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Exploring Lombardia's countryside on wheels

Cycling routes from Rosate

Rosate, located in Lombardia, Italy, is a decent locality for road and gravel cyclists. The area offers some scenic routes with both flat and hilly terrains. Cyclists can enjoy cruising along the quiet countryside roads and immersing themselves in the charming Italian landscape. Although there are no famous cycling spots or well-known climbs directly in Rosate, it serves as a great starting point for exploring the surrounding regions with more prominent cycling destinations.

Embark on a 56 km gravel adventure exploring Lombardia's rural landscapes and historical sites

56 km
97 m

This 56 km gravel route offers a unique adventure through Lombardia's countryside and historical sites. Starting near Rosate, the route takes you through Corsico, where you can enjoy the beautiful waterfront views, and Rozzano, known for its rich history and cultural attractions. The panoramic view from the rooftop of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is another highlight along the route, offering a glimpse into the city's grandeur. For those seeking a diverse and immersive gravel adventure, this route offers a mix of natural landscapes and historical charm.

A breathtaking journey through the picturesque Lombard countryside

76 km
76 m

Embark on an unforgettable adventure around Lombardia, cycling through charming towns and picturesque landscapes. This round-trip cycling route near Rosate offers a mix of road and gravel paths, making it suitable for both road and gravel bike enthusiasts. With a moderate climb of 76 meters and a total distance of 76 kilometers, this route is perfect for a day of cycling exploration.

Enjoy a 76 km road ride through picturesque landscapes and charming towns

76 km
113 m

This 76 km road route takes you through some of Lombardia's most scenic landscapes and charming towns. Starting near Rosate, you'll pass through Gudo Visconti, Cassinetta di Lugagnano, and Arluno, among other highlights. The route offers a mix of natural beauty, with rolling hills and lush countryside, as well as cultural attractions like Passirana, known for its Renaissance architecture. For those seeking a challenging yet rewarding road ride, this route provides plenty to see and experience.

Explore the charming village of Noviglio on a 37 km gravel route

37 km
12 m

This gravel route takes you through picturesque countryside and charming villages, with Noviglio being one of the highlights. Located along the route, Noviglio offers a glimpse into traditional Italian village life with its small, winding streets and historic buildings. The route also offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, making it a truly immersive cycling experience.

An exhilarating road cycling route with picturesque towns along the way

75 km
98 m

This route takes you through scenic countryside and charming towns. Starting in Rosate, you'll pass through Abbiategrasso, known for its historic architecture, before reaching Bernate Ticino. Busto Garolfo offers a lovely stopover with its quaint streets and cafes. The highlight of the route is Vermezzo, a small village that is famous for its medieval castle. Overall, this route is moderately difficult, suitable for well-trained amateurs, and offers a memorable cycling experience.

Embark on a 63 km gravel ride to explore Rosate and its surrounding highlights

63 km
70 m

This 63 km gravel route takes you on a journey through charming countryside and historical attractions near Rosate. Starting in Rosate, you'll pass by Bereguardo, Tromello, and Sforzesca, among others. The highlight of the route is Morimondo, a town with a fascinating history and an impressive abbey. Cascina Crosina, a traditional farmhouse located nearby, offers a glimpse into rural Lombardia life. This gravel ride, with its mix of cultural and natural attractions, provides a great opportunity to discover the beauty of Rosate and its surroundings.

Embark on a challenging 100 km gravel ride with scenic highlights

100 km
114 m

This 100 km gravel route combines challenging terrain with stunning scenery. It starts in Rosate and takes you through Corsico, San Donato Milanese, and Melegnano, among other highlights. Along the way, you'll encounter beautiful natural landscapes, such as the Canneto, a marshy area perfect for birdwatching. The route also includes historical attractions like Noviglio, where you can explore the village's rich history. Overall, this gravel ride offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural heritage, making it a must-try for avid cyclists.

A challenging road cycling route with breathtaking scenery

118 km
326 m

Prepare for an ultimate cycling challenge starting from Rosate. This route will put your skills to the test as you conquer numerous ascents and descents. Gaggiano serves as a great starting point with its charming streets and scenic waterfront. As you progress, be sure to visit Cornaredo with its fascinating blend of modern and ancient architecture. Lainate offers a glimpse into Lombard history with its well-preserved buildings. On your way to Noviglio, take in the stunning views of Lazzate and Giussano. The highlight of the route is the Collinetta di Vedano, providing a rewarding climb. Sesto San Giovanni boasts urban charm, while Rozzano showcases its rural landscapes. Noviglio charms with its historic center. This challenging and epic route is meant for experienced cyclists seeking an unforgettable adventure.

A challenging road cycling route with breathtaking nature and historic towns

123 km
421 m

Embark on a cyclist's dream through the rolling hills and picturesque landscapes surrounding Rosate. This route offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural attractions. Abbiategrasso, known for its architectural gems, serves as the starting point. Magenta awaits with its rich historical significance and well-preserved buildings. As you cycle through Arconate, you'll be enchanted by its charming streets and medieval heritage. Busto Arsizio shouldn't be missed with its lively town center and vibrant atmosphere. Tradition-loving travelers will appreciate the well-preserved historic buildings and stunning natural landscapes in Tradate. As you reach Cesano Boscone, you'll encounter a small town famous for its delicious cuisine. The final highlight is Gaggiano, offering charming streets and inviting scenery. This route is only suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a truly challenging and rewarding adventure.

A challenging off-road cycling route with scenic rural landscapes

66 km
84 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure starting from Rosate. This route lets you explore the tranquil countryside with its picturesque fields and farms. Make a stop at Bereguardo, known for its beautiful parks and gardens. Tromello offers a unique blend of medieval and modern architecture, while Vigevano is famous for its stunning Piazza Ducale. As you cycle through Ozzero and Gudo Visconti, you'll be surrounded by stunning natural beauty. This route is suitable for experienced cyclists who enjoy off-road challenges and seek to escape into nature.

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