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Discover the hidden cycling treasures of Järbo amidst scenic landscapes.

Cycling routes from Jaerbo

Järbo is a locality situated in the region of Norra Mellansverige in Sweden. For road and gravel cyclists, Järbo offers a peaceful and scenic environment to explore. The region is characterized by rolling hills, dense forests, and charming countryside. Cyclists can enjoy the well-maintained roads with minimal traffic, making it an excellent choice to improve endurance and endurance. Järbo is also known for its popular cycling club that organizes regular rides and events. A notable cycling spot nearby is the Ängebo Mountain, providing a challenging ascent and rewarding panoramic views from the top. Overall, Järbo is a hidden gem for cyclists seeking a mix of tranquility and cycling challenges.

Embark on a hilly journey to Vilhelmsberget and Östanbyn on this scenic road cycling route from Järbo.

69 km
311 m

Prepare yourself for a challenging yet rewarding road cycling journey through the hilly terrains of Norra Mellansverige. With a significant ascent of 311 meters over a distance of 69 kilometers, this route is best suited for experienced cyclists seeking a test of their endurance. The highlights along the route include Vilhelmsberget and Östanbyn, offering breathtaking views and glimpses of traditional Swedish countryside. Start and finish in Järbo, providing convenient amenities for cyclists. Overall, this route showcases the diverse landscapes and rural charm of Norra Mellansverige, making it a memorable cycling experience for dedicated enthusiasts.

A scenic gravel route passing through Hofors, Råberget, Hinsåsen, Korsån, and Kungsberget.

115 km
969 m

This 115 km long gravel route takes you through the beautiful countryside of Järbo. Starting in Hofors, you will ride through picturesque landscapes, passing by Råberget - a charming village with traditional wooden houses. As you continue, you will climb to Hinsåsen, where you can witness breathtaking views of the surrounding forests and lakes. The route then leads to Korsån, a small village known for its tranquil atmosphere and pristine wilderness. Finally, you will reach Kungsberget, a popular ski resort with stunning mountain vistas. Overall, this route offers a mix of challenging climbs and scenic beauty, making it an ideal choice for adventurous gravel cyclists.

Experience the beauty of Norra Mellansverige on this scenic road cycling route.

135 km
895 m

Venture through the picturesque landscapes of Norra Mellansverige on this 135-kilometer road cycling route. With an ascent of 895 meters, it offers a challenging but rewarding experience for cyclists. The route takes you through charming villages, serene forests, and rolling hills. Highlights along the way include Jädraås, a small village with a rich history, Åmot, known for its idyllic countryside and cultural heritage, Fallåsberget, a viewpoint with stunning vistas, Lingbo, a scenic village by the Dalälven River, Hemstanäs, a tranquil lakeside retreat, Ockelbo, a historic town with cultural attractions, and Järbo, the starting point and endpoint of the route.

Embark on an unforgettable road cycling adventure from Jädraås to Finnäs.

116 km
609 m

Explore the scenic landscapes of Jädraås and Finnäs on this 116-kilometer road cycling route. With an ascent of 609 meters, it offers a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateurs. The route takes you through tranquil villages, beautiful forests, and rolling hills. Highlights along the way include Jädraås, a picturesque village with a rich history, Katrineberg, known for its historic iron mine, Ockelbo, a historic town with cultural attractions, and Finnäs, a scenic village located by the tranquil Finnässjön Lake.

An adventurous gravel route exploring Kungsberget, Vintjärn, Ryssjöklack, Verkamark, and Jädraås.

103 km
813 m

Embark on this 103 km long gravel route and indulge in the adventurous spirit of Järbo. Starting from Kungsberget, a renowned ski resort, you will journey through diverse terrains. Make a stop at Vintjärn, a charming village known for its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere. Continuing on, you will encounter Ryssjöklack, an area characterized by its rugged landscapes and pristine forests. The route then leads to Verkamark, where you can take in stunning views of the surrounding hills and meadows. Finally, you will reach Jädraås, a picturesque town nestled in a valley. This route offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and exciting off-road riding, making it a great choice for gravel enthusiasts.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure through the scenic landscapes of Svärdsjö.

112 km
873 m

Discover the stunning natural beauty of Svärdsjö on this 112-kilometer gravel cycling route. With an ascent of 873 meters, it provides a challenging ride suitable for experienced cyclists. The route takes you through picturesque villages, dense forests, and panoramic viewpoints. Highlights along the way include Trollberget, a popular spot for hiking and rock climbing, Svärdsjö with its charming wooden houses, Vintjärn, a tranquil lake surrounded by dense forest, and Ryssjöklack, a nature reserve with stunning panoramic views.


Järbo Loop

Explore scenic landscapes and charming villages on this gravel cycling route.

66 km
164 m

The Järbo Loop is a 66-kilometer gravel cycling route that starts near Järbo in Norra Mellansverige, Sweden. The route offers a varied terrain with rolling hills and beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. With an ascent of 164 meters, it provides a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateurs. The highlights along the route include Högbo, known for its historic ironworks, Forsbacka with its picturesque surroundings, and Sandviken, the birthplace of Swedish steel industry.

Embark on a challenging climb through Hagaström and Vilhelmsberget on this scenic road cycling route.

91 km
363 m

Get ready for an epic road cycling challenge, traversing the stunning landscapes of Norra Mellansverige. With a demanding ascent of 363 meters over a distance of 91 kilometers, this route is designed for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling uphill climb. The highlights along the route include Hagaström and Vilhelmsberget, which offer breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment at the summit. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Norra Mellansverige as you conquer this legendary route. Overall, this route promises an unforgettable cycling experience for those seeking adrenaline-pumping climbs and stunning vistas.

Explore the scenic landscapes of Norra Mellansverige on this road cycling route from Järbo to Sandviken.

60 km
187 m

This road cycling route takes you through picturesque countryside from Järbo to Sandviken. With a moderate ascent of 187 meters over a distance of 60 kilometers, this route is suitable for cyclists of varying skill levels. The highlights along the route include Sandviken and Årsunda, offering cultural and historical insights into the region. Overall, this route provides a scenic and enjoyable road cycling experience in Norra Mellansverige.

Discover the charming towns of Högbo and Forsbacka on this scenic road cycling loop from Sandviken.

91 km
272 m

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure, exploring the delightful towns of Högbo and Forsbacka. This loop route offers stunning landscapes and cultural highlights along the way. With a moderate ascent of 272 meters over a distance of 91 kilometers, this route is suitable for cyclists with some experience. The highlights along the route include Högbo and Forsbacka, where you can explore historic sites, enjoy local cuisine, and admire the picturesque scenery. Start and finish in Sandviken, providing ample amenities and services for cyclists. Overall, this route offers a delightful combination of nature, culture, and charming towns in Norra Mellansverige.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Sandviken

Tranquil Cycling Escape in Norra Mellansverige

Image of Storvik

Scenic routes and outdoor activities at Högbo Bruk

Image of Forsbacka

Diverse and picturesque cycling in Forsbacka.

Image of Ockelbo

Sweden's Hidden Gem for Cycling in Ockelbo

Image of Hofors

Escape to peaceful landscapes on cycling routes in Hofors, Sweden.

Image of Gävle

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Image of Bergby

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Image of Långshyttan

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Image of Skutskär

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