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Meinier: Nature's playground for cyclists

Cycling routes from Meinier

Meinier, located in the Région lémanique of Switzerland, is a cycling-friendly locality renowned for its scenic beauty and excellent routes for both road and gravel cycling. Cyclists can enjoy peaceful rides along the well-maintained roads, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. Mont Salève, a prominent nearby attraction, offers legendary climbs and breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Meinier is a true gem for cyclists, providing a remarkable experience with its natural charm and cycling-friendly atmosphere.

Discover off-road treasures in the region

44 km
414 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Meinier, Switzerland. This route offers a mix of scenic roads and off-road paths, perfect for those seeking a different kind of cycling experience. Cranves-Sales is a highlight along the route, providing a charming starting point for your adventure. Arthaz-Pont-Notre-Dame offers off-road fun with picturesque surroundings. As you continue, Annemasse will welcome you with its energetic atmosphere and interesting sights. The Château de Rouelbeau adds a touch of history to your adventure. Overall, this gravel route allows you to explore the beauty of the region from a unique perspective.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey around Lake Geneva, starting from Meinier.

89 km
1349 m

Experience the beauty of Lake Geneva and its surrounding landscapes on this road cycling route from Meinier. With a total ascent of 1,349 meters over a distance of 89 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking a scenic adventure. Immerse yourself in stunning panoramas as you pedal through the picturesque towns and villages along the lake, including Annemasse, La Chapelle-Rambaud, and Collonge-Bellerive. Marvel at the architectural wonders of Charvonnex and the Mont Pelé, and conquer the scenic Col du Mont Sion. Enjoy the tranquility of Plan-les-Ouates and Collonge-Bellerive, and take a moment to relax by the shores of Lake Geneva. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes and cultural attractions that make this cycling route so special.

Embark on the ultimate alpine climbing adventure, conquering challenging climbs and enjoying breathtaking scenery.

182 km
3428 m

The Ultimate Alpine Climbing Adventure route spans 182 km and features an epic ascent of 3428 m. This road route is designed for experienced climbers seeking a physically demanding and rewarding challenge. With a difficulty level of 5 out of 5, this route represents the pinnacle of cycling difficulty. The epicness level is rated at 5, offering riders the opportunity to conquer legendary climbs and witness awe-inspiring vistas found in the Alps.

Enjoy a scenic gravel ride to Ville-la-Grand, exploring beautiful landscapes and cultural highlights.

24 km
161 m

The Scenic Gravel Ride to Ville-la-Grand covers a distance of 24 km with an ascent of 161 m. This gravel route is suitable for all levels of cyclists, offering a leisurely ride amid picturesque surroundings. With a difficulty level of 1 out of 5, this route is perfect for beginners or those seeking a relaxed cycling experience. The epicness level is rated at 2, providing riders with enjoyable natural and cultural highlights along the way.

Discover scenic beauty and historical landmarks in the Saleve region, offering a captivating cycling experience.

55 km
635 m

The Jewels of the Saleve Region route covers a distance of 55 km with an ascent of 635 m. This road route is suited for well-trained amateurs looking for a moderately challenging ride. The difficulty level is rated at 3 out of 5, making it suitable for cyclists with some experience. With an epicness level of 3, this route offers riders the opportunity to explore picturesque landscapes and historical sites, making it a memorable cycling adventure.

Enjoy off-road adventure in scenic surroundings

84 km
1404 m

Experience the joy of gravel cycling near Meinier, Switzerland. This route offers a mix of scenic off-road paths and beautiful landscapes. Annemasse marks the starting point of a delightful off-road adventure. Panorama is a must-stop highlight, rewarding you with stunning views of the surrounding beauty. La Chapelle-Rambaud provides a serene and peaceful atmosphere in nature. Groisy adds excitement to your journey with its challenging terrain, perfect for gravel biking. Col du Mont Sion offers panoramic views that make the climb worthwhile. Neydens invites you to explore its picturesque charm. As you near the end of the route, Geneva greets you with vibrant energy and endless options for exploration.

A challenging loop from Meinier to Bonneville

120 km
2079 m

This road cycling route takes you from Meinier to Bonneville and back, covering a distance of 120 kilometers and an ascent of 2079 meters. The route is known for its challenging climbs and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. With highlights including the Col de St Jean de Sixt and Tête à Turpin, this route is sure to test the stamina and skill of even the most experienced cyclists. Overall, this route is of high difficulty and offers an epic cycling experience.

Explore the stunning Chablais region on this challenging road cycling route starting from Meinier.

124 km
1814 m

Embark on an epic journey through the scenic Chablais region, known for its breathtaking views of Lake Geneva and the surrounding mountains. This challenging road cycling route takes you through quaint villages, lush countryside, and over mountain passes, offering a diverse and rewarding experience. With a total ascent of 1,814 meters over a distance of 124 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Prepare to be awed by the highlights along the way, including the charming town of Bons-en-Chablais, the challenging Col de Cou, and the picturesque village of Habère-Poche. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the stunning scenery and test your cycling abilities on this unforgettable adventure.

Embark on an off-road gravel adventure from Meinier to Jussy, exploring the diverse landscapes of the region.

110 km
2370 m

Escape the beaten path and discover the hidden gems of the region on this gravel cycling adventure from Meinier to Jussy. With a total ascent of 2,370 meters over a distance of 110 kilometers, this route promises breathtaking views and challenging gravel paths for experienced cyclists seeking an off-road adventure. Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of the region as you traverse through the picturesque villages of Brenthonne and Lyaud, and marvel at the panoramic vistas from the Belvédère de Reyvroz. Experience the thrill of climbing the Col de Jambaz and enjoy the tranquility of the scenic village of Seytroux. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the lesser-known beauty of Jussy and the surrounding countryside on this unforgettable gravel cycling journey.

Conquer legendary climbs and enjoy superb views

201 km
3297 m

Embark on the ultimate road cycling challenge near Meinier, Switzerland. This epic route takes you through some of the most famous cycling spots in the region. Starting with the iconic Jet d'eau in Geneva, you'll ride through breathtaking landscapes and conquer challenging climbs. Col de la Faucille offers panoramic views that will leave you speechless, while Mijoux rewards you with stunning alpine scenery. As you pedal through Longchaumois and Château-des-Prés, you'll be surrounded by pristine nature. End your journey at the beautiful city of Geneva, where you can relax and celebrate your accomplishments.

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