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Cyklistická oáza v kopcích

Cyklistické trasy kolem Castel Guelfo di Bologna

Castel Guelfo di Bologna je malé město obklopené kopci a vinicemi v regionu Emilia-Romagna v Itálii. Cyklisté zde najdou malebné cyklostezky a možnosti pro horské výjezdy. V blízkosti se nachází slavné cyklistické stoupání.

Cycle through the countryside to Villa Fontana and Torre della Fossa on this scenic road route

122 km
100 m

With 122 km of road to cover and 100 meters of ascent, this route offers a challenging yet rewarding ride through the picturesque landscape of Emilia-Romagna. Along the way, cyclists will pass by charming villages, historic landmarks, and stunning viewpoints, making it a must-visit for cycling enthusiasts.

Explore the picturesque towns of Medicina and Durazzo on this scenic gravel route

59 km
48 m

This 59 km gravel route offers a peaceful ride through the charming Emilia-Romagna countryside, passing by historic landmarks and lush landscapes. With 48 meters of ascent, cyclists can enjoy a moderate challenge while taking in the beauty of the region.

Scenic road route with gentle climbs and charming villages

125 km
144 m

Discover the beauty of Emilia-Romagna on this 125km road route with 144m of ascent, passing through picturesque towns like Villanova di Bagnacavallo and Castel Bolognese. Highlights include the historic Barisano and the charming village of Castel Bolognese.

Challenging road route with breathtaking views

131 km
1991 m

Embark on a 131km road cycling adventure with 1991m ascent near Castel Guelfo di Bologna. Experience the thrill of conquering steep climbs and enjoy the stunning panoramas along the way.

Unique gravel route with challenging ascent and stunning views

108 km
1470 m

Explore the beautiful Emilia-Romagna region on this 108km gravel route with 1470m of ascent. Highlights include the picturesque Monte La Fine and the scenic Torretta di osservazione lookout point.

Discover the beauty of Piratello and Monte la Pieve on this scenic road route

66 km
592 m

Covering 66 km of road and 592 meters of ascent, this route offers cyclists a challenging yet rewarding ride through the stunning landscape of Emilia-Romagna. With highlights including the charming village of Piratello and the majestic Monte la Pieve, cyclists can enjoy a memorable journey through the region's picturesque countryside.

Embark on a challenging road route to Monte Codronco and Monte Armato

101 km
1293 m

With 101 km of road to cover and 1293 meters of ascent, this route offers experienced cyclists a challenging yet rewarding ride through the rugged terrain of Emilia-Romagna. Highlights include the picturesque Monte Codronco and the majestic Monte Armato, where cyclists can enjoy stunning views and a sense of accomplishment after conquering the challenging ascent.

Adventurous gravel route with scenic highlights

77 km
56 m

Explore the countryside around Castel Guelfo di Bologna on this 77km gravel route with 56m ascent. Enjoy picturesque views and discover hidden gems along the way.

Scenic road route with cultural highlights and lush landscapes

102 km
138 m

Experience the beauty of Emilia-Romagna on this 102km road route with 138m of ascent, passing through historic towns like Ozzano dell'Emilia and Selva Malvezzi. Highlights include the picturesque Lovoleto and the scenic Villa Fontana.

Exciting gravel route with cultural highlights and scenic beauty

93 km
171 m

Embark on a 93km gravel adventure with 171m of ascent, passing through charming villages like San Lazzaro di Savena and Castel Maggiore. Highlights include the historic Oratorio del santissimo sacramento and the picturesque Villa Fontana.

Cyklotrasy v okolí:

Okolní oblasti:

Obrázek Kärnten

Kärnten - cyklistický ráj u alpských jezer.

Obrázek Steiermark

Steiermark - cyklistický ráj ve středním Rakousku.

Obrázek Oberösterreich

Oberösterreich - cyklistika v srdci Rakouska.

Obrázek Salzburg

Salzburg - romantický region pro cyklisty.

Obrázek Tirol

Tirol - cyklistický ráj v rakouských Alpách.

Obrázek Vorarlberg

Vorarlberg - ráj horských cyklistů.

Obrázek Ticino

Exotická cykloturistika pod jihem Švýcarska

Obrázek Liguria

Krásné pobřeží a malebné vesnice ideální pro silniční i gravelové cyklisty.

Obrázek Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Cyklistický ráj v italských Alpách

Obrázek Veneto

Cyklistické dobrodružství v malebném severovýchodním Itálii.

Obrázek Toscana

Království kopců a vín v srdci Itálie

Obrázek Umbria
Zobrazit doporučené cyklistické trasy (v angličtině).
Obrázek Marche
Zobrazit doporučené cyklistické trasy (v angličtině).