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Experience peaceful cycling in the idyllic landscapes of Świdwin, Zachodniopomorskie.

Cycling routes from Swidwin

Świdwin is a town situated in the Zachodniopomorskie region of Poland. From a cyclist's perspective, Świdwin offers moderate cycling opportunities with its peaceful and idyllic landscapes. The roads in and around Świdwin are suitable for road and gravel cycling. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Świdwin is a decent destination for cyclists looking to enjoy a peaceful ride amidst natural beauty.


Sława Loop

Discover the historic town of Sława on this scenic road cycling route near Świdwin

89 km
417 m

The Sława Loop is a 89-km road cycling route that takes you through beautiful countryside and picturesque villages. With 417 meters of ascent, the route offers a moderate challenge for cyclists. Along the way, you'll pass through the charming town of Sława, known for its rich history and well-preserved architecture. Don't miss the opportunity to explore Narożnik, Ostrowice, Przytoń, Rzepczyno, and Świdwin, which are also included as highlights on this route. Overall, the Sława Loop offers a great mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and cycling challenges.

Embark on a scenic 127-km road cycling route to discover the hidden treasures of Węgorzyno

127 km
568 m

The Węgorzyno Circuit is a picturesque 127-km road cycling route that leads cyclists to the hidden treasures of Węgorzyno. With 568 meters of ascent, the route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a challenge. Along the way, you'll pass through Słonowice, Węgorzyno, Karkowo, Dargomyśl, and Prusim, each offering its own unique appeal. Węgorzyno is a particular highlight, with its breathtaking lake and opportunities for various outdoor activities. Overall, the Węgorzyno Circuit promises a memorable cycling adventure filled with stunning natural landscapes and cultural discoveries.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure with challenging climbs and breathtaking views.

77 km
365 m

Get ready for an epic cycling adventure through forests, rolling hills, and challenging climbs on this gravel route. With its demanding ascent and longer distance, this route is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling and unforgettable ride. Prepare to be awe-struck by the panoramic views from hilltops and enjoy the exhilaration of conquering tough terrains and conquering challenging climbs.

Embark on a gravel adventure around the lakes near Świdwin.

48 km
236 m

Discover the hidden beauty of the Świdwin lakes on this challenging gravel route. Marvel at the crystal-clear waters and serene landscapes as you pedal along the scenic shoreline. With a moderate ascent and distance, this route offers a rewarding experience for well-trained amateurs. Get ready for a mix of rolling hills and exhilarating descents, with captivating lake views in every direction.

Explore the beautiful countryside near Świdwin on this gravel route.

54 km
223 m

This scenic gravel route takes you through picturesque villages and lush farmland near Świdwin. Enjoy peaceful forest paths and rolling hills as you pedal through the charming countryside. With a moderate ascent and distance, this route is suitable for experienced amateurs. The route offers a good balance between challenge and enjoyment, providing a fantastic cycling experience with stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

Embark on a road cycling adventure through scenic rural landscapes near Świdwin.

74 km
366 m

Experience the charm of rural Poland on this road cycling route that winds through idyllic countryside and tranquil villages. With a challenging ascent and a longer distance, this route is ideal for well-trained amateurs seeking an exhilarating and rewarding ride. Enjoy the stunning views of rolling hills, picturesque farmland, and enchanting forested areas as you explore the beautiful landscapes surrounding Świdwin.

Experience the peaceful countryside on this 55-km road cycling route near Świdwin

55 km
253 m

The Biernów Ride is a 55-km road cycling route that showcases the idyllic Polish countryside. With 253 meters of ascent, the route is suitable for cyclists of various skill levels. As you pedal through the scenic landscape, take a moment to explore Biernów and Redło, both charming villages filled with traditional architecture and friendly locals. The highlight of the route is undoubtedly Świdwin, a historic town with a vibrant cultural scene and a variety of dining and shopping options. Whether you're looking for a leisurely ride or a chance to connect with the local community, the Biernów Ride has something for everyone.

Escape to nature on this gravel route through lush forests near Świdwin.

57 km
227 m

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature as you follow this captivating gravel route through dense forests and charming villages. With its moderate ascent and distance, this route offers an exciting challenge for well-trained amateurs. Experience the thrill of riding along scenic forest trails and discover the hidden beauty of the surrounding countryside.

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through the scenic landscapes near Świdwin

61 km
314 m

The Iglice Adventure is a 61-km gravel cycling route that takes you through scenic landscapes and off-the-beaten-path trails. With 314 meters of ascent, the route provides a moderate challenge for gravel enthusiasts. Highlights of this unique adventure include picturesque stops at Półchleb, Iglice, and Świdwin. Półchleb is a tiny village surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills, offering a glimpse into traditional rural life. Iglice, on the other hand, is a hidden gem with its rugged terrain and tranquil atmosphere, perfect for adventurous souls. Świdwin, the start and end point of the route, offers a range of amenities and attractions for gravel cyclists, making it an ideal base for exploration. Overall, the Iglice Adventure promises an unforgettable mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and thrilling off-road cycling.


Łobez Loop

Explore the charming town of Łobez on this 91-km road cycling route near Świdwin

91 km
450 m

The Łobez Loop is a 91-km road cycling route that takes riders through scenic countryside to the historic town of Łobez. With 450 meters of ascent, the route offers a moderate challenge for cyclists. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to explore Słonowice, Łobez, Strzmiele, and Prusim, all of which have their own unique charm and attractions. Łobez is particularly noteworthy, with its impressive castle ruins and beautiful surrounding nature.Overall, the Łobez Loop provides a variety of landscapes, historic sites, and cultural experiences that will leave cyclists with lasting memories.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Łobez

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Image of Połczyn-Zdrój

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Image of Resko

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Image of Drawsko Pomorskie
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Image of Węgorzyno

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Image of Karlino

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