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Cycling in Tranquility with Parco del Ticino as the Backdrop in Boffalora Sopra Ticino

Cycling routes from Boffalora Sopra Ticino

Boffalora Sopra Ticino is a small and serene locality situated in the Lombardia region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Boffalora Sopra Ticino offers a mix of road and gravel cycling routes, allowing riders to soak in the tranquility of the area. The locality is surrounded by idyllic landscapes, including the Ticino River, providing scenic backdrops during bike rides. Nearby, cyclists can visit the renowned cycling spot of Parco del Ticino, which offers an array of cycling paths amidst nature. While Boffalora Sopra Ticino itself may not have famous cycling-related spots, its peaceful ambiance and proximity to Parco del Ticino make it an appealing destination for cyclists looking for serene rides.

Embark on a thrilling road adventure through Trecate and Turbigo.

88 km
250 m

Set off on an exhilarating road adventure starting near Boffalora Sopra Ticino. This 88 km route will take you through Trecate, where you'll have the opportunity to explore its rich cultural heritage and admire the stunning architecture of the local buildings. Continue your journey to Turbigo, renowned for its panoramic views and charming streets. With a total ascent of 250 meters, this road route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for cyclists seeking both natural beauty and historical attractions.

Uncover the hidden gems as you ride through Castelletto di Cuggiono and Cuggiono.

76 km
385 m

Embark on an adventurous gravel ride starting near Boffalora Sopra Ticino. This 76 km route will lead you to the charming village of Castelletto di Cuggiono, famous for its picturesque landscapes and ancient castle ruins. Continue your journey to Cuggiono, a delightful town surrounded by tranquil countryside and scenic waterways. With a total ascent of 385 meters, this gravel route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for cyclists seeking off-the-beaten-path attractions.

An exhilarating gravel ride with scenic landscapes and historical landmarks

58 km
191 m

The Gravel Adventure takes you on an exciting journey through Lombardia's rugged terrain and historical landmarks. With a distance of 58 km and 191 m of ascent, this gravel cycling route offers a thrilling off-road experience. Discover hidden gems and enjoy the beautiful landscapes as you pedal through the region's countryside.

A scenic cycling route through the picturesque towns and rolling hills of Lombardia

129 km
500 m

The Lakes and Hills Ride is a stunning cycling route that takes you through the charming towns and beautiful landscapes of Lombardia. With a total distance of 129 km and 500 m of ascent, this route is suitable for road biking enthusiasts. The ride showcases the region's natural beauty, including picturesque lakes, lush vineyards, and rolling hills.

A quiet countryside route with scenic views and charming villages along the way

51 km
55 m

The Countryside Escape is a delightful cycling route that takes you through the peaceful countryside of Lombardia. With a distance of 51 km and only 55 m of ascent, this road biking route is suitable for riders of all levels. Enjoy the idyllic landscapes, quaint villages, and tranquil settings as you pedal through the beautiful countryside.

Immerse yourself in the picturesque town of Vigevano and explore the charming village of Sozzago.

77 km
164 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure starting near Boffalora Sopra Ticino. This route will take you through scenic landscapes, including the historic town of Vigevano with its majestic Piazza Ducale and magnificent castle. Along the way, you'll also pass through the quaint village of Sozzago, known for its charming streets and traditional architecture. With a total distance of 77 km and 164 meters of ascent, this gravel route offers a perfect balance of beauty and challenge.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure from Boffalora sopra Ticino to Novara.

98 km
129 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure starting near Boffalora sopra Ticino. This 98 km route will take you through picturesque landscapes, starting with Boffalora sopra Ticino itself, known for its scenic beauty and charm. Ride through Vignarello, surrounded by vineyards and a unique rural atmosphere. Continue to Robbio, a medieval town with its historical architecture and cultural heritage. Reach Monticello, a charming village immersed in the countryside, and enjoy the breathtaking views. Finally, arrive in Novara, where you can explore the lively city center and admire its historical landmarks. With a total distance of 98 km and an ascent of 129 meters, this gravel route offers a combination of natural beauty and cultural exploration.

Experience the rural beauty as you pass through Ossona and Robecco sul Naviglio.

74 km
98 m

Embark on a scenic road adventure starting near Boffalora Sopra Ticino. This 74 km route will take you through the charming village of Ossona, known for its serene countryside and quaint atmosphere. Continue your journey to Robecco sul Naviglio, a picturesque town famous for its charming canals and historic buildings. With a total ascent of 98 meters, this road route offers a peaceful and relaxing experience for cyclists of all levels.

A cultural journey exploring Lombardia's history and modern architecture

93 km
149 m

The Cultural Ride allows you to discover Lombardia's rich cultural heritage and modern architecture. With a distance of 93 km and 149 m of ascent, this road biking route offers a mix of historical landmarks and contemporary attractions. Immerse yourself in the region's diverse culture and admire the impressive architectural wonders as you pedal through the scenic countryside.

A scenic road biking route through Lombardia's western countryside

107 km
149 m

The Western Escape is a picturesque road cycling route that takes you through the stunning western countryside of Lombardia. With a distance of 107 km and 149 m of ascent, this route offers a mix of beautiful landscapes and charming towns. Enjoy the scenic beauty, historical landmarks, and peaceful roads as you explore the western part of the region.

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