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A serene paradise for cyclists

Cycling routes from Maleo

Welcome to Maleo in Lombardia, Italy, a hidden gem for cycling enthusiasts. This charming locality offers a cycling experience that immerses riders in beautiful countryside roads, lush vineyards, and quaint villages. Maleo is renowned for its peaceful atmosphere and scenic beauty, making it a haven for nature-loving cyclists. The hilltop destination of Castell'Arquato is well within reach, inviting riders to conquer its challenging inclines. With its tranquil ambiance and captivating surroundings, Maleo offers an authentic Italian cycling experience that is sure to impress every cyclist who visits.

A diverse road cycling route with historic highlights

78 km
97 m

This road cycling route spanning 78 km near Maleo is perfect for those seeking a mix of history and stunning views. With a manageable ascent of 97 m, this route offers an enjoyable challenge for cyclists of all levels. Highlights include the impressive Villa Trecchi, a historic mansion surrounded by sprawling gardens, the charming town of Orio Litta with its picturesque streets, and the imposing Monteleone castle perched on a hilltop. Don't miss the beauty of Mairago's tranquil setting before heading back to Maleo, where the adventure began. This route showcases Lombardia's rich history and diverse landscapes.

Explore the charming village of Mirabello on this scenic round-trip cycling route

53 km
40 m

This route is perfect for leisurely cycling with moderate climbs and beautiful countryside scenery. The highlight of the route is the picturesque village of Mirabello, located at a distance of 13 km from the start. In Mirabello, you can take a break and admire the traditional architecture and serene atmosphere of the village.

An adventurous gravel route featuring diverse landscapes

71 km
139 m

Calling all gravel enthusiasts! This 71 km route near Maleo delivers a thrilling adventure through varied landscapes. Get ready for challenging terrain and breathtaking views as you explore the countryside. With an ascent of 139 m, this route is recommended for experienced cyclists. Highlights include the charming town of Codogno, the scenic viewpoint at Guzzafame, the picturesque Collina della Croce, the historic village of Borghetto Lodigiano, and the tranquil setting of Mairago. With Maleo as the starting point, this gravel route promises an unforgettable journey for those seeking adrenaline and natural beauty.

Explore the grandeur of Lombardia's historic villas and palaces on this road cycling route

109 km
544 m

This road cycling route takes you through the beautiful region of Lombardia, where you can marvel at the grandeur of historic villas and palaces. Along the way, you'll cycle past Villa Trecchi, a stunning Renaissance villa, and Palazzo Farnese, a magnificent palace. As you continue your journey, you'll pass through the charming towns of Campremoldo di Sopra, Vicobarone, and Badia Pavese, each offering their own unique charm. The route also takes you through Casalpusterlengo and Maleo, where you can explore their rich history and architecture. With a total ascent of 544 meters and a distance of 109 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs.

Enjoy a scenic tour of Lombardia, cycling through beautiful landscapes and charming towns

100 km
174 m

Embark on a scenic tour of Lombardia and discover its natural beauty and charming towns on this road cycling route. Starting near Maleo, the route takes you along the majestic Adda River, where you can enjoy breathtaking views and tranquil surroundings. As you cycle through Zanengo and Mirabello Ciria, you'll be surrounded by picturesque landscapes and scenic beauty. The route also includes a visit to Maleo, where you can explore its historic buildings and immerse yourself in the local culture. With a total ascent of 174 meters and a distance of 100 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs.

Embark on a medieval adventure and discover the castles of Lombardia on this road cycling route

109 km
139 m

Step back in time and embark on a medieval adventure as you discover the castles of Lombardia on this road cycling route. Starting near Maleo, the route takes you to Cavacurta, where you can explore the impressive castle ruins and learn about its fascinating history. As you continue your journey, you'll pass through Ripalta Arpina, home to another charming castle. The route also includes a visit to Castello San Giorgio, a medieval fortress surrounded by stunning landscapes. With a total ascent of 139 meters and a distance of 109 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs.

Experience the peaceful countryside charm of Lombardia on this road cycling route

56 km
34 m

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in the peaceful countryside charm of Lombardia on this road cycling route. Starting near Maleo, the route takes you through scenic landscapes and charming towns. Along the way, you'll pass by Villa Trecchi and Ospedaletto Lodigiano, both offering a glimpse into the region's rich history. As you cycle through Mairago and Cavacurta, you'll be surrounded by beautiful countryside views and rolling hills. With a total ascent of 34 meters and a distance of 56 kilometers, this route is suitable for all skill levels.

Scenic and challenging road cycling route near Maleo

85 km
135 m

This road cycling route near Maleo offers stunning views of the Adda river as you navigate through its winding paths. With a total distance of 85 km and a moderate ascent of 135 m, this route is perfect for intermediate cyclists. Highlights along the way include exploring the historic town of Pizzighettone, discovering the picturesque village of Fiesco, and taking in the beauty of Grumello Cremonese. This route is a true gem for cyclists seeking a mix of natural beauty and cultural experiences.

Follow the majestic Adda River on this scenic road cycling route through Lombardia

130 km
205 m

Experience the beauty of the Adda River as you follow its course on this scenic road cycling route through Lombardia. Starting near Maleo, the route takes you through the stunning natural landscapes along the river, where you can enjoy breathtaking views and peaceful surroundings. Along the way, you'll pass by Navigare l'Adda, a unique experience where you can cruise along the river on a boat. The route also includes stops in Cappella Cantone, Corticelle Pieve, and Robecco d'Oglio, where you can explore their rich history and charming atmosphere. With a total ascent of 205 meters and a distance of 130 kilometers, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists.

Discover the historic town of Orio Litta on this captivating cycling route

71 km
109 m

This route combines moderate climbs and flat stretches, providing a mix of comfortable riding and challenging sections. The highlight of the route is the town of Orio Litta, located at a distance of 19 km from the starting point. Orio Litta is known for its rich history and well-preserved medieval architecture, making it a great destination for a cultural pitstop.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Pizzighettone

A historic town in Lombardia with both urban and rural cycling routes, ideal for road and gravel cycling.

Image of San Fiorano
San Fiorano

Exploring scenic routes in the hills of San Fiorano

Image of Codogno

Discover the beauty and challenges of cycling in Codogno.

Image of Castiglione d'Adda
Castiglione d'Adda

Discover the beauty and challenge of Castiglione d'Adda on your cycling adventures.

Image of Casalpusterlengo

Experience scenic beauty and legendary climbs in Casalpusterlengo.

Image of San Bassano
San Bassano

Experience the beauty of Lombardia's cycling routes in San Bassano.

Image of Somaglia

Experience the tranquility of Somaglia in Lombardia, Italy.

Image of San Rocco al Porto
San Rocco al Porto

A mix of challenging and enjoyable rides in San Rocco al Porto

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