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Wine and cycling adventures in Parona

Cycling routes from Parona

Parona is a locality located in the Veneto region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers a mix of scenic flat roads and rolling hills, providing a variety of cycling experiences suitable for different skill levels. The region is famous for its vineyards, historic sites, and picturesque landscapes, offering cyclists a visually pleasing backdrop during their rides. Parona is in close proximity to the Prosecco Hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its wine production and stunning panoramas, making it an attractive destination for cyclists looking to combine their rides with wine tasting and cultural visits.

Discover the countryside on this challenging gravel route near Parona.

62 km
311 m

Experience the stunning countryside near Parona on this challenging gravel route. With a total ascent of 311 meters and covering a distance of 62 kilometers, this loop will take you through picturesque villages and scenic landscapes. The Quaderni Gravel Loop offers a unique opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Veneto.

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure to conquer the challenging ascent of Monte Masua.

76 km
1809 m

This iconic road route near Parona offers an epic challenge for experienced riders. With an ascent of 1809 meters over a distance of 76 kilometers, it demands strength and endurance. Highlights along the way include the historic village of San Vito and the scenic Sella di Croce. The route is topped off with the legendary climb up Monte Masua, a climb known for its toughness and stunning views. This outstanding route promises an unforgettable cycling adventure.

A thrilling gravel route that takes you through the scenic landscapes of Parona.

59 km
704 m

This distinctive gravel route provides a thrilling experience as you pass through scenic landscapes and charming villages. The ascent of 704 meters adds to the challenge, making it suitable for experienced riders. With highlights including the picturesque San Michele Extra and the historic Castel San Pietro, this route offers a diverse and rewarding cycling adventure.

A captivating road cycling route that takes you through the hills and charming villages near Parona.

101 km
1920 m

This captivating road route showcases the scenic beauty and cultural richness of Parona and its surroundings. With an ascent of 1920 meters spread across 101 kilometers, it offers a challenge suitable for well-trained amateurs. Highlights include the historic Castel San Pietro, the picturesque San Rocco di Piegara, and the charming village of San Briccio. Cycling enthusiasts will also appreciate the breathtaking views from the iconic Monte Bastia. This route combines natural splendor and cultural heritage, making it a must-ride for any cycling enthusiast visiting the region.

Embark on a charming gravel adventure through the scenic landscapes and hidden gems near Parona.

66 km
948 m

This picturesque gravel route takes you through the scenic landscapes and charming villages near Parona. With a total ascent of 948 meters spread over 66 kilometers, it is suitable for both beginner and intermediate riders. Highlights include the hilltop village of Montorio, the idyllic San Briccio, and the historical allure of Castel San Pietro. The route also showcases the panoramic vistas from Porta Vescovo, providing a truly memorable experience. Whether you are an experienced gravel rider or new to off-road cycling, this charming adventure has something to offer everyone.

Experience the beauty of Verona's countryside on this scenic road ride.

70 km
102 m

Discover the natural beauty of Verona's countryside on this road cycling route that will take you through scenic landscapes and charming villages. With a total ascent of 102 meters and covering a distance of 70 kilometers, this route offers a perfect escape from the city. Enjoy the tranquility of the countryside and take in the breathtaking views along the way.

Embark on a scenic road cycling loop taking you through the picturesque landscapes of Parona.

63 km
103 m

This scenic road route provides a leisurely cycling experience through the picturesque landscapes of Parona. With a minimal ascent of 103 meters spread over 63 kilometers, it is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Highlights include the charming village of San Massimo, the idyllic Rizza, and the historic Castello Scaligero. Riders will also appreciate the natural beauty and tranquility of Nogarole Rocca. This enjoyable loop is perfect for those seeking a relaxed ride immersed in the beauty and rich history of the region.

Conquer challenging hills and enjoy breathtaking views on this road cycling route.

89 km
326 m

Challenge yourself on this road cycling route near Parona that will take you through picturesque hills and offer breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. With a total ascent of 326 meters and covering a distance of 89 kilometers, this route is perfect for cyclists looking for a thrilling challenge. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Veneto's countryside and enjoy the panoramic views from the hilltops.

Embark on a journey to discover ancient castles near Parona.

49 km
97 m

Explore the historical treasures near Parona on this road cycling route that will take you to some of the most ancient castles in the region. With a total ascent of 97 meters and covering a distance of 49 kilometers, this route offers a perfect blend of history and scenic beauty. Marvel at the medieval architecture and immerse yourself in the fascinating stories of these ancient castles.

Embark on a scenic road ride to discover iconic castles near Verona.

106 km
131 m

Explore the enchanting region near Parona on this road ride that will take you to some of the most iconic castles in Verona. With a total ascent of 131 meters and covering a distance of 106 kilometers, this route offers a perfect combination of natural beauty and historical landmarks. Immerse yourself in the rich history of Verona while enjoying the picturesque countryside.

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