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Populárne miesto medzi cyklistami s kvalitnými trasami a nádhernými výhľadmi v Bassano del Grappa.

Cyklotrasy od Bassano del Grappa

Bassano del Grappa je populárna lokalita v regióne Veneto pre cyklistov, s bohatými možnosťami pre cestných aj štrkových cyklistov. Mesto je známe svojimi kvalitnými cyklotrasami a nádhernými výhľadmi na okolitú krajinu.

Dlhá a náročná cyklotúra so stúpaním a vzdialenosťou 83 km.

83 km
142 m

Táto trasa vedie cez zaujímavé lokalít Loria, Camposampiero a Campo San Martino, ponúkajúce historické pamiatky a úchvatné výhľady. Vrátite sa naspäť do Bassana del Grappa, kde si môžete dopriať odmenu za náročný výkon v miestnych reštauráciách.

Enjoy a road cycling journey to Villa d'Asolo

57 km
722 m

This road route offers a challenging yet rewarding journey through La Rocca, Crespano del Grappa, and Maser. Highlights include the scenic Forcella Mostaccin and the historic Villa d'Asolo. The route ends in the vibrant town of Bassano del Grappa, known for its cultural attractions and culinary delights.

Immerse yourself in the stunning panoramas of Veneto on this challenging road cycling route near Bassano del Grappa.

105 km
2175 m

This 105 km road cycling route offers an ascent of 2175 m, passing through charming towns like Belvedere Terraglio and Arsiè. Enjoy the breathtaking views of Pove del Grappa and Cismon del Grappa while conquering the challenging climbs. Don't miss the opportunity to explore historic sites like La Gusella and Alano di Piave while admiring the beauty of Monte Tomba and Monte Gallo along the way.

Zaujímavá cyklotúra okolo Monte Gallo s mierne stúpaním a vzdialenosťou 27 km.

27 km
60 m

Táto trasa ponúka pôsobivé výhľady na okolitú prírodu a historické pamiatky. Cestou môžete navštíviť Mussolente a neskôr sa vrátiť späť do Bassana del Grappa. Ideálna trasa pre milovníkov gravelových ciest.

Discover the breathtaking views of the Monte Castellaro and the charming village of Campolongo sul Brenta on this challenging road cycling route near Bassano del Grappa.

132 km
4241 m

This 132 km road cycling route offers a challenging ascent of 4241 m, passing through picturesque towns like Fonzaso and Pedavena. Enjoy the stunning landscapes of Cismon del Grappa and La Gusella along the way. Don't miss the opportunity to explore historic sites like Salzen and Alano di Piave while conquering the Monte Tomba climb. Finish your ride in Mussolente after admiring the scenic beauty of Col Roigo.

Discover the hidden gems along this gravel route

48 km
426 m

This gravel route takes you through Col Roigo, Borso del Grappa, and Possagno, offering a mix of natural landscapes and cultural attractions. Highlights include the picturesque Col Volper and the historic village of Mussolente. The route ends in the charming town of Bassano del Grappa, known for its historic architecture and culinary delights.

Explore the picturesque route to Belvedere Terraglio

44 km
94 m

This gravel route offers a scenic journey through the countryside with highlights including the stunning views from Belvedere and the historic Castello degli Ezzelini. The route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking for a mix of nature and history.

Embark on a road cycling adventure to Breganze

67 km
195 m

This road route takes you through picturesque villages like Cartigliano and Marostica, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Highlights include Belvedere Terraglio, Bressanvido, and the scenic Col di Grado. The route is perfect for road cycling enthusiasts looking for a challenging yet rewarding journey.

Experience the rolling hills and scenic beauty of Marostica on this challenging road cycling route near Bassano del Grappa.

72 km
1799 m

This 72 km road cycling route offers an ascent of 1799 m, passing through picturesque villages like Belvedere Terraglio and Santa Caterina di Lusiana. Enjoy the panoramic views of Marostica and La Montagnola while conquering the challenging climbs. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the charming town of Foza and Solagna while admiring the beauty of Monte Castellaro along the way.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the picturesque landscapes of Veneto, starting near Bassano del Grappa.

74 km
137 m

This 74 km gravel route offers a gentle ascent of 137 m, passing through charming villages like Belvedere Terraglio and Poggiana. Explore the tranquil surroundings of Camposampiero and Santa Giustina in Colle while enjoying the off-road experience. Don't miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Galliera Veneta and Rosà along the way.

Cyklistické trasy v okolí:

Blízke regióny:

Obrázok Kärnten

Krásne výhľady, vhodné pre horské bicykle a gravel.

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Skvelé kopce, horské túry, vysoké kopce.

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Jadranska Hrvatska
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).
Obrázok Lombardia

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Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen

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Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Kráľovstvo cestných a štrkových trás v horskom prostredí severného Talianska.

Obrázok Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Friuli-Venezia Giulia

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Obrázok Zahodna Slovenija
Zahodna Slovenija
Zobraziť odporúčané cyklistické trasy (v angličtine).