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Ustvarjanje spominov z raziskovanjem kolesarskih poti v San Giorgio Piacentino.

Kolesarske poti od San Giorgio Piacentino

San Giorgio Piacentino je čudovita vasica v dolini, obdana z vinogradi in sadovnjaki. Kolesarjenje tukaj omogoča miren pobeg v naravo in odkrivanje lokalnih posebnosti.

Discover the historic castle of Magnano on this road cycling adventure

68 km
1076 m

Embark on a scenic road cycling journey to the majestic castle of Magnano, nestled amidst lush countryside and rolling hills. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and stunning views as you pedal through picturesque villages and charming landscapes. The route offers a perfect balance of cycling challenge and cultural exploration, making it an ideal adventure for cyclists seeking a blend of history and natural beauty. Arrive at Castello di Magnano and immerse yourself in its rich history and architectural splendor, surrounded by breathtaking scenery and tranquil surroundings.

Raziščite skrite zaklade dežele Emilia-Romagna na kolesu

122 km
1784 m

Ta pot je idealna za tiste, ki si želijo izziva in raznolikega terena. Pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite vasi in griče, kjer boste doživeli pristno italijansko gostoljubje in kulinariko. Ne zamudite priložnosti za raziskovanje in odkrivanje novih krajev ob poti.

Challenging road route with stunning views of the Emilia-Romagna countryside

191 km
3778 m

This 191 km road cycling route starting near San Giorgio Piacentino offers a challenging ascent of 3778 m. Along the way, cyclists will pass through picturesque towns such as Carpaneto Piacentino, Castell'Arquato, and Farini. Highlights include the scenic Passo Santa Donna and the historic Ponte dell'Olio. Overall, this route provides a great mix of challenging climbs and beautiful landscapes, making it a must-do for experienced cyclists.

Odkrijte skrite bisere dežele Emilia-Romagna

74 km
112 m

Ta pot vas popelje skozi slikovite kraje Maleo in Caorso, kjer boste uživali v čudoviti naravi in gostoljubju prebivalcev. Ob poti boste našli različne zanimivosti in priložnosti za raziskovanje.

Enjoy a gravel adventure to the scenic village of Podenzano

31 km
177 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling journey through the Emilia-Romagna countryside, passing by vineyards and rolling hills. The route offers a mix of challenging terrain and breathtaking views, culminating in the charming village of Podenzano. Discover the beauty of the region as you pedal through picturesque landscapes and immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance of the countryside.

Izzivna pot skozi čudovite pokrajine in prečudovite vasi

178 km
3488 m

Ta pot je namenjena izkušenim kolesarjem, ki si želijo raznolikega in izzivalnega terena. Pot vas popelje skozi neokrnjeno naravo in vasice z bogato zgodovino. Ob poti se boste srečali z različnimi izzivi in doživetji, ki vam bodo ostali v spominu.

Potovanje skozi slikovite vasi in griče

65 km
232 m

Ta pot vodi mimo čudovitih krajinskih pogledov in tipičnih italijanskih vasi. Uživate lahko v miru in tišini ter odkrivate skrite zaklade dežele Emilia-Romagna. Pot je primerna tako za začetnike kot bolj izkušene kolesarje.

Conquer the challenging ascent to Zavattarello on this road cycling route

160 km
2436 m

Embark on an epic road cycling adventure through the stunning Emilia-Romagna region, tackling challenging ascents and thrilling descents. The route takes you through picturesque villages and scenic countryside, offering breathtaking views and a true test of endurance. Reach the historic village of Zavattarello, perched atop a hill, and immerse yourself in its rich history and charming ambiance. This ride is a perfect blend of cycling challenge and cultural exploration, making it a must-try for avid cyclists and adventure enthusiasts.

Scenic gravel route through ancient Roman ruins and picturesque villages

71 km
1188 m

This 71 km gravel cycling route starting near San Giorgio Piacentino features a moderate ascent of 1188 m. Cyclists will pass through the charming towns of Carpaneto Piacentino and Vigolo Marchese, as well as the ancient Roman ruins of Veleia Romana. Highlights include the historic sites of Vigolo Marchese and Veleia Romana, offering cyclists a glimpse into Italy's rich history. Overall, this route provides a mix of gravel paths, cultural landmarks, and beautiful scenery, making it a unique cycling experience for riders of all levels.

Explore the charming village of Villanova sull'Arda on this road cycling route

71 km
103 m

Embark on a picturesque journey through the Emilia-Romagna region, passing through quaint villages and lush countryside. Enjoy the rolling hills and serene atmosphere as you make your way to Villanova sull'Arda, known for its historic architecture and tranquil surroundings. The route offers a perfect balance of scenic beauty and cycling challenge, making it a delightful adventure for cyclists of all levels.

Kolesarske poti v bližini:

Bližnje regije:

Slika Ticino

Mediterranean climate and diverse terrain

Slika Piemonte

Slikovita pokrajina za cestno kolesarjenje

Slika Liguria

Kolesarjenje ob obali Sredozemskega morja

Slika Lombardia

Kolesarski raj v osrčju italijanskih Alp.

Slika Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Kolesarski raj med gorami in jezeri

Slika Umbria
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Marche
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).