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Monipuolisia reittejä ja kauniita maisemia pyöräilijöille.

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Settimo Milanese

Settimo Milanese tarjoaa hyviä pyöräilymahdollisuuksia Lombardiassa. Alueella on monipuolisia reittejä ja kauniita maisemia, jotka tekevät pyöräilystä miellyttävää. Lähellä sijaitsee myös joitain tunnettuja pyöräilykohteita ja haastavia nousuja, jotka houkuttelevat aktiivisia pyöräilijöitä.

Discover the charming countryside on this 43 km gravel route

43 km
53 m

This 43 km gravel route takes you through picturesque landscapes from Settimo Milanese to Arluno and Parabiago. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and the beauty of the Italian countryside as you cycle along this scenic path. The route offers a mix of terrain, with some challenging ascents and rewarding downhill sections. Don't miss the chance to explore the quaint villages and rural areas along the way, making for a memorable cycling experience.

Embark on a scenic 79 km road cycling journey through Trezzano sul Naviglio

79 km
58 m

Discover the beauty of Lombardia on this 79 km road cycling tour from Settimo Milanese to Trezzano sul Naviglio, Abbiategrasso, and back. Enjoy the smooth roads and gentle gradients as you pedal through picturesque countryside and charming villages. The route offers a relaxing and enjoyable ride, perfect for cyclists of all skill levels. Take your time to soak in the tranquil surroundings and immerse yourself in the authentic Italian culture along the way, making this a delightful cycling experience.

Pitkä reitti San Martinon Siccomarion ja Settimo Milaneseen

128 km
167 m

Tämä 128 km:n mittainen reitti vie sinut läpi Lombardian maaseudun ja viehättävien pikkukylien. Matkan varrella voit pysähtyä ihailemaan Trezzanon sul Naviglion vehreitä maisemia ja nauttia Gambolòn idyllisestä tunnelmasta ennen paluuta Settimo Milaneseen.

Explore the countryside on this 76 km gravel loop from Settimo Milanese

76 km
70 m

Embark on a 76 km gravel route from Ronchetto sul Naviglio to Rozzano, Gaggiano, and back to Settimo Milanese. Enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the Italian countryside as you cycle through picturesque landscapes and quaint villages. The route offers a mix of terrain, with some challenging climbs and fast descents, providing a thrilling cycling experience. Don't miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems and local treasures along the way, making this a truly memorable journey for cycling enthusiasts.

Matka luonnonkauniilla reiteillä Desion ja Monte Stellan välillä

74 km
212 m

Tällä 74 km:n matkalla pääset ihastelemaan Lombardian luontoa ja maisemia. Reitti kulkee Desion vehreiden metsien kautta Bresson kukkulalle ja päättyy Monte Stellan huipulle, josta avautuvat upeat näköalat ympäröivään maisemaan.

Experience the diversity of Lombardia on this road cycling loop through Belvedere, Nova Milanese, Arcore, Trezzo sull'Adda, Pozzuolo Martesana, Punto di osservazione del canneto, San Donato Milanese, and Corsico.

118 km
224 m

Covering a distance of 118 km with a challenging ascent of 224 meters, this road cycling route offers a mix of urban exploration and countryside scenery. From the historical landmarks of Nova Milanese to the natural beauty of the Canale Adda river, cyclists will be treated to a variety of sights and experiences along the way. Suitable for intermediate riders looking for a scenic adventure near Settimo Milanese.

Embark on a gravel adventure through Settimo Milanese, Rozzano, Bornasco, Torre d'Isola, Bereguardo, and Trezzano sul Naviglio.

101 km
129 m

With a challenging ascent of 129 meters over 101 km, this gravel route offers a true test of endurance for experienced cyclists. You will encounter diverse terrain and stunning landscapes, including the historic town of Bornasco and the scenic views of Torre d'Isola. This route is perfect for those seeking a thrilling off-road cycling experience in Lombardia.

Explore the beautiful towns of Gaggiano, Abbiategrasso, and Bareggio on this scenic road cycling route near Settimo Milanese.

50 km
38 m

This 50 km road cycling route offers a moderate ascent of 38 meters through charming Lombardia landscapes. You will pass by the picturesque town of Cascine Olona and enjoy the countryside views along the way. Suitable for cyclists of all levels, this route is a perfect way to experience the beauty of the Italian countryside on two wheels.

Matka historiallisista kohteista Monte Stellan ja Bucinascon kautta

79 km
105 m

Tämä 79 km:n mittainen reitti vie sinut läpi Lombardian historian ja kulttuurin. Pääset tutustumaan Monte Stellan näköalapaikkaan ja nauttimaan upeista maisemista Pantigliatessa. Matkan varrella voit ihailla Carpianon vehreitä puistoja ennen saapumistasi Buccinascossa, johon reitti päättyy.

Embark on a 61 km gravel adventure through Senago and Nova Milanese

61 km
105 m

Experience the natural beauty of Lombardia on this 61 km gravel route through Senago, Nova Milanese, Bresso, and San Siro. Marvel at the stunning scenery as you cycle through lush forests and rolling hills. The route features some challenging climbs and thrilling descents, offering a great workout for experienced cyclists. Take in the sights of picturesque villages and historic landmarks along the way, making this a truly unforgettable cycling journey.

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