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Urban and rural cycling blend in Lombardia

Cycling routes from Trezzano sul Naviglio

Trezzano sul Naviglio, situated in Lombardia, Italy, provides cyclists with decent road and gravel cycling opportunities. The locality features a mix of urban streets and rural roads, offering varied routes to explore. While Trezzano sul Naviglio doesn't host any famous cycling spots, it is conveniently located near other regions in Lombardia that offer renowned climbs and cycling-friendly areas.

Embark on an urban gravel adventure through Milan's iconic sights and hidden gems

76 km
121 m

The Urban Gravel Experience offers a unique blend of urban exploration and gravel biking, covering a distance of 76 kilometers with an ascent of 121 meters. Starting near Trezzano sul Naviglio, this route takes cyclists through the vibrant city of Milan, showcasing both its famous landmarks and lesser-known treasures. From the rooftop of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II to the charming town of Paullo, this cycling adventure offers an immersive experience in Lombardia's urban and natural landscapes. Conclude your journey back in Trezzano sul Naviglio, rejuvenated by the diverse sights and experiences you encountered.

Embark on a delightful gravel trail offering scenic pleasures and minimal challenges

43 km
20 m

For cyclists seeking a more relaxed journey, The Gravel Delight is the perfect route, spanning 43 kilometers with only a 20-meter ascent. This scenic trail takes you through Noviglio, Zelo Surrigone, and Trezzano sul Naviglio. As you cycle amidst tranquil landscapes and charming countryside views, each highlight along the route offers a unique perspective of Lombardia's natural beauty. Noviglio is hailed as a haven for nature lovers, while Zelo Surrigone surprises with its quaint streets and peaceful atmosphere. Conclude your journey in Trezzano sul Naviglio, where you can unwind and reflect on the picturesque surroundings.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the scenic countryside near Trezzano sul Naviglio.

99 km
92 m

The Gravel Exploration route is perfect for cyclists who enjoy off-road adventures. Starting near Trezzano sul Naviglio, this 99 km gravel route takes you on a journey through picturesque countryside and charming villages. Along the way, you'll pass through Noviglio, Bereguardo, Garlasco, Gambolò, Vigevano, and Gaggiano, before returning to Trezzano sul Naviglio. With a total ascent of 92 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for a new challenge. Enjoy the serene landscapes and discover the beauty of Lombardia from a different perspective.

Experience the beauty of the countryside on this short road cycling loop near Trezzano sul Naviglio.

27 km
32 m

The Short Buccinasco Loop is a delightful 27 km road cycling route that takes you through the scenic countryside near Trezzano sul Naviglio. The route passes through the charming town of Buccinasco and Rozzano before returning to Trezzano sul Naviglio. With a total ascent of 32 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels looking for a short and enjoyable ride. Experience the peaceful atmosphere, picturesque landscapes, and quaint villages along the way.

Embark on an exciting gravel trail with scenic routes and challenging terrains

62 km
97 m

The Gravel Adventure is a thrilling cycling route that takes you through picturesque landscapes near Trezzano sul Naviglio. With a total distance of 62 kilometers and an ascent of 97 meters, this gravel trail promises a unique and distinct experience for cyclists. The route showcases the beauty of Noviglio, Trovo, Zelata, and Gaggiano, providing opportunities to explore these charming towns along the way. Prepare for an adrenaline-filled adventure as you conquer this thrilling cycling path.

Discover the historic Naviglio Grande while cycling through picturesque towns and countryside.

128 km
216 m

The Naviglio Grande Loop is a scenic round-trip cycling route starting near Trezzano sul Naviglio. This route takes you on a journey along the historic Naviglio Grande, a 128 km canal that flows through Lombardia. Along the way, you'll pass through the charming towns of Buccinasco, Carpiano, Valera Fratta, San Zenone al Po, Campospinoso, Pavia, Binasco, and finally back to Trezzano sul Naviglio. The route offers beautiful views of the canal and its surroundings, as well as opportunities to stop and explore the local landmarks, such as the historic bridges and buildings along the Naviglio Grande. With a total ascent of 216 meters, this road cycling route is suitable for well-trained amateurs.

Experience the beautiful countryside surrounding Milan on this road cycling route.

95 km
160 m

The Milan Countryside route offers a scenic escape from the bustling city. Starting near Trezzano sul Naviglio, this 95 km road cycling route takes you through the picturesque countryside, passing by Milan, Rooftop of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Punto di osservazione del canneto, Peschiera Borromeo, Cervignano d'Adda, Caselle Lurani, Lacchiarella, and finally back to Trezzano sul Naviglio. With a total ascent of 160 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for a moderately challenging ride. Enjoy the rolling hills, open fields, and charming villages along the way.

Embark on a road expedition featuring diverse landscapes and charming towns

112 km
202 m

Experience the best of Lombardia's road cycling with this 112-kilometer adventure, starting near Trezzano sul Naviglio. With an ascent of 202 meters, prepare to be amazed by the scenic views and cultural highlights offered by this route. From the enchanting town of Gaggiano to the historical sites in Novara and Galliate, you'll be immersed in the rich history and beauty of the region. With challenges along the way, this road expedition is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking a thrilling experience.

Embark on a gravel adventure through a paradise of rolling hills and picturesque landscapes near Trezzano sul Naviglio.

81 km
102 m

The Gravel Paradise route offers a challenging gravel cycling experience through the beautiful countryside near Trezzano sul Naviglio. This 81 km route takes you through Lacchiarella, Pavia, Torre d'Isola, Bereguardo, and finally back to Trezzano sul Naviglio. With a total ascent of 102 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs who enjoy off-road cycling. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery as you pedal through charming villages and lush fields.

Embark on a scenic road escape featuring charming towns and beautiful landscapes

96 km
122 m

The Charming Road Escape is a captivating cycling route spanning 96 kilometers with an ascent of 122 meters. Along the way, cyclists will be treated to the beauty of Gaggiano, Vigevano, Cilavegna, Trecate, and Magenta. These towns exude charm and offer a delightful glimpse into the local culture and history. Whether it's exploring the architectural marvels of Vigevano or enjoying the tranquility of Magenta's natural spaces, this road escape is a true gem for cycling enthusiasts seeking a memorable experience.

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