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Cycling Paradise in Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Cycling routes from Volano

Volano is a small locality in the Provincia Autonoma di Trento region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers some great cycling routes with scenic views of the surrounding countryside. The roads are well-maintained, making it suitable for both road and gravel cycling. Volano is also close to several famous cycling spots, such as Monte Bondone and Passo dei Giovi, making it a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts. With its picturesque landscape and cycling-friendly environment, Volano is a great place for a cycling getaway.

A breathtaking gravel cycling adventure amidst stunning mountainous terrain

128 km
4698 m

Embark on an exhilarating gravel cycling adventure through the breathtaking mountainous terrain near Volano with the Gravelling Through Mountains route. This 128-kilometer route takes you through challenging gravel roads and offers a total ascent of 4698 meters, making it perfect for experienced riders seeking a thrilling off-road experience. Along the way, you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of majestic peaks, lush green valleys, and charming mountain villages. The diverse landscape and rugged beauty of this route make it a true gem for gravel cycling enthusiasts. Prepare to be awe-struck by the raw natural beauty and remote landscapes that this route has to offer.

A thrilling gravel ride through challenging passes

109 km
4369 m

Get ready for an epic gravel adventure through the mountainous landscapes of Trento province. This 109-kilometer route features a total ascent of 4,369 meters, making it ideal for experienced gravel riders seeking an adrenaline-filled challenge. Highlights include the charming town of Nogaredo, the breathtaking Passo Bordala, and the exhilarating descent at Drena. Enjoy the scenic landscapes of Ranzo and Ciago as you conquer the remote mountain passes. This route offers a thrilling combination of technical riding, awe-inspiring scenery, and unforgettable off-road adventure.

Explore the stunning Lagarina Valley and its charming villages

170 km
5042 m

The Lagarina Valley Loop is a scenic route that takes you through the beautiful Lagarina Valley, passing by picturesque villages such as Villa Lagarina. This route offers a combination of challenging climbs and breathtaking descents, offering something for both road cycling enthusiasts and nature lovers. The route is 170 km long and features a total ascent of 5042 meters. With its stunning views and diverse terrain, this route is a must-ride for any cyclist visiting the Trento region.

A bike ride around the largest lake in Italy

177 km
4518 m

This route takes you on a thrilling journey around Lake Garda, offering breathtaking views of the sparkling waters and surrounding mountains. With a total ascent of 4,518 meters and a distance of 177 kilometers, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a challenging adventure. The picturesque town of Riva del Garda, the scenic Passo dell'Ampola, and the charming village of Arco are among the highlights along the way. Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of this iconic cycling spot.

Experience the thrill of gravel cycling in Trento's stunning countryside

90 km
3511 m

The Off the Beaten Path route takes you on an adventurous journey through Trento's beautiful countryside. With a total distance of 90 km and an ascent of 3511 meters, this gravel cycling route offers a mix of challenging off-road sections and scenic gravel trails. Highlights along the route include the charming village of Mori, the historic town of Arco, and the breathtaking Monte Brento. Suitable for gravel bike enthusiasts seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure, this route provides an immersive experience in Trento's natural beauty.

Conquer mountain passes and scenic landscapes

119 km
4396 m

This challenging route takes you through the picturesque mountainous landscapes of the Trento province. With a total ascent of 4,396 meters and a distance of 119 kilometers, this route is suitable for experienced climbers and endurance cyclists seeking a real challenge. Highlights of this mountain adventure include the beautiful town of Volano, the stunning Zoreri area, and the breathtaking Passo della Borcola. Be prepared to push your limits as you tackle the steep ascent of Passo Xomo and enjoy panoramic views from the summit of Monte Enna. This route offers a truly rewarding cycling experience for those who love the mountains and are eager to test their skills.

Explore the scenic routes from Volano to Cogollo del Cengio

126 km
3355 m

This round-trip cycling route starting near Volano takes you through beautiful landscapes and picturesque towns. The route starts in Volano and passes through Biotopo Taio, Folgaria, Passo Sommo, Lastebasse, Cogollo del Cengio, Zanè, Monte Castello, Pian delle Fugazze, Camposilvano, Teleferica, and finally, Villa Lagarina. It covers a distance of 126 km with an ascent of 3355 meters.

An epic road cycling route through the picturesque valleys and challenging mountain roads

133 km
3895 m

The Valley and Mountain Challenge is a thrilling road cycling route that takes you through the stunning valleys and challenging mountain roads near Volano. With a total distance of 133 kilometers and an ascent of 3895 meters, this route is perfect for well-trained amateurs looking for a tough yet rewarding ride. The route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, picturesque villages, and stunning mountain peaks. Cycling enthusiasts will be fascinated by the diversity of the route, as it takes you through various terrains and highlights the natural beauty of the region. Whether you're a nature lover or an adventure seeker, the Valley and Mountain Challenge will undoubtedly leave you with unforgettable memories.

An off-road cycling excursion through the Trento region

89 km
2844 m

Embark on an off-road journey through the stunning Trento region, covering a distance of 89 kilometers with a total ascent of 2,844 meters. This gravel route is perfect for adventure-seeking cyclists looking to test their technical skills. Highlights of this adventure include the picturesque village of Besenello, the historic Forte Busa di Verle, and the challenging Passo Vezzena. Enjoy the tranquility of nature as you pedal through the scenic landscapes of Sommi and Caldonazzo. This route is suitable for experienced gravel riders who are prepared to tackle steep climbs and rough terrains.

Discover the breathtaking natural beauty and charming villages of Trento

130 km
2368 m

The Mountains and Villages route takes you on a journey through the picturesque countryside and charming villages of Trento. This 130 km road cycling route features a combination of challenging climbs and exhilarating descents, providing an unforgettable cycling experience. With a total ascent of 2368 meters, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists looking for a mix of physical challenge and scenic beauty. Highlights along the route include the stunning village of Villa Lagarina, the historic town of Dro, and the panoramic Monte Colodri.

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