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Suosittu pyöräilykohde

Pyöräilyreitit alkaen Rivoli

Rivoli sijaitsee Piemonten alueella Italiassa ja on suosittu pyöräilykohde. Alueelta löytyy monipuolisia reittejä niin maantielle kuin hiekkateille. Lähistöllä on tunnettuja pyöräilykohteita ja legendaarisia nousuja, kuten Colle del Nivolet. Rivoli on suosittu pyöräilyretkikohde alueella.

Exciting gravel route through scenic landscapes and charming villages

68 km
679 m

Embark on an exciting gravel adventure through picturesque villages, lush landscapes, and stunning mountains. Highlights include the charming village of San Gillio, the peaceful town of Fiano, and the scenic Lanzo Torinese. Journey to the top of Monte Castello for panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and distant mountains. Enjoy the beauty of Givoletto, a quaint village with traditional architecture and friendly locals along this thrilling gravel route.

Challenging road route with stunning panoramic views and picturesque villages

87 km
1672 m

Experience a demanding ride with significant elevation gain through the charming Italian countryside. Highlights include the panoramic tower in Rivoli, the scenic Monte Bruiero, and the quaint village of Rubiana. Don't miss the breathtaking views from Monte Arpone and the delightful town of Vernai along the way.

Adventurous gravel route with panoramic views near Rivoli.

46 km
389 m

An adventurous gravel cycling route from Rivoli to Truc Mortè, passing through Avigliana and Ponata. The route offers challenging ascents and breathtaking panoramic views of the Piemonte region. Explore ancient towers, rocky landscapes, and picturesque Italian villages along the way.

Tutustu maaseudun kauneuteen 48 kilometrin pituisella sora-/metsäpyöräreitillä

48 km
354 m

Tämä 48 kilometriä pitkä sora- ja metsäpyöräreitti tarjoaa maalaismainen kokemuksen Pyhän Gillion viehättävässä ympäristössä. Matkan varrella voit ihailla vehreitä metsiä ja kauniita maisemia. Reitin varrella kulkee myös historiallisia kyliä ja nähtävyyksiä, kuten San Gillio ja Robassomero. Tämä reitti on täydellinen valinta maastopyöräharrastajille, jotka haluavat tutustua alueen luontoon ja kulttuuriin.

Scenic road route through picturesque villages and rolling hills

63 km
190 m

Enjoy a leisurely ride through the idyllic Italian countryside, passing through charming villages and beautiful landscapes. Highlights include the quaint village of Tetti Valfrè, the historic town of Piobesi Torinese, and the picturesque village of Piossasco. Experience the beauty of the Italian countryside and immerse yourself in the local culture along this delightful route.

Scenic gravel route through the countryside near Rivoli.

39 km
225 m

A short gravel cycling route from Rivoli to Grugliasco, passing by Collegno and Turin. The route offers gentle ascents and peaceful countryside views. Enjoy a relaxing ride through vineyards, fields, and charming Italian villages.

Vaeltele kauniiden maisemien halki Rivolista Torinoon

80 km
590 m

Tämä 80 kilometriä pitkä tienpyöräilyreitti tarjoaa upeita näkymiä Piemonten maaseudulle. Matkan varrella voit ihailla historiallisia kyliä ja kauniita maisemia. Reitin varrella kulkee myös erilaisia kulttuurihistoriallisia nähtävyyksiä, kuten Monte Calvo ja Carignano. Kokonaisuudessaan reitti tarjoaa monipuolisen ja mielenkiintoisen kokemuksen pyöräilijöille.

Epic road adventure through historic towns and scenic countryside

147 km
1242 m

Embark on an epic cycling journey through historic towns, charming villages, and breathtaking landscapes. Highlights include the picturesque village of Savonera, the historic town of San Mauro Torinese, the scenic Bric Pietraforata, and the charming village of Castelnuovo Don Bosco. Explore the beauty of Villafranca d'Asti, the quaint town of Poirino, and the delightful village of Villastellone along the way. Indulge in the rich history and culture of Moncalieri, Beinasco, and Tetti Neirotti as you pedal through the stunning Italian countryside.

Off-road adventure through hills and valleys near Rivoli.

71 km
701 m

A gravel cycling route from Rivoli to Tetti Neirotti, passing through Turin, Chieri, and Moncalieri. The route offers a challenging ascent with stunning views of the Piemonte landscape. Explore historical landmarks, charming villages, and rolling hills along the way.

Haunting historical sites and lush countryside await on this road cycling adventure.

105 km
212 m

A picturesque journey from Rivoli to Rivalta di Torino, passing by Castello di Rivoli and other charming villages. The route offers a moderate ascent with beautiful views of the Piemonte region. Explore ancient castles, vineyards, and quaint Italian towns along the way.

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Région lémanique

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