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Experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Łęki Dukielskie while cycling through its idyllic countryside.

Cycling routes from Leki Dukielskie

Łęki Dukielskie is a charming locality located in Podkarpackie, Poland. It offers a mix of rolling hills, quiet country roads, and gravel paths, catering to both road and gravel cyclists. The area is blessed with beautiful natural landscapes, including lush forests and meandering rivers. Cyclists can explore the charming villages and historic landmarks scattered throughout the region, immersing themselves in the local culture. Łęki Dukielskie is also in close proximity to well-known climbs and famous cycling routes, making it an excellent base for cycling adventures. With its diverse terrain and cultural attractions, Łęki Dukielskie is a paradise for cyclists in Podkarpackie.

Discover the hidden gems near Łęki Dukielskie on this gravel route.

50 km
782 m

Explore the hidden gems near Łęki Dukielskie on this 50-kilometer gravel route. With a total ascent of 782 meters, this moderate difficulty level route offers a mix of stunning natural and cultural highlights. Get ready to be surprised by the unique attractions along the way.

Experience the scenic countryside on this 46-kilometer gravel cycling route.

46 km
432 m

Embark on a picturesque cycling adventure through the beautiful countryside near Łęki Dukielskie. This 46-kilometer gravel route offers a moderate challenge with a total ascent of 432 meters. Immerse yourself in the serene surroundings and discover hidden gems along the way.

Embark on a road cycling adventure through the less traveled roads near Łęki Dukielskie.

69 km
633 m

Discover the beauty of the less traveled roads near Łęki Dukielskie on this 69-kilometer road cycling route. With a total ascent of 633 meters, this moderate challenge is perfect for road cycling enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the scenic landscapes and uncover hidden gems along the way.

Discover the charming village of Sulistrowa on this scenic cycling route.

40 km
485 m

The Sulistrowa Loop is a beautiful cycling route that takes you through picturesque landscapes and introduces you to the charming village of Sulistrowa. Starting near Łęki Dukielskie, this road route offers a moderate challenge with a total ascent of 485 meters and a distance of 40 kilometers. The highlight of this route is Sulistrowa, a village known for its historical architecture and stunning views. Cycle through rolling hills and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside as you make your way back to Łęki Dukielskie. This route is suitable for well-trained amateurs with some experience in cycling.

A journey through challenging terrain and picturesque landscapes

72 km
574 m

This route takes you on a thrilling adventure through the hilly terrain near Łęki Dukielskie. With a bike kind of road, you will navigate a distance of 72 km, with an ascent of 574m. Along the way, you will encounter various highlights that add charm and excitement to your journey. The difficulty level is moderate, suited for very well-trained amateurs, with a rating of 3 out of 5. The epicness level of this route is 3 out of 5, promising a memorable experience for cyclists of all levels. Highlights include Sulistrowa, known for its stunning views and picturesque surroundings, and Jean Blanc, a quaint village known for its historic architecture and cultural significance.

Pedal through picturesque landscapes and historical sites in Łęki Dukielskie

72 km
779 m

Uncover the rich heritage and natural beauty of Łęki Dukielskie on this 72 km road route. With an ascent of 779m, this journey takes you through captivating landscapes and provides an opportunity to explore historical sites along the way. The difficulty level is moderate, suited for very well-trained amateurs, rated at 3 out of 5. The epicness level of this route is 3 out of 5, promising exciting encounters and memorable moments. Highlights include Zręcin, a charming village offering stunning vistas across the region, and Węglówka, a historic town known for its well-preserved architectural heritage.

Experience the beauty and diversity of the region on this remarkable cycling route

143 km
1644 m

Embark on an unforgettable cycling journey that covers a distance of 143 km with an ascent of 1644m. This road route offers stunning views of the region's natural wonders and historical landmarks. Suitable for very well-trained amateurs, with a difficulty rating of 4 out of 5, this route provides a challenging but rewarding adventure. With an epicness level of 4 out of 5, this route promises impressive scenery and thrilling moments. Highlights include Liwocz, a picturesque mountain offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, and Przełęcz Dukielska, where cyclists can enjoy the exhilaration of conquering a steep and winding mountain pass.

Unleash your inner explorer on this thrilling gravel cycling route

102 km
1615 m

Embark on a gravel adventure covering a distance of 102 km with an ascent of 1615m. This route offers a glimpse into the hidden treasures of the Łęki Dukielskie region. With a difficulty rating of 4 out of 5, this route presents a challenge for very well-trained amateurs. The epicness level is 4 out of 5, promising breathtaking views and unforgettable moments. Highlights include Miejsce Piastowe, a quaint village known for its historic charm and cultural heritage, and Dżbyr, a remote village surrounded by dense forests and untouched natural beauty.

Discover hidden gems and rural landscapes on this gravel route

47 km
679 m

This gravel route covers an exciting distance of 47 km with an ascent of 679m. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the rural beauty of the Łęki Dukielskie region. The difficulty level is moderate, suitable for well-trained amateurs, rated at 3 out of 5. With an epicness level of 2 out of 5, this route allows you to immerse yourself in the peaceful countryside and escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Highlights include Zygmuntówka, a charming hamlet tucked away in the forest, and Zadebrza, a beautiful village known for its idyllic landscapes and traditional folklore.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the picturesque landscapes near Łęki Dukielskie.

83 km
1118 m

This route takes you on a thrilling gravel adventure through the beautiful landscapes surrounding Łęki Dukielskie. With a total ascent of 1118 meters and a distance of 83 kilometers, it offers a challenging journey for experienced cyclists. Prepare to be amazed by the breathtaking views and unique highlights along the way.

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