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Raznolike možnosti za kolesarje v mestu Uster.

Kolesarske poti od Uster

Uster je mesto v kantonu Zürich, ki ponuja številne možnosti za kolesarje, vključno s kolesarskimi potmi in cestami. Okolica mesta je primerna za gorsko kolesarjenje in raziskovanje narave. Kolesarji lahko uživajo v lepih pokrajinah in mirnem okolju med vožnjo po Ustru.

Doživite raznoliko pot od Seegräbena do Jone z mnogimi vrhovi in znamenitostmi

113 km
1828 m

Ta 113 km dolga pot vas bo popeljala skozi raznolike pokrajine z veliko vzponi in spusti. Uživajte v razgledu na Chilchberg in si ogledajte zgodovinski Schlossgarten. Ne zamudite Galgenena in se zapeljite mimo Gugelberga ter si oglejte Innerthal in Vorderthal. Pot vas bo popeljala tudi do Johannisberga in Juheea za res pristno kolesarsko izkušnjo.

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure through the rugged terrain near Uster.

62 km
641 m

This challenging gravel cycling route near Uster takes you through diverse landscapes, from rocky paths to dense forests. With significant ascent and a longer distance, it is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking a rewarding challenge. The route includes stunning viewpoints, cascading waterfalls, and peaceful meadows, offering a true outdoor escapade.

Experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Uster on this challenging gravel route.

90 km
1278 m

This gravel cycling route near Uster combines rugged terrain with cultural landmarks, offering a unique cycling experience. With significant ascent and a longer distance, it is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for an adventurous journey. Explore ancient ruins, tranquil riversides, and lush forests as you pedal through the scenic countryside.

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure through the idyllic countryside near Uster.

56 km
583 m

This road cycling route near Uster offers a delightful mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions. With moderate ascent and a manageable distance, it is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Pedal past charming villages, serene lakes, and lush vineyards, soaking in the peaceful ambiance of the Swiss countryside. Don't miss the opportunity to explore historical landmarks and scenic viewpoints along the way.

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure from Uster, covering 129 km of diverse terrain and stunning landscapes.

129 km
2224 m

Experience an exhilarating 129 km road cycling tour with 2224 m of ascent, passing through Mönchaltorf, Bochslen, Wollerau, Morgartenberg, Letziturm, Oberarth, Hochwacht, Inwil, Baarburg, Oberrieden, Kirche Enge, and Pfaffhausen. This route is perfect for road cyclists seeking a rewarding challenge and breathtaking views along the way.

Pustolovska pot po manj znanih kotičkih okoli Usterja

38 km
324 m

Ta pot ponuja raznoliko krajino in obilico zanimivih postankov, vključno z zgodovinskimi znamenitostmi in slikovitimi razgledi na jezero. Nežna vožnja po nekoliko zahtevnejših terenih, ki vas bo popeljala skozi gorske prelaze in gozdne steze.

Ustvarjalna pot polna raznolikosti in izzivov za cestna kolesa

85 km
1240 m

Ta dolga pot vas popelje skozi slikovite vasi in mesta v okolici Usterja, kjer lahko občudujete prelepe razglede in doživite pristno švicarsko kulturno dediščino. Z nekaj več vzponi in spusti vabijo adrenalinski navdušenci na nepozabno kolesarsko avanturo.

Explore the picturesque gravel paths near Uster with stunning scenery and natural beauty.

37 km
752 m

Embark on a thrilling 37 km gravel cycling route with 752 m of ascent, passing through Riedikon, Erlenbach, and Greifensee. The route offers a perfect mix of challenging terrain and scenic views, making it an ideal adventure for gravel enthusiasts.

Pozdravite idilično jezero Pfäffikersee na tej kolesarski poti

86 km
1387 m

Ta pot vas popelje skozi slikovite predele s številnimi vzponi in spusti, ki obetajo vznemirljivo doživetje za ljubitelje cestnega kolesarjenja. Uživajte v razgledu na Sternenberg in se prepustite naravnim lepotam ob poti. Obiščite tudi Lichtensteig in se čudite lepoti Iberga ter šarmu Bertschikona (Gossau ZH).

Explore the charming villages and beautiful landscapes near Uster on this road cycling route.

48 km
508 m

This road cycling route near Uster offers a delightful journey through picturesque villages and scenic countryside. You will encounter historic landmarks, serene lakes, and lush green fields along the way. With moderate ascent and a manageable distance, it is perfect for cyclists of all levels. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Ritterhaus Ürikon, an ancient knight's house with a fascinating history.

Kolesarske poti v bližini:

Bližnje regije:

Slika Vorarlberg

Odkrijte čarobne cestne poti Vorarlberga!

Slika Espace Mittelland
Espace Mittelland

Rolling hills and lush countryside

Slika Nordwestschweiz

Flat river valleys and challenging climbs

Slika Ostschweiz

Rolling countryside and quiet roads

Slika Zentralschweiz

Scenic lakes and challenging mountain passes

Slika Freiburg
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Tübingen
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Schwaben
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).
Slika Liechtenstein
Oglejte si priporočene kolesarske poti (v angleščini).