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Pleasant countryside cycling routes near Franciacorta wine region.

Cycling routes from Orzivecchi

Orzivecchi is a quaint town located in the Lombardia region of Italy. For cyclists, Orzivecchi offers a mix of road and gravel cycling routes that traverse through pleasant countryside scenery. Cyclists can enjoy peaceful rides along secluded country roads surrounded by fields and vineyards. Additionally, Orzivecchi is situated near Franciacorta, a renowned wine region, providing the opportunity for cyclists to combine their rides with a visit to a local winery. With its serene landscapes and access to the acclaimed Franciacorta wine region, Orzivecchi is a recommended destination for cyclists seeking a peaceful and enjoyable riding experience.

Explore history along this cycling route, passing through Castelvisconti, Annicco, Castelleone, and Soncino

76 km
107 m

Immerse yourself in history on this road cycling route that takes you through Castelvisconti, Annicco, Castelleone, and Soncino. Starting from Orzivecchi, you'll encounter castles, ancient buildings, and historical landmarks along the way. Castelvisconti is known for its well-preserved castle, boasting stunning architecture and rich stories from the past. Annicco and Castelleone offer a glimpse into the region's history with their architectural heritage. As you reach Soncino, you can explore the medieval Cittadel, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With a moderate difficulty level, this route promises a rewarding journey for history enthusiasts.

Explore the charming countryside near Orzivecchi

68 km
92 m

Immerse yourself in the peaceful countryside of Lombardia on this 68 km road cycling route. With moderate difficulty and a total ascent of 92 meters, this route is perfect for cyclists looking for a tranquil ride. Enjoy the wide-open spaces, fertile fields, and quaint villages along the way.

Experience the scenic countryside, passing through Coccaglio, Trenzano, and Pompiano

49 km
79 m

This road cycling route showcases the picturesque countryside near Orzivecchi. Ride through Coccaglio, known for its charming rural landscapes and traditional architecture. Trenzano offers a serene atmosphere with captivating vineyards and olive groves along the way. Pompiano awaits you with its historical charm and well-preserved architecture, including the picturesque Church of San Pietro. The moderate difficulty level makes it suitable for cyclists of varying experience levels. Dive into the tranquility of rural Lombardia while enjoying the scenic beauty and architectural highlights along this route.

Discover the charming village of Bettegno on this scenic cycling route.

82 km
111 m

Embark on a picturesque cycling adventure through the Lombardia region as you explore the quaint village of Bettegno. This 82km road route features 111m of ascent and takes you along scenic pathways, offering beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. With highlights including the historic Rocca Sforzesca and the charming towns of Annicco and Genivolta, this ride is suitable for moderately experienced cyclists. Enjoy the blend of nature, history, and culture as you pedal your way through the heart of Lombardia.

Enjoy breathtaking vistas on this road cycling route

85 km
97 m

Experience the beauty of Lombardia on this 85 km road cycling route. With a challenging total ascent of 97 meters, it is suitable for well-trained amateurs. Prepare to be dazzled by the scenic views, passing through quaint villages and rolling hills.

Discover Offanengo, Pianengo, Mozzanica, and Pumenengo on this road cycling route

76 km
83 m

This road cycling route takes you through Offanengo, Pianengo, Mozzanica, and Pumenengo, offering a great mix of natural beauty and historical charm. From Orzivecchi, you'll ride through Offanengo, known for its scenic countryside and well-preserved architectural heritage. Pianengo and Mozzanica are small towns with unique local flavors and attractions. Finally, you'll reach Pumenengo, a hidden gem with historical landmarks and a welcoming atmosphere. With a moderate level of difficulty, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking to explore the lesser-known gems of Lombardia.

Embark on an adventure through the historic town of Orzinuovi and its surrounding countryside.

93 km
188 m

Discover the rich history and natural beauty of Orzinuovi and its surrounding region with this 93km road route. Featuring 188m of ascent, this ride takes you through picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and cultural landmarks. Highlights of this route include the quaint town of Fontanella, the historic Rocca Sforzesca, and the beautiful town of Palazzolo sull'Oglio. With its diverse highlights and moderate difficulty level, this route offers a memorable cycling experience in Lombardia.

Bike through the scenic towns of Orzinuovi, Pumenengo, and Castelcovati

38 km
65 m

This route takes you on a journey through some of Lombardia's most charming towns. Starting from Orzivecchi, you will ride through Orzinuovi, known for its picturesque streets and historical buildings. As you continue, you'll pass through Pumenengo, a small village with a rich history. The highlight of the route is in Castelcovati, famous for its well-preserved castle and medieval atmosphere. Overall, this route offers a mix of beautiful scenery, cultural sights, and pleasant riding roads.

Venture into the gravel roads, discovering Antegnate, Brignano Gera d'Adda, Martinengo, and Pumenengo

94 km
117 m

For gravel enthusiasts, this route provides a thrilling adventure through the countryside near Orzivecchi. Discover hidden gems such as Antegnate, where you'll find architectural treasures and a tranquil atmosphere. Brignano Gera d'Adda offers unique glimpses into the region's industrial heritage, with its historical factories along the river. As you ride through Martinengo, admire its charming streets and beautiful landscapes. Conclude your journey in Pumenengo, immersing yourself in the history of this quaint village. The route is challenging but rewarding, perfect for gravel riders seeking new experiences and off-the-beaten-path destinations.

Embark on a thrilling gravel ride near Orzivecchi

60 km
118 m

Get ready for an exhilarating 60 km gravel adventure through the Lombardia region. With a challenging ascent of 118 meters, this route is ideal for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling off-road experience. Enjoy the region's diverse landscapes, passing through charming villages and stunning natural scenery.

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