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Quaint town with challenging climbs and scenic routes, rich in medieval heritage.

Cyklotrasy od Modigliana

Modigliana is a quaint town in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, offering a mix of challenging climbs and scenic routes for road and gravel cyclists. The town is known for its medieval architecture and artistic heritage, with attractions like the Torre dell'Orologio and the Museo di Arte Sacra della Rocca. Cyclists can explore the nearby hills of Monte Trebbio and Monte Mauro, as well as enjoy panoramic views of the Apennine Mountains. Modigliana is a great destination for cyclists interested in history, art, and challenging rides in a picturesque setting.

Embark on a thrilling gravel bike excursion to the majestic Monte Corno in Emilia-Romagna.

84 km
3580 m

This 84 km route with 3580 m ascent takes you through diverse landscapes, passing highlights such as Rocca dei Conti Guidi, Monte Battaglia, and Monte Mauro. Experience a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents, with stunning views that will leave you in awe of the region's natural beauty.

Embark on an epic road cycling tour through the picturesque landscapes of Emilia-Romagna.

138 km
4083 m

This 138 km route with 4083 m ascent offers a mix of tough climbs and thrilling descents, passing highlights such as Passo del Monte Trebbio, Monte Mirabello, and Monte San Bartolo. Discover the region's natural wonders and historical sites while challenging yourself on this unforgettable road cycling adventure.

Explore the rugged beauty of Emilia-Romagna on this challenging gravel bike route.

109 km
4320 m

This 109 km route with 4320 m ascent takes you through stunning landscapes, passing highlights such as Rocca dei Conti Guidi, Cascata Urlante, and Monte Merli. The route offers a mix of tough climbs and thrilling descents, making it a must-do for gravel bike enthusiasts seeking a true adventure in nature.

Náročná trasa cez kopcovité územia

97 km
1107 m

97 km trasa v okolí Modigliany je ideálna pre milovníkov cyklistiky na ceste. Počas cesty prejdete krásnymi oblasťami a vidieckymi dedinkami, kde si môžete vychutnať miestnu atmosféru.

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey through the rolling hills of Emilia-Romagna to Passo del Monte Trebbio.

77 km
703 m

Cycle 77 km with 703 m of ascent, passing by highlights such as Monte Carla, Faenza, Villanova, and Dovadola. Enjoy the smooth tarmac roads and breathtaking views of the Italian countryside along the way.

92 km trasa s 2423 m stúpania

92 km
2423 m

Zažite náročnú silničnú cyklotrasu okolo Modigliany s 2423 m stúpania na 92 km trase. Počas cesty prejdete krásnymi prírodnými scenériami a historickými pamiatkami, ktoré obohatia vaše cyklistické dobrodružstvo.

Discover the rugged beauty of Emilia-Romagna countryside on this challenging gravel route.

48 km
1616 m

Embark on a 48 km gravel adventure with 1616 m of ascent, passing through picturesque highlights like Rocca dei Conti Guidi and Monte Corno. Enjoy the thrill of off-road cycling and immerse yourself in the stunning natural landscapes of the region.

Embark on an exhilarating road cycling journey through the charming countryside of Emilia-Romagna.

80 km
2100 m

This 80 km route with 2100 m ascent offers a mix of gentle climbs and thrilling descents, passing highlights such as Rocca dei Conti Guidi, Monte Sacco, and Modigliana. Perfect for road cycling enthusiasts looking to explore the region's historical and natural wonders on two wheels.

Explore the picturesque Emilia-Romagna region on this challenging gravel route near Modigliana

47 km
1296 m

This 47 km round-trip gravel cycling route near Modigliana offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes as you climb up to 1296m. With highlights including Ponte della Signora and Rocca dei Conti Guidi, you'll pass through charming villages like Dovadola and Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole. The route also takes you to Monte Castellaccio and Monte La Siba, offering panoramic vistas of the region.

Náročná trasa s 99 km a 3438 m stúpania

99 km
3438 m

Vydajte sa na dobrodružstvo plné stúpaní a zostupov cez kopce a údolia na 99 km trase okolo Modigliany. Počas cesty sa dostanete k niekoľkým vrcholom s úžasnými výhľadmi a k prírodným krásam.

Cyklistické trasy v okolí:

Blízke regióny:

Obrázok Ticino

Krásna príroda a taliansky vplyv v kultúre a kuchyni.

Obrázok Piemonte

Cyklistický raj s náročnými stúpaniami a malebnými výhľadmi.

Obrázok Liguria

Scenic coastal roads and legendary climbs make Liguria a must-visit destination for cyclists.

Obrázok Lombardia

Kopcovitý raj pre cyklistov s úžasnými výhľadmi na Alpy.

Obrázok Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Kráľovstvo cestných a štrkových trás v horskom prostredí severného Talianska.

Obrázok Veneto

Veneto - domov známych stúpaní a scenérií pre cyklistov.

Obrázok Umbria
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).
Obrázok Marche
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).