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Rentouttavaa pyöräilyä viinimailla.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Oggau

Oggau on ihanteellinen paikka maantie- ja soratiepyöräilyyn Burgenlandissa. Alueella on tasaisia teitä ja kauniita maisemia tutkittavaksi. Lähialueella on myös viinitarhoja ja mahdollisuus maistella paikallisia herkkuja.

Enjoy a leisurely gravel ride through the peaceful Burgenland countryside

47 km
149 m

This 47 km route offers gentle ascents and scenic views of the surrounding landscape. Pass through charming villages like Siegendorf/Cindrof and Goldberg. Take a moment to admire the Pestsäule monument and soak in the tranquility of the region.

Embark on a road cycling adventure through the diverse landscapes near Oggau, filled with cultural and natural highlights.

84 km
495 m

Pedal through the enchanting Papstkreuz forest and visit historic landmarks like Kleinhöflein and Ebreichsdorf. Take in the beauty of Mitterndorf an der Fischa and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of Hof am Leithaberge before reaching the picturesque village of Schützen am Gebirge.

Monipuolinen reitti Burgenlandin kauniissa maisemissa

43 km
487 m

Tämä 43 km pitkä maantiepyöräreitti tarjoaa upeita näkymiä ja historiallisia kohteita matkan varrella. Matkan varrella voit tutustua mm. Schützen am Gebirgeen, Stotzingiin ja Großer Bergiin. Reitin varrella on mukavaa korkeuseroa, mutta maisemat palkitsevat jokaisen pyöräilijän.

Experience the rugged beauty of Burgenland on this gravel adventure

86 km
995 m

Tackle challenging ascents and enjoy breathtaking views along this 86 km gravel route. Pass through picturesque villages such as Trautmannsdorf an der Leitha and Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge. Finish your ride in Oggau am Neusiedler See, where you can relax by the lake and reflect on your cycling achievement.

Experience the beauty of the Burgenland countryside on this scenic road cycling route near Oggau.

39 km
183 m

Cycle through picturesque landscapes, passing by historical sites like Schloss Esterházy and Goldberg. Enjoy the gentle ascent to Schützen am Gebirge and take in the serene ambiance of the region.

Embark on a gravel cycling journey through the rugged terrain near Oggau, filled with natural beauty and cultural highlights.

72 km
478 m

Explore the enchanting landscapes of Burgenland, passing through quaint villages like Sommerein and Bruck an der Leitha. Challenge yourself with the ascent to Jungerberg and enjoy the serene surroundings of Oggau am Neusiedler See at the end of your ride.

Discover the picturesque landscapes near Oggau on this challenging road cycling route.

74 km
629 m

Explore the beautiful Burgenland region, passing through charming villages like Sopronkőhida and Rohrbach bei Mattersburg. Admire the stunning views from Dreimarkstein and marvel at the historic Pestsäule monument. Finish your journey in Schützen am Gebirge after a rewarding ascent.

Embark on a road cycling adventure to the stunning Neusiedler See

120 km
612 m

This 120 km road route offers a mix of smooth tarmac and scenic countryside views. Pass through historic landmarks like Eisenstadt and Purbach am Neusiedler See. Stop for a break in Oggau am Neusiedler See and enjoy the serene beauty of the lake.

Embark on a gravel cycling expedition to the ancient Ruine Scharfeneck

74 km
798 m

Experience the thrill of tackling challenging ascents and rugged terrain on this 74 km gravel route. Pass through historic landmarks like Eisenstadt and Donnerskirchen. Visit the impressive Ruine Scharfeneck and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of Burgenland on this gravel route

61 km
296 m

Cycle through lush countryside and charming villages on this 61 km gravel adventure. Pass by the shimmering waters of Lake Neusiedl and discover hidden gems like Zeilerberg and Breitenbrunn. Enjoy a relaxing break in Bruck an der Leitha and take in the peaceful atmosphere of the region.

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