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Kulinarično raziskovanje v okolici Bulgarograssa

Kolesarske poti od Bulgarograsso

Bulgarograsso je majhna vasica v Lombardiji, obdana z gričevjem in vinogradi. Kolesarji lahko uživajo v mirni vožnji po slikoviti pokrajini in odkrivajo lokalne kulinarične posebnosti. Lokalnost je primerna za raziskovanje podeželja in uživanje v naravi.

Discover the hidden gems of Rovellasca on this gravel route

48 km
250 m

Embark on a 48-km gravel adventure starting from Rovellasca, passing through Barlassina, Bregnano, and Cadorago. The route offers a mix of flat sections and moderate climbs, with stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Conquer the hills on this challenging road cycling route

76 km
700 m

Embark on a 76-km road cycling challenge starting from Appiano Gentile, passing through Cairate, Monte Martino, Inarzo, Varese, Belmonte, and Olgiate Comasco. The route offers steep climbs and fast descents, with stunning views of the Alps and the lakes in the region.

Raznolika kolesarska pot z mnogimi vzponi in spusti

86 km
652 m

Ta pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite kraje v Lombardiji, kjer boste lahko občudovali čudovito pokrajino in se preizkusili v različnih vzponih in spustih. Pot vključuje nekaj zahtevnejših odsekov, vendar nagrajuje s prelepimi razgledi in zanimivimi postanki.

Explore the charming countryside near Bulgarograsso on this road cycling route.

54 km
341 m

This 54 km road cycling route offers a pleasant ride through the picturesque Lombardia region, with a total ascent of 341 meters. Enjoy scenic views of the Italian countryside and pass through quaint villages along the way. The route is suitable for cyclists of all levels and provides a great opportunity to experience the local culture and landscape.

Embark on an epic road cycling journey through the stunning Lombardia region.

81 km
2214 m

This 81 km road cycling route showcases the best of Lombardia with a challenging ascent of 2214 meters. Experience breathtaking views, picturesque villages, and scenic mountain passes along the way. Suitable for experienced cyclists, this route offers a true taste of Italian cycling culture and outdoor adventure.

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure through the beautiful countryside near Bulgarograsso.

50 km
348 m

This 50 km gravel route offers a thrilling ride with a total ascent of 348 meters. Traverse rugged terrain and forested paths while exploring the natural beauty of the Lombardia region. The route is ideal for adventurous cyclists looking to challenge themselves and experience off-the-beaten-path landscapes.

Razburljiva kolesarska avantura v Lombardiji

114 km
887 m

Na tej 114 km dolgi cesti boste doživeli različna mesta in pokrajine Lombardije. Pot vas bo popeljala mimo slikovitih Lonate Pozzolo, Suno in Sesto Calende. Ob poti se boste povzpeli na Monte San Giacomo in uživali v čudovitem razgledu iz Belvedere di Azzate. Pot se zaključi v Olgiate Comasco, polna nepozabnih doživetij.

Enjoy a scenic gravel ride through the picturesque landscapes of Lombardia, from Bulgarograsso to Appiano Gentile.

50 km
568 m

Cycle 50 km through Tradate, Locate Varesino, and finally Appiano Gentile. Experience the thrill of off-road cycling as you navigate challenging terrains and rugged trails. Marvel at the natural beauty of the region, with its rolling hills and lush greenery. Perfect for adventurous cyclists looking to explore the hidden gems of Lombardia.

Pustolovščina po makadamskih cestah s številnimi presenečenji

66 km
349 m

Ta pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite kraje in vas navdušila s svojimi raznolikimi tereni. Idealna za ljubitelje gravel kolesarjenja in raziskovanja manj znanih poti. Pot vključuje nekaj zahtevnejših odsekov, vendar nagrajuje s prelepimi razgledi in edinstvenimi doživetji.

Embark on an epic gravel cycling expedition from Bulgarograsso to Como, exploring rugged terrains and breathtaking views.

80 km
2134 m

Ride 80 km through Lurate Caccivio, La Pioggera, Riva San Vitale, I Doss, San Fedele Intelvi, Sasso Gordona, Colma del Bugone, and Como. Experience the thrill of off-road cycling as you conquer challenging trails and rough terrain. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lombardia, with its rolling hills and dense forests.

Kolesarske poti v bližini:

Bližnje regije:

Slika Vorarlberg

Odkrijte čarobne cestne poti Vorarlberga!

Slika Ostschweiz

Rolling countryside and quiet roads

Slika Ticino

Mediterranean climate and diverse terrain

Slika Piemonte

Slikovita pokrajina za cestno kolesarjenje

Slika Liguria

Kolesarjenje ob obali Sredozemskega morja

Slika Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen

Cycling paradise in the heart of the Dolomites.

Slika Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Kolesarski raj med gorami in jezeri

Slika Veneto

Kolesarski raj z raznolikimi tereni in kulturnimi znamenitostmi.

Slika Emilia-Romagna

Gorski izzivi in kulinarični užitki v enem