Start your journey in San Polo dei Cavalieri and embark on a journey through Colle Ottani, Colle Catasciano, Orvinio, and many more stunning locations. Get ready to be enchanted by the breathtaking views and rich history of the region.

Embark on a serene off-road cycling adventure through the rugged landscapes of Lazio.

32 km
856 m

Venture off the beaten path and go on an exhilarating off-road cycling adventure through the charming countryside of Lazio. With a manageable ascent of 856m and a distance of 32km, this gravel route is perfect for those looking to explore the region's hidden gems. Starting near San Polo dei Cavalieri, pedal your way through Monte Catillo, Villa d'Este, Villanova, and more. Prepare to be amazed by the untouched landscapes and ancient ruins along the way.

Pedal through history on this historic road cycling route through the captivating landscapes of Lazio.

108 km
2006 m

Immerse yourself in the rich history and stunning landscapes of Lazio on this captivating road cycling route. With an ascent of 2006m and a distance of 108km, this trail offers a perfect blend of challenge and opportunity for exploration. Begin your journey near San Polo dei Cavalieri and pass through iconic locations such as Colle Ottani, Vicovaro, Colle Cese, and Tivoli. Get ready to be enchanted by the ancient ruins, charming villages, and breathtaking natural scenery that define this unique cycling experience.

Prepare for the ultimate cycling challenge on this 141km road route across the diverse terrain of Lazio.

141 km
2745 m

This epic road cycling route will push your limits and take you on an unforgettable journey through the diverse landscapes of Lazio. With a challenging ascent of 2745m and a distance of 141km, this route is suited for experienced cyclists looking for a memorable adventure. Start in San Polo dei Cavalieri and conquer famous climbs like Colle Ottani, Vicovaro, Colle Negrone, and more. From picturesque villages to breathtaking mountain scenery, this route has it all.

An epic road cycling route featuring challenging climbs and picturesque landscapes.

109 km
2183 m

Experience the beauty of Lazio's countryside on this challenging road cycling route starting near San Polo dei Cavalieri. With a total distance of 109 kilometers and an ascent of 2183 meters, this loop offers a great workout and stunning views along the way. The route takes you through charming towns such as Costa di Collemare, Ciciliano, Pisoniano, and Valmontone, providing plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the local culture and enjoy authentic Italian cuisine. Don't miss the breathtaking vistas from Colle della Crocetta and Colle Portella, and make a stop at the historic villages of Marcellina and Villanova. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging adventure in the heart of Lazio.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Marcellina

Tranquility meets historical wonders for cyclists.

Image of Castel Madama
Castel Madama

Cycling through medieval splendor in Castel Madama

Image of Vicovaro

Town near natural parks with both road and gravel cycling opportunities.

Image of Tivoli

Embark on an extraordinary cycling journey through history in Tivoli.

Image of La Botte
La Botte

Picturesque cycling routes in the Lazio region of Italy, with nearby famous climbs like Monte Terminillo and Monte Piselli.

Image of Montecelio

Exploring rich history while riding through enchanting landscapes in Montecelio

Image of Villa Adriana
Villa Adriana

Cultural exploration meets cycling in Villa Adriana

Image of Villanova

Immerse yourself in the cycling paradise of Villanova in Lazio, Italy.

Image of Palombara Sabina
Palombara Sabina

Charming town with challenging climbs and scenic routes.

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