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Picturesque landscapes and cultural heritage await in Santa Maria degli Angeli, Umbria.

Cycling routes from Santa Maria degli Angeli

Santa Maria degli Angeli, situated in Umbria, Italy, offers a cyclist-friendly environment with beautiful scenic routes and historical attractions. Cyclists can explore the stunning Italian countryside, passing by vineyards, rolling hills, and captivating villages. The locality is known for its proximity to Assisi, a UNESCO World Heritage site, allowing cyclists to embark on cultural journeys as well. Nearby, cyclists can challenge themselves on the infamous Assisi climb, known for its steep gradients and remarkable views. Overall, Santa Maria degli Angeli provides a perfect mix of cycling, history, and natural beauty.

Experience the magic of Assisi on a scenic road cycling adventure

48 km
119 m

This round-trip road cycling route takes you through the enchanting countryside around Assisi, allowing you to soak in the beauty of the region while pedaling. Start your journey in Santa Maria degli Angeli and make your way to Passaggio di Assisi. Along the way, you'll pass by highlights such as Cappella Baglioni in Bevagna and the historic town of Castelnuovo. This route is suitable for road cyclists of all levels and offers a relatively moderate level of difficulty.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure through the hills surrounding Assisi

57 km
1697 m

This challenging round-trip gravel route takes you through the hilly landscapes surrounding Assisi, offering panoramic views and thrilling descents. Start your journey in Santa Maria degli Angeli and pass by highlights such as a panoramic point overlooking the Basilica di Assisi, the historic town of Assisi itself, and the scenic Pian della Pieve. Take in the awe-inspiring views from Montarone and experience the unique atmosphere of Colle San Rufino. Finish off with a visit to the remarkable Domus del Lararium before returning to Santa Maria degli Angeli. This route is suitable for experienced gravel riders and offers a high level of difficulty.

Embark on an exciting road cycling adventure through the hilltops of Umbria

96 km
1843 m

This round-trip road cycling route takes you on a thrilling journey through the hilly landscapes of Umbria, offering scenic routes and stunning viewpoints. Start your adventure in Santa Maria degli Angeli and pass by highlights such as Toppo della Rosa, known for its panoramic views, and the charming village of Casacastalda. As you continue, enjoy the challenging ascent up Monte delle Croci and make a final stop at Valecchie. This route is recommended for experienced road cyclists due to its challenging climbs and extensive distance.

Immerse yourself in the charm of Umbrian villages along this gravel cycling route.

45 km
424 m

The Discover Umbrian Villages route offers a relaxed yet scenic cycling experience starting near Santa Maria degli Angeli. With a total ascent of 424 meters and a distance of 45 kilometers, this shorter route allows for exploration of the region's charming villages. Highlights include Ponte Felcino, an ancient bridge with a rich history, and Palazzo, a small village known for its traditional architecture. This gravel route offers a moderate difficulty level, making it suitable for cyclists of varying skill levels who want to immerse themselves in the quaint beauty of Umbrian villages.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the stunning landscapes of Umbria.

65 km
1786 m

The Umbrian Adventure route offers a challenging and rewarding gravel cycling experience starting near Santa Maria degli Angeli. With a total ascent of 1786 meters and a distance of 65 kilometers, this route takes you through iconic spots such as the panoramic viewpoint on Basilica di Assisi, Assisi itself, Monte d'Annifo, Valtopina, Monte Pasano, Nocera Umbra, and Rivotorto. These highlights provide unique insights into the region's history and culture while offering breathtaking views. Rated with a difficulty level of 4, this epic route is perfect for experienced gravel cyclists looking for a memorable adventure in Umbria.

Explore the historical landmarks of Umbria through this road cycling route.

80 km
549 m

The Cycling Through History route takes you on a journey through the rich historical heritage of Umbria, starting near Santa Maria degli Angeli. With a total ascent of 549 meters and a distance of 80 kilometers, this road route offers a moderate difficulty level suitable for amateur cyclists. Highlights along the way include Capitan Loreto, Sant'Eraclio, and Castelnuovo, each featuring significant historical landmarks. This route combines the joy of cycling with the opportunity to learn about the region's past, making it an educational and enjoyable experience for all.

Explore the rolling hills of Umbria through this scenic cycling route.

66 km
1436 m

The Umbrian Hills route offers a combination of challenging climbs and awe-inspiring landscapes. Starting near Santa Maria degli Angeli, this route takes you through picturesque towns and villages, allowing you to experience the charm of the region. With a total ascent of 1436 meters, this 66-kilometer road route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. The route passes through highlights such as Monte delle Croci, Monte dei Cani, Nocera Umbra, Valtopina, Monte Pasano, and Passaggio di Assisi. Each of these highlights adds to the overall epicness of the journey, offering breathtaking views and cultural insights.

Embark on an exhilarating gravel adventure through the Umbrian countryside.

81 km
2380 m

The Gravel Adventure route starting near Santa Maria degli Angeli is perfect for cyclists seeking a thrilling off-road experience. With a total ascent of 2380 meters and a distance of 81 kilometers, this challenging route provides a mix of natural beauty and cultural highlights. Highlights along the journey include the charming town of Assisi, Monte d'Annifo, Bagni Stravignano, Monte d'Annifo, and the panoramic viewpoint of Belvedere. These highlights offer unique insights into the region's history and showcase the diverse landscapes of Umbria. Rated with a difficulty level of 4, this route is suitable for experienced gravel cyclists looking for an epic adventure.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the scenic Umbrian countryside

97 km
1078 m

This round-trip cycling route takes you through the beautiful Umbrian countryside, offering a mix of challenging gravel sections and breathtaking landscapes. Start your journey in Santa Maria degli Angeli and pass by highlights such as the wooden bridge and viewpoint of Tevere river, the charming town of Spina, and the historic town of Marsciano. Finish off with a visit to Piazza Nuova before returning to Santa Maria degli Angeli. This route is suitable for gravel bike enthusiasts and offers a moderate level of difficulty.

Embark on an ultimate road cycling challenge through the stunning landscapes of Umbria

141 km
2821 m

This epic round-trip road cycling route offers a thrilling challenge for experienced riders, taking you through some of the most spectacular landscapes in Umbria. Start your journey in Santa Maria degli Angeli and prepare to tackle the impressive Monte Castellaccio. As you continue, you'll pass by highlights such as the majestic Monte Ingino, the thrilling Limite K-T, and the picturesque Corno di Catria. Pedal through enchanting spots like Isola Fossara, Campodiegoli, and Cima Costicciola before reaching Fossato di Vico. Finally, conquer the imposing Monte dei Cani and enjoy breathtaking views from a panoramic point overlooking the Basilica di Assisi. This route is only suitable for highly trained cyclists due to its challenging terrain and extensive distance.

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Image of Ponte Felcino
Ponte Felcino

Cycling Paradise in Umbria

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