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Experience scenic rides blended with cultural charm in Cernobbio.

Cycling routes from Cernobbio

Located in Lombardia, Italy, Cernobbio is an appealing locality for road and gravel cyclists seeking both scenic routes and cultural experiences. The area offers rides along picturesque roads, passing charming villages and stunning views of Lake Como. While there might not be any famous cycling spots directly in Cernobbio, cyclists can easily access nearby towns like Bellagio, known for its legendary cycling routes and famous climbs. Cyclists in Cernobbio can also immerse themselves in the local culture, relishing in the region's beauty.

Discover the hidden treasures of Lombardy on this captivating cycling route

74 km
1230 m

Embark on a captivating cycling adventure through the enchanting region of Lombardy in Italy. This route, spanning a distance of 74 km with an ascent of 1230 m, offers a delightful mix of natural beauty and cultural highlights. Starting near Cernobbio, you'll pedal through picturesque landscapes and charming towns, including the captivating Monte Cucco and Olgiate Comasco. Along the route, you'll encounter the majestic Monte Monarco and Arcisate, providing stunning views of the surrounding area. As you continue your journey, the charming town of Saltrio awaits with its architectural wonders. The highlight of the route is the revered Croce dell'Uomo, where you can revel in the tranquility and grandeur of this religious monument. Concluding in Buguggiate, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in its warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Experience the exhilaration of climbing to the summit of Monte Monarco and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views.

102 km
1478 m

This round-trip cycling route starting near Cernobbio offers an exhilarating challenge for experienced riders. With a total distance of 102 kilometers and an ascent of 1,478 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking a challenging ride. The highlight of this route is the ascent to Monte Monarco. With its summit at 2,280 meters, it offers stunning panoramic views of the Lombardia region. Along the route, you will also pass through the picturesque towns of Clivio, Oltrona di San Mamette, and Carnago. These towns provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of this area. Additionally, you will discover other highlights such as Croce dell'Uomo, a historical site of significance, and Induno Olona, known for its charming atmosphere.

A challenging gravel loop with scenic countryside views

102 km
1516 m

Discover the captivating Lombardian countryside on this 102km gravel loop from Cernobbio. With a total ascent of 1516m, this route presents a challenge for experienced gravel riders. Enjoy the scenic views and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surrounding nature.

Escape to the rustic charm of Lombardy on this exhilarating gravel route

49 km
705 m

Experience the rustic charm of Lombardy on this thrilling gravel cycling route. Spanning a distance of 49 km with an ascent of 705 m, this route offers a perfect escape into the untamed beauty of the region. Starting in Cernobbio, you'll venture through scenic trails and picturesque landscapes. Along the way, don't miss the majestic Monte Croce, offering stunning views of the surrounding area. As you continue your journey, Lipomo welcomes you with its charming ambiance and captivating allure. The highlight of the route is the Punta Geno, a captivating spot with rugged cliffs and breathtaking vistas. Concluding in Como, you'll be captivated by the town's elegance and historic charm.

Venture through the stunning landscapes of Lombardy

88 km
1581 m

This cycling route takes you on a journey through the breathtaking region of Lombardy in Italy. With a distance of 88 km and an ascent of 1581 m, it offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for avid cyclists. The route begins near Cernobbio and passes through charming towns and villages, offering a glimpse into the traditional Italian way of life. As you pedal through the scenic countryside, you'll be treated to panoramic views of the picturesque Maiocca, Albiolo, and Olona. The highlight of the route is the ascent of Monte Monarco and Monte Scerrè, where you can test your climbing skills and enjoy stunning vistas. Another notable highlight is the beautiful Monte San Salvatore, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area. The route concludes in Mendrisio, a town known for its historic architecture and rich cultural heritage. Overall, this journey showcases the natural beauty of Lombardy and provides a memorable cycling experience for enthusiasts.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through the stunning landscapes of Lombardy

89 km
941 m

For those seeking an off-road adventure, this gravel cycling route in Lombardy is the perfect choice. Spanning a distance of 89 km with an ascent of 941 m, this route offers a thrilling experience through the rugged beauty of the region. Starting near Cernobbio, you'll navigate through scenic trails and charming towns, including the picturesque Como and Bregnano. Along the way, you'll encounter the breathtaking Belvedere Baita Elisa and Castellanza, providing stunning views and serene surroundings. The highlight of the route is the captivating town of Maiocca, where you can explore its rich history and immerse yourself in its charming atmosphere. Concluding in Tradate, you'll have the chance to relax and reflect on your exhilarating gravel adventure.

A scenic road tour with a taste of culture

109 km
881 m

Explore the stunning scenery of Lombardy on this 109km road tour from Cernobbio to Como. With an ascent of 881m, this route provides a moderate challenge for road cyclists. Immerse yourself in the region's rich culture and enjoy the picturesque landscapes.

Scenic gravel route with panoramic views

76 km
688 m

Experience the beauty of the Lombardy countryside on this 76km gravel route from Cernobbio to Monte della Croce. With an ascent of 688m, this route provides a moderate challenge for gravel riders. Marvel at the scenic landscapes and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.

Gravel adventure with a cross-border experience

60 km
691 m

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure from Cernobbio to Chiasso. This 60km route offers a mix of challenging off-road sections and smooth stretches, providing a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. With a total ascent of 691m, this route is suitable for experienced riders seeking a unique cross-border cycling experience.

Explore the elegant beauty of Lombardy on this delightful cycling route

65 km
951 m

Discover the refined elegance of Lombardy as you embark on this delightful cycling route. Spanning a distance of 65 km with an ascent of 951 m, this route offers a perfect blend of natural landscapes and cultural highlights. Starting near Cernobbio, you'll pedal through charming towns and picturesque scenery. Don't miss the charming village of Cardina, offering a glimpse into the traditional Italian way of life. As you continue your journey, Villa Guardia welcomes you with its elegant architecture and serene atmosphere. The highlight of the route is the captivating town of Malnate, where you can explore its historic center and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage. Concluding in Maslianico, you'll be treated to stunning views of the surrounding area and a sense of tranquility.

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