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Cycling Paradise with Legendary Climbs

Cycling routes from Chiesa in Valmalenco

Chiesa in Valmalenco is a picturesque locality located in Lombardia, Italy. The region offers stunning mountainous landscapes and winding roads, making it a paradise for road and gravel cyclists. Nearby, cyclists can tackle the famous Passo dello Stelvio climb, known for its challenging gradients and breathtaking views. Chiesa in Valmalenco itself has a thriving cycling scene and hosts various local events. With its awe-inspiring scenery and access to iconic climbs, it is a must-visit destination for cycling enthusiasts.

Cycling through breathtaking natural landscapes in Valmalenco

64 km
1365 m

The Valmalenco Loop offers a unique opportunity to explore the stunning natural beauty of the Lombardy region in Italy. This round-trip route takes cyclists through picturesque towns and villages, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. With a total ascent of 1365 meters and a distance of 64 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The Valmalenco Loop is a moderately challenging ride that combines scenic beauty with a rewarding cycling experience.

Conquer the mountains of Valmalenco on this thrilling cycling challenge

165 km
5633 m

The Valmalenco Mountain Challenge is an adrenaline-pumping cycling route that takes riders through the challenging terrain of the Lombardy region. With a total ascent of 5633 meters and a distance of 165 kilometers, this is an epic ride reserved for experienced and well-trained cyclists. From the picturesque village of Ponchiera to the captivating Caspoggio, this route offers a variety of terrains and stunning alpine landscapes. Cyclists will conquer legendary climbs and enjoy panoramic views of the mountains along the way. The Valmalenco Mountain Challenge is not for the faint-hearted, but for those seeking a truly unforgettable cycling adventure.

Experience the scenic beauty of Valmalenco on this captivating cycling tour

115 km
2384 m

The Valmalenco Scenic Tour is a visually captivating cycling route that showcases the natural beauty of the Lombardy region. With a total ascent of 2384 meters and a distance of 115 kilometers, this route offers a moderately challenging ride suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. From the historic town of Sondrio to the enchanting village of Caspoggio, cyclists will pass through picturesque towns and stunning landscapes. The Valmalenco Scenic Tour provides an excellent opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty of the region, exploring charming villages and enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

Conquer the challenging terrain of Valmalenco on an epic cycling adventure

192 km
5174 m

The Valmalenco Epic Ride is a true test of endurance for experienced cyclists. With a total ascent of 5174 meters and a distance of 192 kilometers, this route offers a thrilling and challenging experience. Cyclists will ride through picturesque towns and villages, with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. From the historic town of Sondrio to the famous Livigno, this route showcases the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Lombardy region. Suitable for well-trained cyclists, the Valmalenco Epic Ride promises an unforgettable cycling experience in one of Italy's most scenic regions.

Explore the rugged beauty of Valmalenco on this gravel cycling adventure

32 km
1357 m

The Valmalenco Gravel Adventure is a 32km off-road cycling route that takes you through the rugged and picturesque landscapes of Valmalenco. With an ascent of 1357m, this route offers a thrilling and challenging experience for gravel enthusiasts. Starting from Chiesa in Valmalenco, you'll pass through Primolo, Chiareggio, San Giuseppe, and finally return to Chiesa. Along the way, you'll encounter rough terrain, rocky paths, and breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains. This route is perfect for cyclists who enjoy the thrill of off-road cycling and seek to immerse themselves in the natural wonders of Valmalenco.

Explore the charming town of Sondrio and numerous picturesque highlights along the way.

154 km
2900 m

The Sondrio Loop is a scenic and challenging cycling route that starts near Chiesa in Valmalenco. It offers stunning views of the surrounding Lombardia countryside and takes you through beautiful towns such as Campovico, Gera Lario, and Berbenno di Valtellina. With a total distance of 154 kilometers and an elevation gain of 2900 meters, this road route is perfect for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging adventure. Along the way, you'll pass by notable highlights like Sondrio, Crap del Mezzodì, and Dosso del Liro.

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure through the Valtellina region

203 km
4378 m

The Valtellina Grand Tour is an epic road cycling route that will take you on a 203km journey through the spectacular Valtellina region. With a total ascent of 4378m, this route is not for the faint-hearted. Starting from Chiesa in Valmalenco, you'll pass through Caspoggio, Poggiridenti, Tresenda, Villa di Tirano, Maranta, and many other charming towns and villages. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to admire the breathtaking landscapes of the Italian Alps, including steep mountain passes, lush valleys, and incredible viewpoints. This route is perfect for experienced cyclists who are seeking a challenging and unforgettable adventure.

Pedal through the enchanting valleys of Chiesa and Caspoggio on this road cycle route

64 km
1351 m

The Chiesa - Caspoggio Circuit is a 64km road cycling route that offers a scenic and enjoyable ride through the valleys of Chiesa and Caspoggio. With an ascent of 1351m, this route provides a moderate challenge for cyclists. Starting from Chiesa in Valmalenco, you'll pass through Sondrio and Berbenno di Valtellina before reaching Caspoggio. Along the way, you'll be surrounded by lush greenery, quaint villages, and majestic mountains. The route offers several opportunities to stop and enjoy the local cuisine and take in the breathtaking views. This route is suitable for well-trained amateurs who are looking for a pleasant and rewarding cycling experience.

Embark on a thrilling cycling adventure through the scenic landscapes of Valmalenco

85 km
1517 m

The Valmalenco Express is a compact and exhilarating round-trip route that introduces cyclists to the stunning valleys and mountains of the Lombardy region. With a total ascent of 1517 meters and a distance of 85 kilometers, this route offers a challenging yet manageable ride suitable for well-trained cyclists. From the historic town of Sondrio to the captivating Caspoggio, cyclists will pedal through picturesque landscapes and charming villages. Deservedly regarded as one of Italy's most scenic regions, Valmalenco offers an unforgettable experience for cycling enthusiasts.

Embark on an adventurous journey to Tirano and discover the beauty of Valmalenco.

115 km
2469 m

The Tirano Adventure is a 115-kilometer road cycling route that takes you on a thrilling journey through the picturesque landscapes of Lombardia. With an elevation gain of 2469 meters, this route offers a challenging experience for experienced cyclists. Highlights along the way include the enchanting town of Poggiridenti, the scenic village of Tresenda, and the charming Mota dal Meschin. As you approach Tirano, you'll be rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the opportunity to visit the historic Villa di Tirano. This route also provides the option to extend your ride to Maranta, adding another dimension to your cycling adventure.

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