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Conquer Gurnigel Pass and soak in the Swiss mountain views

Cycling routes from Wattenwil

Wattenwil, situated in the Espace Mittelland region of Switzerland, is a fantastic location for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, including towering mountain peaks and picturesque valleys. Wattenwil offers numerous well-maintained cycling routes, catering to all difficulty levels. One of the must-visit cycling spots near Wattenwil is the famous cycling climb of Gurnigel Pass, which attracts cyclists from around the world. Whether you're exploring the challenging climbs or enjoying the serene countryside, Wattenwil promises an unforgettable cycling experience.

Experience the thrilling gravel trails near Wattenwil

24 km
1200 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Wattenwil and discover the hidden gems of the Swiss countryside. This 24 km route with 1200 meters of elevation gain offers a challenging and unique cycling experience for gravel enthusiasts. Get ready for breathtaking views, quiet country roads, and the serenity of the great outdoors.

Embark on an adventurous journey from Rüti to Lohnstorf, uncovering hidden gems along the way.

105 km
1682 m

Discover the beauty of the Espace Mittelland region as you cycle from Rüti to Lohnstorf. This route offers a mix of challenging terrain and scenic landscapes, making it a memorable cycling experience.

Take on the scenic road challenge to Jaberg

79 km
1544 m

Embark on a scenic road cycling challenge to Jaberg and experience the beauty of the Espace Mittelland region. With a distance of 79 km and a grueling ascent of 1544 meters, this route is perfect for well-trained cyclists seeking a intermediate-level challenge. Marvel at the rolling hills, lush green meadows, and magnificent landscapes along the way.

Experience the picturesque countryside as you cycle through Wattenwil to Burgistein.

56 km
1094 m

This cycling route takes you through beautiful Swiss landscapes, passing through Wattenwil and Burgistein. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the route as you challenge yourself mentally and physically.

Embark on a scenic journey from Kaufdorf to Uetendorf, exploring the beauty of the region.

93 km
1212 m

Experience the stunning landscapes of the Espace Mittelland region as you cycle from Kaufdorf to Uetendorf. This route takes you through picturesque towns and offers breathtaking views along the way.

Descend into hidden gems and climb to stunning viewpoints

118 km
3379 m

This round-trip cycling route starting near Wattenwil takes you on a challenging gravel adventure through the picturesque Espace Mittelland. With a total distance of 118 km and an elevation gain of 3379 m, this route offers a thrilling journey for experienced cyclists. Along the way, you will come across several highlights, each offering unique experiences and breathtaking landscapes.

Explore the gravel roads connecting Wattenwil and Riggisberg, as you traverse picturesque landscapes.

70 km
1844 m

Immerse yourself in the rugged beauty of the Swiss countryside as you explore the gravel roads connecting Wattenwil to Riggisberg. This route offers a mix of challenging climbs and scenic vistas, making it a great adventure for gravel cycling enthusiasts.

Discover the beauty of Gerzensee on this gravel loop

39 km
575 m

Embark on a captivating gravel loop and discover the hidden beauty of Gerzensee. With a distance of 39 km and an ascent of 575 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for gravel enthusiasts. Cycle through lush forests, picturesque villages, and quiet country roads, and experience the tranquility of the Swiss countryside.

Embark on an exciting gravel ride exploring the picturesque landscapes near Wattenwil.

35 km
971 m

Discover the hidden gem of Goldegg and its historical charm as you traverse through this challenging gravel route. With a moderate difficulty level, this 35-kilometer journey offers scenic views and diverse terrain.

Embark on an epic gravel adventure, conquering the challenging terrain near Wattenwil.

41 km
1170 m

Experience the thrill of conquering the demanding terrain of the Schönebodenegg route. With a difficulty level suitable for well-trained amateurs, this 41-kilometer ride promises breathtaking views and an adrenaline-pumping challenge.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Seftigen

Immerse Yourself in Captivating Scenery and Conquer Gurnigel

Image of Uetendorf

Cycling paradise with scenic landscapes and challenging climbs.

Image of Riggisberg

Switzerland's Cycling Jewel in Espace Mittelland

Image of Thierachern

Discover the scenic countryside of Thierachern and tackle challenging climbs in the Swiss Alps.

Image of Uttigen

Cycling paradise in Espace Mittelland, Switzerland

Image of Hermiswil

Alpine beauty with iconic climbing routes

Image of Heimberg

Cycling paradise in Espace Mittelland, Switzerland.

Image of Rüeggisberg

Alpine Paradise with Thrilling Routes and Majestic Panoramas

Image of Thun

Cycling adventures in the heart of Switzerland.

Nearby regions:

Image of Région lémanique
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Image of Nordwestschweiz

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Image of Zentralschweiz

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