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Mukavia pyöräilypolkuja Länsi-Suomessa

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Vampula

Vampula tarjoaa mukavia pyöräilypolkuja Länsi-Suomen maisemissa. Alueen maastot sopivat hyvin sekä maantie- että maastopyöräilyyn. Vampula on suosittu pyöräilykohde alueen asukkaiden keskuudessa.

Discover the landscapes between Kankaanpää and Raijala

68 km
116 m

This road cycling route takes cyclists through Kankaanpää, St. Henry's Island, Raijala, Mauriala, and Vampula. With a total ascent of 116m and a distance of 68km, cyclists will enjoy the scenic views and cultural attractions along the way.

Experience the rural charm of Western Finland on this 69 km gravel route

69 km
346 m

Ride through scenic countryside landscapes, passing by the quaint villages of Virttaa and Oripää. With a moderate ascent of 346 meters, this route offers a good mix of challenge and relaxation for gravel cyclists. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Vampula and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Finnish countryside on this memorable cycling adventure.

Enjoy a scenic road ride from Virttaa to Yläne

70 km
291 m

This road cycling route takes cyclists from Virttaa to Yläne, with a total ascent of 291m and a distance of 70km. The route offers beautiful views of the Finnish countryside and small villages along the way.

Embark on a 142 km road cycling adventure through the heart of Western Finland

142 km
715 m

Experience the diverse landscapes of Finland, from rolling hills to serene lakeside views. With a challenging ascent of 715 meters, this route is ideal for cyclists looking for a more demanding ride. Pass through historic towns and villages, including Punkalaidun, Minkiö, Ypäjä, Hirvikoski, Alastaro, and Vampula.

Discover the scenic beauty of Western Finland on this 63 km road route

63 km
78 m

Cycle through quaint villages and lush greenery, with a total ascent of 78 meters. Pass by the historical town of Lauttakylä and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the Finnish countryside. This route offers a relaxing and enjoyable cycling experience for road biking enthusiasts.

Explore the natural beauty of Western Finland on this 119 km gravel route

119 km
326 m

Cycle through forests and along rivers, passing by the peaceful lakeside of Houhajärvi and Sammaljoki. With a moderate ascent of 326 meters, this route offers a good balance of challenge and enjoyment for gravel riders. Discover the hidden gems of Punkalaidun and experience the tranquility of Vampula on this scenic cycling adventure.

Challenging road cycling through Alastaro and Oripää

110 km
472 m

This road cycling route offers a challenging ride through Alastaro, Karhula, Pesänsuo, Kyrö, Oripää, and Virttaa. With a total ascent of 472m and a distance of 110km, cyclists will experience diverse landscapes and charming villages along the way.

Explore the gravel roads around Vampula

101 km
484 m

This gravel cycling route offers an adventurous journey through the countryside near Vampula. With a total ascent of 484m and a distance of 101km, cyclists will ride through forests, fields, and small villages, experiencing the beauty of the Finnish nature.

Picturesque road cycling through Virttaa and surroundings

76 km
377 m

This road cycling route offers scenic views of Virttaa and its beautiful surroundings. With a total ascent of 377m and a distance of 76km, cyclists will enjoy the peaceful countryside and charming villages along the way.

Explore the beautiful Finnish countryside on this 66 km gravel route

66 km
116 m

Ride through forests and fields, passing by the charming village of Sampu. Enjoy the peaceful nature and experience the local rural life along the way. The route includes a moderate ascent of 116 meters, providing a good challenge for gravel riders.

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