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Prijazna vasica z možnostmi za družinsko kolesarjenje.

Kolesarske poti od Buchrain

Buchrain v regiji Zentralschweiz je prijetna vasica, ki nudi nekaj priložnosti za kolesarjenje v okolici. Okolica je primerna za družinske izlete in rekreativno kolesarjenje. V bližini so tudi nezahtevni klanci za tiste, ki iščejo več izziva.

Odkrijte skrite zaklade Zentralschweiza na 82 km dolgi kolesarski poti

82 km
1032 m

Ta pot vas bo popeljala skozi zgodovinske kraje in slikovite pokrajine ob jezeru. Obiščite Schloss Hallwyl in se sprehodite po čudovitem gradu. Pot je primeren za kolesarje, ki si želijo združiti rekreacijo s kulturnim doživetjem.

Challenging gravel route with significant ascent and a distance of 75 km

75 km
1118 m

This challenging gravel cycling expedition offers riders steep climbs and rugged terrain, making it ideal for experienced cyclists seeking an adrenaline-pumping adventure. Highlights along the route include Gisikon, Guggi, and the picturesque Zug. Cyclists can soak in the stunning natural beauty of the Swiss countryside and push their limits as they conquer the demanding climbs and thrilling descents of this exhilarating cycling route.

Odkrijte lepote narave na 75 km dolgi kolesarski poti

75 km
990 m

Ta pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite pokrajine in mirne gozdove Zentralschweiza. Ustavite se v Affoltern am Albis in spoznajte lokalno kulturo in tradicijo. Pot je primerna za kolesarje, ki si želijo prijeten izlet v naravo.

Challenging gravel route with significant ascent and a distance of 91 km

91 km
1812 m

This gravel cycling loop is ideal for experienced riders looking for a challenge, with steep climbs and rugged terrain. The route passes through Gletschergarten-Turm, Lucerne, and Rotzberg, offering diverse landscapes and historical sites to explore. Cyclists can enjoy breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region as they traverse the picturesque countryside.

Raziščite manj znane kotičke Zentralschweiza na 27 km dolgi makadamski poti

27 km
336 m

Ta 27 km dolga pot vas popelje po slikoviti pokrajini Zentralschweiza, kjer obiščete Gletschergarten-Turm, Sonnenberg z znamenitim razglediščem in značilno rotzberško vasico. Uživajte v miru in tišini narave ter občutite pristno švicarsko podeželje na tej kratki a čarobni kolesarski turi.

Scenic gravel route with moderate ascent and a distance of 74 km

74 km
764 m

This gravel cycling adventure takes riders through picturesque landscapes and charming villages, providing a mix of climbs and flat sections for a diverse riding experience. Highlights along the route include Inwil, Flutmulde, and the tranquil Aesch LU. Cyclists can enjoy the serene countryside and immerse themselves in the beauty of the Swiss countryside as they pedal through winding roads and scenic trails.

Odkrijte skrite poti ob jezeru na 63 km dolgi gravel kolesarski poti

63 km
840 m

Ta pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite pokrajine in neokrnjeno naravo ob jezeru. Ustavite se na Chappelerberg in uživajte v razgledu na jezero. Pot je primerna za kolesarje, ki si želijo avanturistično doživetje v naravi.

Scenic road route with moderate ascent and a distance of 46 km

46 km
616 m

This road cycling route offers picturesque views and a moderate climb, making it suitable for intermediate cyclists. The highlights along the way include Buchrain, Hochdorf, and the charming village of Auw. Riders can enjoy the beautiful Swiss countryside and experience the local culture as they pedal through towns and villages.

Scenic gravel route with moderate ascent and a distance of 49 km

49 km
1209 m

This gravel cycling route offers a mix of moderate climbs and flat sections, making it suitable for riders of all skill levels. Highlights include Männliturm, Littau, and the picturesque Schwarzenberg. Cyclists can enjoy the peaceful countryside and charming villages along the way, immersing themselves in the natural beauty of Switzerland.

Odkrijte čarobnost ob obrežju Vierwaldstättersee

142 km
3179 m

Ta 142 km dolga pot vas bo popeljala skozi slikovite kraje ob jezeru, s številnimi točkami za fotografiranje in čudovitimi razgledi. Pot vas bo popeljala tudi skozi zgodovinske kraje, kot je Tellsplatte, ter skozi čudovito naravo Zentralschweiza.

Kolesarske poti v bližini:

Bližnje regije:

Slika Région lémanique
Région lémanique

Stunning views of Lake Geneva

Slika Espace Mittelland
Espace Mittelland

Rolling hills and lush countryside

Slika Nordwestschweiz

Flat river valleys and challenging climbs

Slika Zürich

Urban cycling paths and scenic routes

Slika Ostschweiz

Rolling countryside and quiet roads

Slika Ticino

Mediterranean climate and diverse terrain

Slika Freiburg
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Piemonte

Slikovita pokrajina za cestno kolesarjenje

Slika Liechtenstein
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).