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A peaceful town with scenic routes for cycling.

Cycling routes from Torre Boldone

Torre Boldone is a small town located in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, this locality offers quiet roads and beautiful landscapes, making it a great destination for road and gravel cycling. There are not any famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, but the undulating terrain provides plenty of opportunities for challenging rides. The proximity to the city of Bergamo also adds to the appeal, as cyclists can easily access the amenities and services available there. Overall, Torre Boldone is a pleasant and scenic locality for cyclists, suitable for both leisurely rides and more intense training sessions.

Discover the enchanting beauty of Bergamo in this 77 km ride

77 km
540 m

The Bergamo Loop is a delightful 77 km cycling route that takes riders through the enchanting beauty of Bergamo. With a total ascent of 540 meters, this route offers a mix of gentle climbs and scenic descents. The difficulty level is rated as a 2, suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a moderate challenge. The epicness factor of this route is a solid 3, thanks to the famous climb up Monte Robbio. Overall, this route showcases the unique charm and architectural wonders of Bergamo.

Conquer the challenging climbs of the Lombardia mountains on this epic road cycling route.

85 km
2522 m

This route offers a true test of endurance and skill, with challenging climbs and thrilling descents through the Lombardia mountains. It's a great option for experienced road cyclists who are looking for a challenge. The highlights along the route provide opportunities to take in the stunning views and rest before the next climb. Overall, this route is a must-ride for cyclists seeking a challenging and rewarding road cycling experience in Lombardia.

An epic ride through the enchanting Alta Valle Seriana

94 km
2331 m

The Alta Valle Seriana Adventure is an epic 94 km cycling route that takes riders through the picturesque beauty of Alta Valle Seriana. With a challenging ascent of 2331 meters, this route is perfect for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling adventure. The difficulty level is rated as a 5, suitable for well-trained amateurs who are up for a serious challenge. The epicness factor of this route is a solid 4, thanks to the famous climb up Forcella di Ranzanico. Overall, this route offers breathtaking scenery and a mix of challenging climbs and thrilling descents.

Enjoy a scenic lakeside ride in the Lombardia region.

97 km
277 m

This route takes you along the beautiful lakeside roads of Lombardia, offering stunning views of the lakes and surrounding scenery. It's a great option for riders who want to combine sightseeing with their cycling. The highlights along the route provide opportunities to explore charming towns and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the lakeside. Overall, this route is a perfect choice for cyclists looking for a scenic and enjoyable ride in Lombardia.

A breathtaking ride through the hills of Lombardia

100 km
763 m

The Alzano Challenge is a challenging route that takes cyclists on a 100 km journey through the hills of Lombardia. With a total ascent of 763 meters, this route offers stunning views and thrilling descents. The difficulty level is rated as a 3, ideal for amateur cyclists with good endurance. The epicness factor of this route is a solid 4, thanks to the famous climb up Valico San Giovanni delle Formiche. This route is a great choice for cyclists looking for a challenging yet rewarding adventure.

Explore the scenic beauty of Gera d'Adda on this 108 km ride

108 km
499 m

The Gera d'Adda Loop is a scenic 108 km cycling route that takes riders through the picturesque landscapes of Gera d'Adda. With a total ascent of 499 meters, this route offers a mix of flat terrains and gentle climbs. The difficulty level is rated as a 2, suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a leisurely ride. The epicness factor of this route is a solid 3, thanks to the beautiful countryside views and charming towns along the way. Overall, this route provides a peaceful and enjoyable cycling experience.

An off-road escapade through the rugged terrains of Lombardia

84 km
920 m

The Gravel Adventure is an off-road cycling route with a total distance of 84 km, perfect for adventure enthusiasts. With an ascent of 920 meters, this route offers a thrilling and dynamic experience. The difficulty level is rated as a 3, suitable for amateur cyclists who are comfortable riding off-road. The epicness factor of this route is a solid 3, thanks to the scenic climbs and descents along the way. Overall, this route showcases the rugged beauty of Lombardia's countryside and provides a unique cycling experience.

Explore the beautiful Lombardia countryside on this scenic gravel ride.

55 km
152 m

This route takes you through the picturesque Lombardia countryside, with rolling hills and stunning views along the way. It's a great option for gravel riders who want to enjoy the beauty of the region without the challenge of steep climbs. The highlights along the route provide opportunities to explore charming villages and take in the peaceful atmosphere. Overall, this route offers a scenic and enjoyable ride through the tranquil Lombardia countryside.

Immerse yourself in the local culture on this cultural gravel ride near Torre Boldone.

38 km
126 m

Experience the rich culture of the Torre Boldone region on this cultural gravel ride. The route takes you through small towns and villages, where you can immerse yourself in the local traditions and cuisine. The highlights along the route offer interesting stops to learn about the region's history and heritage. Overall, this route is a fantastic option for riders who want to combine their love of cycling with a cultural experience in Lombardia.

Ride through the picturesque Lombardia mountains on this challenging gravel adventure.

114 km
4194 m

This route offers stunning views of the Lombardy region, with challenging climbs and thrilling descents. You'll pass through small towns and villages, experiencing the local culture and cuisine along the way. The gravel roads add an element of adventure to the ride, and the highlights along the route provide interesting stops to rest and take in the surroundings. Overall, this route is a fantastic option for gravel riders looking for a challenging and rewarding ride in Lombardia.

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