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Picturesque cycling through history and nature

Cycling routes from Viggiu

Viggiù, located in Lombardia, Italy, offers beautiful cycling routes and a rich cultural heritage. The town is surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque countryside, making it an excellent destination for road and gravel cyclists. Cycling through Viggiù allows visitors to explore its rich history, including its ancient streets and historic buildings. Nearby, cyclists can also enjoy the tranquility of Lake Lugano and its scenic cycling paths. With its mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions, Viggiù is a perfect choice for cyclists looking for a diverse and compelling experience.

Discover the hidden gem of Lombardia on this scenic gravel adventure.

78 km
832 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling journey through the picturesque region of Lombardia in Italy. This route will take you through charming towns, lush countryside, and offer breathtaking views along the way. With a moderate difficulty level, you'll enjoy a challenging yet rewarding experience. Get ready to explore the natural beauty of Lombardia on two wheels.

Embark on a road cycling adventure through the charming village of Viggiù.

46 km
654 m

Experience the enchantment of Viggiù as you embark on a road cycling journey through its stunning surroundings. This route offers a moderate difficulty level, perfect for avid cyclists seeking a scenic ride. Immerse yourself in the local culture, discover historical sites, and take in the panoramic views of Viggiù and its neighboring towns. Get ready for an unforgettable road cycling experience in Lombardia, Italy.

Experience lakeside serenity and breathtaking mountain views on this road cycling route

58 km
886 m

Indulge in the serenity of lakeside landscapes and marvel at breathtaking mountain views with this road cycling route starting near Viggiù. With a distance of 58 kilometers and an ascent of 886 meters, it provides a moderately challenging yet rewarding experience for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will encounter several highlights that enhance the beauty of the route. Prepare to be captivated by Lago di Lugano, Brusimpiano, Monte San Giorgio, Agno, Lugano, Monte San Salvatore, and Clivio.

Embark on the ultimate cycling challenge in the stunning region of Lombardia.

95 km
1995 m

Prepare yourself for the ultimate cycling challenge as you explore the breathtaking region of Lombardia. This route is not for the faint of heart, offering a high difficulty level that will push even the most seasoned cyclists to their limits. From the picturesque town of Bissone to the iconic Lago di Lugano, you'll conquer tough climbs, experience adrenaline-pumping descents, and take in panoramic views that will leave you speechless. This epic journey through Lombardia is one for the books.

Explore the natural beauty of Rodero, Cairate, Gallarate, Tornavento, Somma Lombardo, Monte della Guardia, Varese, and Belmonte with this gravel cycling route near Viggiù.

94 km
993 m

For the adventurous spirits, this 94 km gravel cycling route starting near Viggiù is the perfect choice. With an ascent of 993 m, it provides a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. Along the way, you will encounter the picturesque village of Rodero, the charming town of Cairate, the vibrant city of Gallarate, the historic Tornavento, the peaceful Somma Lombardo, the magnificent Monte della Guardia, the beautiful city of Varese, and the serene Belmonte. Immerse yourself in the stunning natural landscapes and enjoy the tranquility offered by this less-traveled path. With a mixture of off-road sections and scenic trails, this route promises a unique gravel adventure.

Explore the stunning natural landscape of Lombardy on this road cycling route

68 km
1151 m

This road cycling route starting near Viggiù in Lombardy allows you to immerse yourself in the beautiful natural surroundings of the region. With a distance of 68 kilometers and an ascent of 1151 meters, it provides a challenging yet rewarding experience for well-trained amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will encounter several highlights that add to the scenic charm of the route. Prepare to be enchanted by Besano, Lago di Lugano, Lavena Ponte Tresa, Monte San Giorgio, Sasso Scuro, Comano, Monte San Salvatore, Bissone, and Clivio.

Embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure through the scenic landscapes of Lombardy

102 km
1437 m

Embark on an unforgettable cycling adventure through the scenic landscapes of Lombardy with this road cycling route starting near Viggiù. With a distance of 102 kilometers and an ascent of 1437 meters, it offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for passionate cyclists. Along the way, you will discover an array of highlights that showcase the allure of the region. Get ready to explore Viggiù, Castronno, Monte Roncaccio, Monte Valli Rosse, Ispra, Monte del Prete, Caravate, Poncione di Ganna, Besano, and Monte Sant'Elia.

Discover the hidden gems and stunning landscapes of Lombardy on this road cycling route

84 km
1539 m

Immerse yourself in the hidden gems and scenic landscapes of Lombardy with this road cycling route starting near Viggiù. With a distance of 84 kilometers and an ascent of 1539 meters, it offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will discover several highlights that add to the allure of the route. Get ready to explore Malnate, Castronno, Monte La Torre, Biandronno, Lake Varese, Orino, Monte Mondonico, Cuasso al Monte, and Monte Sant'Elia.

Discover the beauty of Induno Olona, Monte Monarco, Monte Caslano, Brusimpiano, and Besano on this cycling route starting near Viggiù.

43 km
671 m

Embark on a scenic journey through the enchanting Olona Valley with this 43 km round-trip cycling route starting near Viggiù. With a moderate ascent of 671 m, it is suitable for avid cyclists in search of a delightful experience. Along the way, you will encounter picturesque highlights such as the charming town of Induno Olona, the majestic Monte Monarco, the serene Monte Caslano, the quaint village of Brusimpiano, and the historic town of Besano. The route also offers an opportunity to admire the scenic beauty of the surrounding landscape. Whether you are a nature lover or a history enthusiast, this route offers something for everyone.

A scenic journey through Viggiù, Clivio, Sasso di Cavallasca, Cantù, Senago, Cislago, Albiolo, Baraggia, and Monte Sant'Elia.

100 km
876 m

This round-trip cycling route starting near Viggiù takes you through the breathtaking roads and hills of Lombardia. With a total distance of 100 km and an ascent of 876 m, it is suitable for well-trained amateurs seeking a challenging yet rewarding experience. Along the way, you will encounter numerous highlights, including the charming town of Clivio, the majestic Sasso di Cavallasca, the historical city of Cantù, the picturesque Senago, and the tranquil Cislago. The final stretch includes the stunning views from Monte Sant'Elia, providing a perfect culmination to this memorable journey.

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Image of Clivio

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Image of Besano

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