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Pokojná cyklistická destinácia pri jazere v Kärntene.

Cyklotrasy od Krumpendorf

Krumpendorf je mesto v Kärntene v Rakúsku. Svojím okolím a jazerom ponúka cyklistom príjemné prostredie na prechádzky. V okolí sa nachádzajú mierne stúpania, ideálne pre rekreačné jazdy.

Scenic road cycling route with cultural highlights

43 km
731 m

Embark on a 43 km road cycling adventure from Pörtschach to Ratzenegger Berg, passing by historic landmarks like Burgruine Prägrad and Schloss Moosburg. Experience the beauty of Carinthia's countryside and immerse yourself in the region's rich history and culture.

Historic road cycling route with scenic highlights

46 km
395 m

Explore the historic landmarks and picturesque landscapes of Carinthia on this 46 km road cycling route from Norenberg to Zillhöhe. Discover cultural gems like Burgruine Hardegg and Sankt Veit, and enjoy the breathtaking views along the way.

Skvelý pekný dvojdňový výlet pre milovníkov cyclingu

71 km
1364 m

Zažite adrenalinove jedinečné chvíle, konajte hlbInside m anaylybefore, a vzýchutajte si prirodnu krásu korozivienneho Korošska (Nflavio Station). Odporúčame navštíviť Bannwald a doit zažiť kus histórie pri Schloss Krumpendorf.

Breathtaking road cycling route with numerous highlights

109 km
944 m

Explore the beautiful landscape of Carinthia on this challenging 109 km road cycling route from Klagenfurt to Gillitzstein, passing by historic landmarks such as Hornturm and Althofen. Enjoy the stunning views and diverse terrain along the way.

Epic road cycling journey with stunning vistas

220 km
5774 m

Embark on a 220 km road cycling adventure near Krumpendorf, featuring a total ascent of 5774 meters. This challenging route takes you through quaint villages, lush forests, and majestic mountain passes. Highlights include the picturesque village of Kropa and the charming town of Kranjska Gora. Cyclists seeking a test of endurance and scenic beauty will find this route exhilarating.

Demanding road cycling route with rewarding highlights

112 km
3008 m

Take on the challenge of a 112 km road ride near Krumpendorf, featuring 3008 meters of ascent. This demanding route will test your endurance and cycling skills as you conquer steep mountain passes and picturesque valleys. Highlights include the Zadraga peak and the historic Minimundus miniature park. Cyclists seeking a tough but thrilling adventure will enjoy this route's stunning scenery and challenging terrain.

Picturesque road cycling route with cultural highlights

46 km
248 m

Cycle through the scenic landscape of Carinthia on this 46 km road cycling route from Krumpendorf to Zillhöhe, passing by landmarks like Maria Saal and Predigtstuhl. Enjoy the charming villages and historical sites along the way, offering a glimpse into the region's rich heritage.

Ľahká trasa pre rodiny

47 km
364 m

Nechajte sa uniesť krajinou preniknutú historiou na tejto 47-kilometrovej trase. Prejdite obcou Falkenberg a objavte zvyšky jedného z najstarších kostolov v Európe na Spitalsberg. Krásny výhľad na jazero Wörthersee v Krumpendorfe nechá vaše srdce naplnené radosťou.

Scenic gravel route with a variety of highlights

78 km
1913 m

This 78 km gravel tour near Krumpendorf offers a challenging yet rewarding cycling experience. With 1913 meters of ascent, you will pass through picturesque landscapes and forests. Highlights include the Ferlacher Spitze/Kamnica peak and the historic Schloss Leonstain castle. This route is perfect for adventurous cyclists looking to explore the natural beauty of Kärnten.

Exciting gravel cycling route with scenic highlights

54 km
170 m

Embark on a 54 km gravel cycling adventure from Klagenfurt to Krumpendorf, passing by landmarks like Schloss Kölnhof and Suezecke. Enjoy the rugged terrain and off-road experience, offering a unique perspective of Carinthia's natural beauty.

Cyklistické trasy v okolí:

Blízke regióny:

Obrázok Steiermark

Rozmanité terény pre cyklistiku, vhodné pre rôzne úrovne náročnosti.

Obrázok Salzburg

Nádherná príroda a historické pamiatky, dobre udržiavané cesty.

Obrázok Tirol

Skvelé kopce, horské túry, vysoké kopce.

Obrázok Oberbayern
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).
Obrázok Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen

Cyklistický raj v Dolomitoch

Obrázok Vzhodna Slovenija
Vzhodna Slovenija
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).
Obrázok Zahodna Slovenija
Zahodna Slovenija
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).