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Večje mesto z nekaj kolesarskimi potmi

Kolesarske poti od Kloten

Kloten je večje mesto v Zürichu z nekaj možnostmi za kolesarjenje po okolici. V bližini so nekatere manj znane poti in vzponi, primerni za rekreativno vožnjo. Kljub temu ni med najbolj priljubljenimi kolesarskimi destinacijami v regiji.

Discover the beauty of Zürich and its surroundings on this 95 km route

95 km
1169 m

Cycle through picturesque landscapes and charming villages, including Pfäffikon ZH, Hirzel, and Thalwil. A great opportunity to explore the Swiss nature and culture.

Embark on an adventure through a diverse landscape filled with historical landmarks

101 km
1341 m

This road route features highlights such as Monte Diggelmann, the Whiskypass, and the ancient town of Baden. With a total ascent of 1341m, this 101km loop offers a mix of challenging climbs and rewarding descents, making it ideal for intermediate cyclists.

Premagajte 976 metrov vzpona v 73 kilometrih razburljive kolesarske poti.

73 km
976 m

Izzivalna cestna pot, primerna za športne navdušence, ki uživajo v dolgih vožnjah prek razgibanih terenov. Pot vas bo vodila skozi slikovite vasi in mimo zanimivih znamenitosti ter vam omogočila nagrado v obliki zahtevnega spusta nazaj do izhodišča. Idealna kombinacija narave in trdih kolesarskih izzivov.

Raziščite slikovito pokrajino z 860 metri vzpona v 84 kilometrih vožnje.

84 km
860 m

Uživajte v zahtevnem vzponu skozi idilično pokrajino s številnimi kolesarskimi izzivi. Pot vas bo popeljala mimo slikovitih naselij in razglednih točk ter se zaključila z zahtevnim spustom nazaj k izhodišču. Odlična izbira za navdušene in izkušene kolesarje.

Raziščite slikovite pokrajine in prečudovite razglede na Zürich

66 km
969 m

Ta 66 km dolga pot vas bo vodila skozi čudovite kraje, kot so Chäferberg, Mutschellenpass in Sulperg. Čudovita priložnost za odkrivanje švicarske narave.

Experience the beauty of the Zurich Lake region on a challenging road cycling route

127 km
1720 m

This road route takes you from Kloten to Zurich, passing through scenic highlights such as Pfäffikersee, Rüti ZH, and the charming town of Lachen. With a total ascent of 1720m, this 127km loop offers a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents, making it ideal for cyclists looking for a thrilling ride with breathtaking views of the lake and surrounding mountains.

Journey through Zurich's outskirts and countryside villages

92 km
1823 m

This gravel route takes you on a scenic journey through the outskirts of Zurich, passing by charming villages such as Oberlunkhofen and Niederwil. You will also ride through picturesque landscapes with rolling hills and lush greenery. Along the way, you can stop at highlights like Fallätsche Buch and Hürst to enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The route offers a good challenge with a total ascent of 1823 meters and a distance of 92 kilometers.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the scenic countryside

88 km
1403 m

This gravel route takes you through rugged terrain, offering stunning views of the Irchel Tower, Trullikon, and the peaceful village of Hasenbüel. With a total ascent of 1403m, this 88km loop is perfect for experienced off-road cyclists looking for a challenging and rewarding ride.

Explore the countryside and medieval towns on this gravel adventure

95 km
1380 m

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure that takes you through the picturesque Swiss countryside and medieval towns. Ride past iconic landmarks like Observation Deck E and Glattfelden, and enjoy panoramic views from Beringer Randenturm. The route offers a total ascent of 1380 meters over 95 kilometers, providing a good challenge for gravel enthusiasts.

Embark on an off-road cycling adventure through scenic landscapes

88 km
630 m

This gravel route takes you through challenging terrain, offering stunning views of Wetzikon, Gerbel, and the picturesque town of Richterswil. With a total ascent of 630m, this 88km loop is perfect for intermediate off-road cyclists looking for a mix of natural beauty and outdoor adventure.

Kolesarske poti v bližini:

Bližnje regije:

Slika Vorarlberg

Odkrijte čarobne cestne poti Vorarlberga!

Slika Espace Mittelland
Espace Mittelland

Rolling hills and lush countryside

Slika Nordwestschweiz

Flat river valleys and challenging climbs

Slika Ostschweiz

Rolling countryside and quiet roads

Slika Zentralschweiz

Scenic lakes and challenging mountain passes

Slika Freiburg
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Tübingen
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Schwaben
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Liechtenstein
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).